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king homer


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LOL Inq,  "How do you feel today?"  Are some of the Glascis slogans a Freudian slip?   smile_o.gif   They look great.

Quote[/b] ]Stupid americans. unclesam.gif

Don't forget, we're ugly too. tounge_o.gif

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Not much reason for "creeping" death. If I'm driving an Abrams, I don't care about the creeping part. Just so long as there's "death", and lot's of it.

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something on the front in arabic!! like go F*** yourself!  blues.gif

and on the turret Falluhjah thunder!  wow_o.gif

i got the english to arabic translation of "Eat Pork or Die" biggrin_o.gif

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Stupid americans. unclesam.gif

Please refrain from flaming/flamebaiting.

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thanks placebo smile_o.gif

Now now, no need for sucking up. wow_o.gif

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that's pretty good texturing job INQ IS FIGHTING 4 WORLD PEACE

"today bagdad tomorrow Paris" : what is it supposed to mean ?? french people will appreciate (i'm not french for your info)

"angry american " : we pump your petrol and colonise your country that's why we are angry

"go away" : sorry i'm in my country

"time to die " : that's great poetry

this is not funny if you want to write stuff on your tanks you should choose at least neutral things since some of those those sentences are actually used in Irak.

Im not the F*** spamming your are going totally crazy for writing those things , what are you thinking about.

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simba, I've seen some of these sentences on actual photos from Iraq. So why not? If you don't like them just don't use them! wow_o.gif

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what are you thinking about

this topic contains no political discussion


I'm french and I don't care about this writing  tounge_o.gif

As a matter of fact, this picture is only a fake made during the hot times between TBA and France.  xmas_o.gif

Here is the original picture, an old promotion one truthully belonging to General Dynamics :


However, please keep this sentence, it'll be usefull when using US supported by the SEP versus french troops wink_o.gif

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I think i will have some pleasure in making this new m1a2 sep to explode with such words on it using the future released leclerc tank wink_o.gif

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simba, I've seen some of these sentences on actual photos from Iraq. So why not? If you don't like them just don't use them! wow_o.gif

i haven't seen any picture w/ such names stenciled on the on any of the tanks, and if any soldiers did put such comments on there, then they deffinitly got repremand for it, example:


Quote[/b] ]At the Pentagon, Navy Rear Adm. Stephen Pietropaoli says the crew of the Enterprise has been informed to more closely edit "the spontaneous acts of penmanship by our sailors. We've gotten word to our commanders saying, 'That's not up to our standards, guys,'" Pietropaoli says. "We want to keep the messages positive. Most of what gets written on them is — they'll write things like FDNY or I [heart] NY. That's more keeping in line with what we want to do."


just a friendly bit of constructive critisism, if you wana put stenciles on the tanks, than visit this site to get some better (and more appropriate) nicknames:


Quote[/b] ]ASSEMBLY AREA HAMMER, Kuwait — Make no mistake: The “Big Punisher†and “Big Rooster†are out there.

That’s “big†as in Abrams tanks.

In the desolate staging areas just south of the Iraqi border, creative tankers have been personalizing their big guns by stenciling nicknames on them.

“It’s not something you slap up there; you’ve got to put some thought and creativity into it,†said Staff Sgt. Robert Pisciotta, a 26-year-old tank commander from Lakewood, N.J.

Not only is the name game getting serious attention, it’s become almost an obsession for the tankers of 1st Battalion, 64th Armor.

However, all the tank names have to begin with the letter “B†in honor of the new Company B for the 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment — a company of Bradley personnel carriers that was swapped with 2nd Battalion for a company of tanks.

The result: names such as “Big Punisher†and “Baghdad Bound.â€

By unanimous acclaim, Pisciotta’s tank is graced with the best moniker: “Best Resolution Yet,†a play on the United Nation’s previous debate on an Iraq resolution.

Each side of the main gun tube is stenciled with white letters over a black background; cutout photos of a Saddam Hussein doll dressed in drag are pasted next to the name.

Naming the tanks is a heated process. The tank crews offer up their suggestions; the tank commander can veto the crew; and the higher company leadership has final say over whether the names are too offensive to grace a multimillion-dollar piece of military hardware.

“They don’t want to have anything that promotes negativity or is demeaning or something,†said Sgt. Michael Lewis, a 28-year-old from Marshall, Texas.

Of course, the military has looser definitions of negativity than some, so names such as “Ballbuster, Inc.†are acceptable.

Lewis, clad in a T-shirt and sunglasses, passed the time one day recently by doing maintenance on the big barrel of “Bulldog II.†Lewis’ tank commander served on “Bulldog I†in South Korea, so he wanted to carry on the tradition in Kuwait.

Most of the tankers from Company B were with the 1-15th Infantry when it deployed to Kuwait in May 2002. The unit had a short break for the winter holidays and returned in early January.

Hence, another tank crew dubbed its track “Back With a Vengeance.â€

The names do not stop at the big gun; the smaller weapons have names that correspond to the others. For example, one tank’s main gun is named “Big Rooster†and the smaller machine gun is stenciled “Baby Cock.â€

When all is said and done, the tanks will go back into the Army prepositioned system and be repainted.

Another crew on another deployment will take possession of the track, make it their home and give it a new name and a new stencil on the tube.

edit: another thing, the only writting that goes on the front of the Chasis that i've seen is this:


im pretty sure B CO stands for B Company i duno what the rest means though, maybe Hellfish or Miles Teg could explain it.

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Please stop moaning about the markings on the tank. As Inquisitor already said: If you don't like it then don't download it.

Short progress report

Tank is now in final stage, model and textures are finished 99%.

Currently we're working on the scripts, trying to fix major APAM issue and some minor fixes on all others scripts.

Expect release within next 2 weeks.


King Homer

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yes please work out the Anti PPL rounds well! Cuz Im getting pwned in Najaf everytime cuz Im not hitting those RPG and MG nest!

I really miss the HEAT rounds like on other tanks (yes its a old kind of round I know)I ment more just a big bang where you point it! Also maybee make the M2 next to the barrel a bit more powerfull. Those bladdy insurgents are kicking this tanks ass everytime in MOUT. and I dont want to use another tank cuz this one is soo f***** great! the desert version is elite! 1000%!

or you could sort out the apam issue later on if you guys are "maybee" making a tusk.. if you are actually going to do this??

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Quote[/b] ]Expect release within next 2 weeks.

Excellent!  Thank you.  (hope the leg is healing well)  wink_o.gif

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yes please work out the Anti PPL rounds well! Cuz Im getting pwned in Najaf everytime cuz Im not hitting those RPG and MG nest!

I really miss the HEAT rounds like on other tanks (yes its a old kind of round I know)I ment more just a big bang where you point it! Also maybee make the M2 next to the barrel a bit more powerfull. Those bladdy insurgents are kicking this tanks ass everytime in MOUT. and I dont want to use another tank cuz this one is soo f***** great! the desert version is elite! 1000%!

or you could sort out the apam issue later on if you guys are "maybee" making a tusk.. if you are actually going to do this??

Well the APAM round is no sort of high explosive round blowing up everything within the radius of 20m, it's just a canister round filled with more than 1000 metal projectiles, to hit every soft target within it's radius.

And the HEAT round is not an anti personell weapon like you think it is, it's just an older type of anti tank round (HEAT = High Explosive Anti Tank).

It's replaced by the MPAT shell, so you can use this instead of HEAT.

And no, there will be no TUSK version, at least not in the near future.

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Well... Excellent news!

About the APAM... In short, when choosing it, Abrams turns into 120mm shotgun... crazy_o.gif

And, yeah... Hope the leg gets well soon...

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yes please work out the Anti PPL rounds well! Cuz Im getting pwned in Najaf everytime cuz Im not hitting those RPG and MG nest!

I really miss the HEAT rounds like on other tanks (yes its a old kind of round I know)I ment more just a big bang where you point it! Also maybee make the M2 next to the barrel a bit more powerfull. Those bladdy insurgents are kicking this tanks ass everytime in MOUT. and I dont want to use another tank cuz this one is soo f***** great! the desert version is elite! 1000%!

or you could sort out the apam issue later on if you guys are "maybee" making a tusk.. if you are actually going to do this??

Well the APAM round is no sort of high explosive round blowing up everything within the radius of 20m, it's just a canister round filled with more than 1000 metal projectiles, to hit every soft target within it's radius.

And the HEAT round is not an anti personell weapon like you think it is, it's just an older type of anti tank round (HEAT = High Explosive Anti Tank).

It's replaced by the MPAT shell, so you can use this instead of HEAT.

And no, there will be no TUSK version, at least not in the near future.

rgr that on the tusk, too bad though but dont get meh wrong nice work soo far for sure, like I said I only use this abrams!

yeah well I dont know all those types of ammo therefor I said HEAT and mentioned I know its not the right one... but ooh I didnt know the APAM round is the shotgun effect! I only saw it work once... In a multiplayer game! biggrin_o.gif

thnx for great addon!

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that's pretty good texturing job  INQ IS FIGHTING 4 WORLD PEACE

"today bagdad tomorrow Paris"   : what is it supposed to mean ??      french people will appreciate (i'm not french for your info)

"angry american "   : we pump your petrol and colonise your country  that's why we are angry

"go away" :   sorry i'm in my country

"time to die "  :  that's great poetry

this is not funny if you want to write stuff on your tanks you should choose at least neutral things since some of those  those sentences are actually used in Irak.

Im not the F*** spamming your are going totally crazy for writing those things , what are you thinking about.

i still vote for "eat pork or die" in both english and arabic tounge_o.gif

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*Starts painting 'Eat camel shit infidel scum' on the hoods of those toyota technicals *


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"i still vote for "eat pork or die" in both english and arabic "

would you say that to a jew ?? I really wonder what would be the reaction of the jewish part of the community.

Let's not be offtopic i'd like to have your opinions on several things on offtopic Irak tread forum

PS. this tank looks great even if i'm not going to use the inscriptions ( except simpsons one) wink_o.gif

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This tanks will rock (inscriptions included, of course) wink_o.gif

And please stop bugging us with politics, at least in this thread. mad_o.gif

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