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US Civil War Mod ver.1.0 Beta Released

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Dude hornet, the same thing happens to me! i was just coming here to post it lol, but i have another question as well, but i forgot it

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you have to run it with another OFP Resistance shortcut.

That's all.

Like make a shortcut and and after FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE comes ->" so then leave one space and add -mod=CWMOD

so it looks like this \FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -mod=CWMOD


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If anyone is interested, i have a number of infantry and cavalry groups set up. They're nothing special, and are pretty basic.

For infantry, i have 2 basic groups per side. one consists of an nco and 11 soldiers. the other consists of an officer, and nco, a flagbearer, and 9 soldiers. Union also gets 2 iron brigade units, with the same makeup.

Each side has 2 cavalry units, one with an nco and 11 soldiers, and the other with an officer, nco, and 10 soldiers.

I would have made artillery batteries, but i have less experience in making vehicle groups.

Of course, it's up to the mod creators.

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Trouble with this MOD is that if ya decide to run it on a server it would have to be TOTALLY dedicated to this MOD due to the Animation changes made do effect the standard Models too sad_o.gif.

Nice work By the way, i do love a Gentlemans War :P

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If anyone is interested, i have a number of infantry and cavalry groups set up.  They're nothing special, and are pretty basic.

For infantry, i have 2 basic groups per side.  one consists of an nco and 11 soldiers.  the other consists of an officer, and nco, a flagbearer, and 9 soldiers.  Union also gets 2 iron brigade units, with the same makeup.

Each side has 2 cavalry units, one with an nco and 11 soldiers, and the other with an officer, nco, and 10 soldiers.

I would have made artillery batteries, but i have less experience in making vehicle groups.

Of course, it's up to the mod creators.

Of course we're interested, having groups/squads is very high on our priority list.

But please understand, just the first few days since we released the Beta brought forward a whole load of suggestions,

ideas and possible improvements.

There's so many of them, and there's just three of us !!!!

We can hardly keep up answering the posts, mails and pm.

So the best way to bring this Mod forward is joining.

We're in desperate need of all kinds of skills, the workload is killing us.



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if anyone wants it there is a surrender script but it works with yankees only i will try to find it later

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Congratulations to all who helped create this mod, it is by far the best mod i have ever played on OFP!  I was starting a mission where it was just in a Getysburg field with artillary then the rebs charging the union infantry who are stood behind a wall.  But since reading other comments about the wish of having a mission based on Glory im going to have a go at that, there is some nice beach areas on the Gettysburg map so im sure it would be poss.

Thanks again for a great mod!

ps.is there anything i can put into the init area to turn the union infantry into a full black unit? ta

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These troops look absolutely stunning!

Great work guys xmas_o.gif


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everything about this mod is awesome. But i was wondering, is there a new reload anim? because i can hear the sounds of the reloading for like 10 seconds after the anim is done.

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You're correct.

But this is an OFP issue. OFP allocates 3 seconds to clip reload. But a musket took at least 15-20 seconds to reload.

So we compromised. Anim lasts 3 seconds, but sound is about the actual time. Hopefully we'll be able to find a way to do something in the configs to make the anim last longer.

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alright mate, i am fine with it but i just wanted to make sure that my mod wasnt screwed up or anything, oh and btw any chance of making this fdf compatible? i tried it and everything works until more than one unit fires at a time. I think it is something with the guns since even with the american soilders armed with the guns still mess up when more than one tries to fire

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I was about to release a nice Ghettysburg mission I made with this mod pack when I realized, writing the briefing/overview for it that I made a critical error... apparently I accidentally overlooked the small historical fact that Ghettysburg was defended by the Union Army and attacked by the Confederate Army. In my mission its reversed (oops). So I'll have to sit down and painstakingly replace each each unit with a unit from the opposite side. sad_o.gif

But if anyone wants me to release it as is let me know cuz it'll probably be a long time before I get around to fixing it.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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only one southerner, damn, my bad, but the Europeans supported the south anyway so thats all good, anbody else having trouble getting the men into formations? also , is it possible at all to make a group larger than 12 men, any way on this earth????but yeah formations, and we need some static things and like camp and fort peices, i really wanna cut down some yanks on a charge of a fortbut yeah,

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What program did you use to make the custom animations?


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I was about to release a nice Ghettysburg mission I made with this mod pack when I realized, writing the briefing/overview for it that I made a critical error... apparently I accidentally overlooked the small historical fact that Ghettysburg was defended by the Union Army and attacked by the Confederate Army. In my mission its reversed (oops). So I'll have to sit down and painstakingly replace each each unit with a unit from the opposite side. sad_o.gif

But if anyone wants me to release it as is let me know cuz it'll probably be a long time before I get around to fixing it.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

omg wow_o.gif that's like germans invading normandy!

absolutely no problem there smile_o.gif let it be a "what if" mission wink_o.gif

and sometimes it's boring when history repeats itself tounge_o.gif

guys, when installing a mod please note that two mods using custom configs don't work together eg. FDF + CW, FDF + SwissMOD etc

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@miles: please release it!

maybe someone else will do the do/help with the time consuming exchange north vs. south part.

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After doing some searching round the gettysburg island i couldent find anywhere decent enough to place the armstrong gun, it looks to me like it wouldent have been weeled i nat the beggining of a battle and more like it would have been fixed in an emplacement of some kind, decided i would make a sort of editor extra temporary emplacement smile_o.gif


requires gunslingers editor update 1.2 : here is it

and the emplacement is here :


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nice work ther biggrin_o.gif

and thanks guys whit out the normal addon folder it works nice probebly some dam addon that made ofp die befor

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