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Medal of Honour -Pacific-

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yes!! Downloading it now!

I'm playing Mohaa since the first release 2002

I'm just good at it and you need better skills than in CounterStrike tounge_o.gif

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534 mb? grr...i guess ill try it, im running low on HD space tho.

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The graphics are nice to say the least, much better than what I was expecting, the physics are also well cool, in typical MoH fashion I took cover behind a stack of barrels, only for them to roll away from me.

But....the great physics can be dodgy, especially the rag doll effects - the dead troops were pulling off moves that would have a Chinese gymnast green with envy, and the lack of iron sights makes me feel bleh! mad_o.gif

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I wish I could play this one sad_o.gif. I only have a 64mb video card though and this demo requires 128mb mad_o.gif

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I wish I could play this one sad_o.gif. I only have a 64mb video card though and this demo requires 128mb mad_o.gif

me too sad_o.gif

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Haven't downloaded it yet, i don't know if my computer can handle this kinda games and i don't feel like downloading it for nothing...

Oh well, i'll probably download it someday when i'm bored.

I like the MOH games, they have some realism but not too much, nice graphics/levels

It's not the best game around but it's fun smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Currently in Queue

Estimated Waiting Time: 6 minutes

This window will refresh in 60 seconds.

Great sad_o.gif

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This demo is quickly explained.

There are iron sights, the default binding is left alt.

It is COD in the pacific with shiny graphics. I didn't know the Japanese oiled their uniforms and faces to shine and mirror in the sun, or it's just the shader effects.

The demo is 500 megs, and you play it through in 10 mins, less if you're good. I shit you not, there are two places, an airstrip and a few huts. In 10 minutes you shoot down 20 Jap planes with a .50 cal and mow down 300 Jap infantry with a Thompson (OK, actually maybe just 100). I actually beat a squad to death that was charging me with bayonets, they came in a column so I smacked the first in the face, the second, the third etc. and wasn't hit once myself.

....500 megs = 10 MINUTES.

Nothing surprising here.

edit: Does it take about 3 minutes for anyone else to load the main menu?

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I shit you not, there are two places, an airstrip and a few huts. In 10 minutes you shoot down 20 Jap planes with a .50 cal and mow down 300 Jap infantry with a Thompson (OK, actually maybe just 100). I actually beat a squad to death that was charging me with bayonets, they came in a column so I smacked the first in the face, the second, the third etc. and wasn't hit once myself.

That sounds like a MOH game biggrin_o.gif I think you have to look at moh games not from a realism standpoint but from a fun standpoint, because it is basically quake with wwii weapons.

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I shit you not, there are two places, an airstrip and a few huts. In 10 minutes you shoot down 20 Jap planes with a .50 cal and mow down 300 Jap infantry with a Thompson (OK, actually maybe just 100). I actually beat a squad to death that was charging me with bayonets, they came in a column so I smacked the first in the face, the second, the third etc. and wasn't hit once myself.

That sounds like a MOH game biggrin_o.gif I think you have to look at moh games not from a realism standpoint but from a fun standpoint, because it is basically quake with wwii weapons.

And not much fun.

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No Iron sights at all? sad_o.gif

It has them, the left alt button brings them up.

Wasn't to impressed, I got quite a few graphical errors and the physics are sketchy, hopefully they will be better when the game hits stores.

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hmmm, crappy download speed, not sure if i want to wait 3 hrs to play for 10 minutes

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ah, MOH...Allied assualt was the last good one if you ask me. I just tried this demo, after moving thru the camp by blowing every fuel barrel up you get to a small airfield and there you'll find a AA gun, you get to destroy tens and tens of japanese planes... Same stuff as Call of duty if you ask me, only with some improved graphics and highly unrealistic, more an arcade game. Funny moment was when 10 japanese guys camo running after me with swords or something... killed them all with the tompson ;).

for 550 mb this demo is very very large, this game is nothing but another "arcade" ww2 game. crazy_o.gif Maybe Brother in arms will be something to watch.

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Brothers in Arms looks outstanding, I cannot wait for it to come out, that game is amazing.

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I shit you not, there are two places, an airstrip and a few huts. In 10 minutes you shoot down 20 Jap planes with a .50 cal and mow down 300 Jap infantry with a Thompson (OK, actually maybe just 100). I actually beat a squad to death that was charging me with bayonets, they came in a column so I smacked the first in the face, the second, the third etc. and wasn't hit once myself.

That sounds like a MOH game biggrin_o.gif I think you have to look at moh games not from a realism standpoint but from a fun standpoint, because it is basically quake with wwii weapons.

[rant]Yes, but the game devs don't seem to think so, in the intro of the demo, it said

Quote[/b] ]This isn't a game -

This is War

How arrogant and stupid. crazy_o.gif The game also comes with a documentary disc. Btw the intro of the game also said that the Guadalcanal fighting was "the worst" in history, not "some of" the worst. rock.gif Highly debatable.


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Oh dear... crazy_o.gif

Took me less than 10 minutes to complete it...Took me 10 times that to download it, and half that time to load it up. My verdict on the demo is one 5th of that time out of ten. mad_o.gif

For the mathematically-challenged among us, here's a helping hand on doing the tricky sums.



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