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gandalf the white

Turning OFP into your favourite game!

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ragdolls arent possible.

at least dynamic ones.

it is possible to bind animations to hit-points.

eg if left arm is hit the model does this and this animation.

also an improved fatigue model is possible that way.

(eg dismemberments)

tried this and it works fine.

but a "real" ragdoll isnt possible in ofp

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If you look for the addons from which those ironsights are coming from :

The M249 and the M16 ones are made by Earl and are included in the Marine Assault Pack

The aimpoint one i think is made by Benus and comes from the FFUR replacement mod, but i don't know which version exactly.

If i remember well, the last one for the M60 comes from InQUisiToR high detail weapon pack

Most (if not all) the replacement mods are using customised ironsights, either those or different ones, and several standalone addons are using them too, like Laser weapons for his units.

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installed OFP after quite a long time smile_o.gif I've been using GRAA replacement mod cause it totally rocks notworthy.gif the only problem is that it changes only people models.

The question is are there any mods out there that replace vehicles and aircraft like GRAA replaces people models and leaves everything else like good old vanilla OFP? icon_rolleyes.gif

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Does anyone still happen to have the Material Properties addon on their HD's? Can't find it anywhere anymore and I'd like to take a look at it.

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Not sure if it is this one as i remember there was some different material addon, but you can find Lupus material addon on the bottom of this page

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Cheers Sanctuary! I think that's it, at least close to the one I was looking for if not. Will check it out.

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sorry for asking tounge2.gif

anyway, what is the "materials addons" for? i was unable to find it...the links are invalid..

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I don't know but ArmA and OFP just have different feels to them. ArmA reminds me more of Americas Army in terms of graphics and detail. Anyone else agree?

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I don't know but ArmA and OFP just have different feels to them. ArmA reminds me more of Americas Army in terms of graphics and detail. Anyone else agree?

I can agree. Armed Assault reminds me of Americas Army too, partially because of both games' bugs ( tounge2.gif ) and also because of graphics. But OFP...it reminds me the good old times. wink_o.gif

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I don't know but ArmA and OFP just have different feels to them. ArmA reminds me more of Americas Army in terms of graphics and detail. Anyone else agree?

I can agree. Armed Assault reminds me of Americas Army too, partially because of both games' bugs ( tounge2.gif ) and also because of graphics. But OFP...it reminds me the good old times. wink_o.gif

Hecka, I mean, OFP has a whole different feel and now that FFUR 08 has been released its even better, i'm picking up where I left off on COld War and Resistance, and I have yet to play Red Hammer still!! I guess with ArmA , it just seems like there's a lot of addons or things left out, there is something about ArmA that seems so incomplete about it. I think the graphics makes up for that though.

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I don't know but ArmA and OFP just have different feels to them. ArmA reminds me more of Americas Army in terms of graphics and detail. Anyone else agree?

I can agree. Armed Assault reminds me of Americas Army too, partially because of both games' bugs ( tounge2.gif ) and also because of graphics. But OFP...it reminds me the good old times. wink_o.gif

Hecka,  I mean, OFP has a whole different feel and now that FFUR 08 has been released its even better, i'm picking up where I left off on COld War and Resistance, and I have yet to play Red Hammer still!!  I guess with ArmA , it just seems like there's a lot of addons or things left out, there is something about ArmA that seems so incomplete about it. I think the graphics makes up for that though.

What can I say... In my opinion both games are great. And those are the only one (ofp, arma, qg) which I bought for full price.

Friends calls me maniac because I play nothing else... aew... crazy_o.gif

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I'm not sure, but I think they include the WGL textures, along with Berghoff's improved flora.

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Does anyone know if FFUR 2008 inlcudes the Mr Burns texture pack? or do you have to install it afterwards?

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Here is a small experiment I made.

This is the idea: WW4 mod (V 1.0 anim pack installed on it), AND put the WGL 5 anim.pbo instead of the one that comes with the WW4 mod, by that way you have a better anim for the soldiers. Just in case both WW4 or WGL team have something to tell to me about this, PM me as soon as possible. Thanks.

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