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Project UK Forces

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12th, got any pictures? As far as I can remember (from Bosnia etc) the Dutch just had normal landies.

Not saying you're wrong (and sorry if I sound off VERY tired!! tounge2.gif ) but it would be highly unlikely that they got them after the UK, as there wouldn't have been much time due of the EU directive that made the Wolf turbo charger illegal when on a newly purchased vehicle (hence the rushing in of vehicles circa 96/67 when my unit and others drove up in the old 110/90s and swapped them for the new Wolfs, cue lots of "cool, how fast does it go? biggrin_o.gif ).

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i think it was colonel frostbite who showed me the dutch 'wmik' - i think they are the same wolfs we use in set up and engine.

and yes, the RSOV is the old defender 110, front gpmg (m240) ring 50cal, and rear gpmg - i made one and still have the model - just requires texturing if anyone wants it for free.

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If you have been to our website (www.project-ukf.com) you may have seen us advertise for a new scripter to come aboard (our old scripter seems to have dissapeared of the planets surface)  sad_o.gif

We have many great addons that are currently in need of a scripting genius to work his/her magic on.  If you believe you have what it takes (or you know of someone that has) to join Project UKF, then send me or any of the UKF guys a pm or email with some examples of your work.


Jeff  wink_o.gif

(edit) This is no April fools by the way tounge2.gif

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Dutch WMIK-ish thing in Vietstan

Chassis definitely looks like that of a Wolf. Not sure what the engine specs are.

Cheers mate!!! You learn something new everyday!!

For the reasons I stated it seemed almost impossible that anyone else would be able to have procured it!

Just seen another image of Wolfs on there too biggrin_o.gif

I sit corrected! tounge2.gif

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To all Squads, addon makers, mission makers etc that are dedicated towards the British side of things in flashpoint ,here is a quote from Messiah on our forums (you can read it all at www.project-ukf.com)

We here at UKF are planning to expand our links page with as many flashpoint squads and websites that are dedicated towards the british side of military goings on, and enjoy using our addons in those activities. This includes all clans, squads, teams, news sites etc. These sites will be listed under our 'links' section of the site, allowing newer visitors, and those a little new to MP to find the active squads, who they are, where they are and what they do.

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Argh, sorry!  banghead.gif

(EDIT: Sorry, about that, was a long day yesterday. tounge2.gif )

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Very good addons smile_o.gif I love Land-Rovers !!! [Defender is the best tounge2.gif ]

Have you guys and ETA on the Land Rover 'Snatch' (the armored one) because im looking forwart to plaay it, I want to make a mission with UKF forces and i need armored Land Rover icon_rolleyes.gif


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i wont post a release date, but be assured that we've know figured out a solution (well, when i say we, I actually mean killswitch) to fix the MP problems these vehicles were experiencing. Once we implement that last few fixes then they'll be put to our external testers, and then released pending everything being ok.

that process could take 2 weeks, or 2 months. I just don't know whistle.gif

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No its because all us English are stuck up snobs who look down our noses at the rest of the world .


I'm Welsh and I never thought I'd live to see the day an English "man" would admit what the rest of the cuntry already new. Good on ya "mate". notworthy.gif

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@orson that wasnt very noce thing to say about us was it huh.gif

found something in a janes book u might or might not wanna know about guys...

there is a .50cal m2 style HMG made by manroy the kit consists if a optical sight and a rather large prominet flashhider. would this/ is this used operationally or do we use FN M2HB ?

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Do you guys intend to make any Bedford trucks too?

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Hopefully they are. Trucks are one of the most vital aspects of UK Forces that are still missing from OFP.  huh.gif

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at some point, yes. The land rover projects are currently drawing to a close (i.e. the final ones UKF will do) so that frees up pretty much all of my time.

The last few land rovers you'll expect to see from us are:

Wolf Series

WMIK Pack 2


we wont be doing any more than that, essentially following the MoD's recent departure from using land rovers in the future. Dont worry though, those 3 packs should have more than enough in them to keep you happy tounge2.gif

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...following the MoD's recent departure from using land rovers in the future....


What will we be using instead? Not the yankie jeep surely?

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@orson that wasnt very noce thing to say about us was it huh.gif

lol wtf , your quoting something from Jan 2005 ?


and yeah all Englishmen are stuck up snobs , not like us Yorkshiremen .

btw i was born in Kent ( go figure )

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A combination of vehicles will replace the land rovers - by no stretch of the imagination does this mean that every land rover in the british army will be replaced, the MoD is just ceasing to procure them anymore. Like most things, the remaining fleet will be run into the ground and then replaced (many years from now I'd imagine)

The vehicles slowly replacing them will be the pinz and the panther for now... whilst its a shame to see a british army icon go, land rover weren't able/willing to produce a new vehicle for the modern battlefield for the cost that the MoD were looking at (my knowledge on the whole subject is a little sketchy) - the most 'advanced' rover in the fleets currently are the snatch 2's, and calling them 'advanced' is stretching it. The british military require a vehicle as durable as the land rovers have been, but which are able to withstand IED, Mines, RPG, Bullets, NBC etc in the process AND have to be air portable and ready to receive modern armaments (remote turrets etc)... quite a tall order.

the comparable cost is enormous though, for the price of one panther, I think the MoD could purchase 10 or so land rovers crazy_o.gif - strangely enough mind, the Brits are behind many other NATO allies with their procurement of a modern vehicle... The americans have the Stryker, the Danes have the Eagle, the Aussies have the bushmaster and the Germans have the Dingo.

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i know this will seem abit repetetive

but can u ukf guys actually release some stuff

cause from the pictures it all looks complete even in ur botom display pics

cos u have pics of trucks and i think the only stuff u got left to do is some arial units and are they planed ?

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If it was complete don't you think they would release it? Obviously they are still working on units and will release them when they are ready.

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i know this will seem abit repetetive

but can u ukf guys actually release some stuff

cause from the pictures it all looks complete even in ur botom display pics

cos u have pics of trucks and i think the only stuff u got left to do is some arial units and are they planed ?

UKF would like to release UKF addons, if we released stuff with alot of bugs, errors which made your Computer CTD, and other nasty things that wouldnt agree with flashpoint.

Please dont you dare ask as you wont get..... I hope you take this as a warning as you wont get any respect from me for saying this!

I thought id also say im not representing UKF in this post, but im sure other addon makers would agree that people like the above are just down right rude!!!

I hope you get the message and think twice before asking again (If you want to continue please pm me benthenoob)

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Nah, cmon swift, you know its true that we specifically stockpile complete and bugfree addons for no reason at all. icon_rolleyes.gif

Seriously, "Ben", your comments show just how ungrateful, inconsiderate and downright rude a regrettably large section of the "community" can be. To be honest, it does make me question why i continue to work on projects for this sort of show of appreciation. confused_o.gif

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