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TcM Crap Sky 1.0

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Im proud to release our christmas present to the community from Teh Crap Mud!!!11!!1!

Sky Pack by WheresMyRabbit








Download (190kb)

We're also looking for a few more modelers, texturers and scripters. Email us for more information.

Enjoy wink_o.gif

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muahahhahaha LOL!!!


no we need onyl crappy anism ad soldiers biggrin_o.gif

and paper tanks n stuff biggrin_o.gif

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Are you planing a crap island to use this stuff on ?

I would fly around it in the ROFLOPTER , if it gets released .... and battle shrimp and other crustacians . biggrin_o.gif

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Are you planing a crap island to use this stuff on ?

Aye, an island is planned along with several other projects but it'll take a while seeing as im (still!) the only modeler.

More info will be released later, we're currently reorganising ourselves right now. You can check out our new forums here and the temporary site (not much) here... wink_o.gif

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I know for a fact your all liars who said you were downloading this mad_o.gif. Munk linked the download to the administrator control panel no one besides me and him and a few others can access biggrin_o.gif. Here is the real link: DOWNLOAD

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Whoops, cheers mate. This is what happens when you rush things... Original link fixed wink_o.gif

Edit: Nice avator, nightmare before christmas ay? tounge_o.gif

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Don't know about that joke, but the TcM addons are just too much for my fragile little mind to process! tounge_o.gif

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I find it different,sorta funny but not really if its degrading OFP.

Paper soldiers and tanks (especially animated) sounds funny and sorta neat

If its done good and presented well and people like it fine,just I can't picture that.

The OFP news pages will show the public,and whats the theme ? Crap Mod ? Does what? Turn OFP into crap ?

Sounds offensive

Similiar to the auto manufacturers not wanting games to show damage to their vehicles but worse

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Nice work smile_o.gif It looks quite funny but it doesn't beat my chess board sky with chess pieces instead moving clouds I made for fun when I was working on the sky.. Unfortunetly I can't find the textures but I know they are somewhere on my hard drive.

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I find it different,sorta funny but not really if its degrading OFP.

Paper soldiers and tanks (especially animated) sounds funny and sorta neat

If its done good and presented well and people like it fine,just I can't picture that.The OFP news pages will show the public,and whats the theme ? Crap Mod ? Does what? Turn OFP into crap ?

Sounds offensive

Jesus christ mate, its just a bit of fun! With all this ultra-realistic stuff being released every two minutes it makes a change to have a 'fun based' mod. Normally we'd release a few demo missions to go with an addon but how do you do demo missions for a sky pack?

I'd also like to point out that we're not just creating things for no reason, we have goals just like other mods. All will be revealed at a later date, until then enjoy our christmas present or dont, not like im holding a gun to your head *hides n00b M93R* wink_o.gif

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I find it different,sorta funny but not really if its degrading OFP.

Paper soldiers and tanks (especially animated) sounds funny and sorta neat

If its done good and presented well and people like it fine,just I can't picture that.The OFP news pages will show the public,and whats the theme ? Crap Mod ? Does what? Turn OFP into crap ?

Sounds offensive

Jesus christ mate, its just a bit of fun! With all this ultra-realistic stuff being released every two minutes it makes a change to have a 'fun based' mod. Normally we'd release a few demo missions to go with an addon but how do you do demo missions for a sky pack?

I'd also like to point out that we're not just creating things for no reason, we have goals just like other mods. All will be revealed at a later date, until then enjoy our christmas present or dont, not like im holding a gun to your head *hides n00b M93R* wink_o.gif

I think it's hilarious. Anything deliberately shit gets my vote (thumbs up)

Make sure you put the bin laden crates in too, Munk!!!

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