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@tonci - they beaten on German street woman who was pregnant - dozen of muslim Africans attacked 1 woman , pregnant woman, because she had necklace with cross , it was last week , i posted links

they are not people in need, they are hybrid jihad warriors, like "green men" on Crime, TV says "women, children, poor old weak people" and ... 80% fit males , media say "Syrians escape war" and Hungaria police founds documents from Eritrea, Bangladesh , Somalia,

they say they escaping war, and later they moan that free flat is not in center of city, they say they need food  and later say they want to bring uncle, brother, second uncle, nephew, 5 kids, and give all 2000 euro + food + flat + medical care free




Poland - confirmation , journalists have documents  leaked - official government decided to PUSH money which were planned to help Poles abroad (victims of USSR) to muslims



oo i remind one story - Simon Mol

Simon Mol came from africa, this guy claimed he is refugee and very suffering and needed help, he was acting with leftist media how hateful are Poles and etc.

he demanded sex with different women without condom

later... it was found he had very serious HIV version, he believed that he must kill as much White people as he can, so he was giving this HIV/AIDS to any woman he could met, when womand demanded condom, he was shouting she is racist

just to add to this issue with philosophy ;)

this guy believed that AIDS is "deamon" and this deamon can go away if you give it to as many people as you can, than you will be healed, in fact guy believed in his voodoo bamboo religion that spreading AIDS pushes away deamons ( Ephasa Mote deamon in Kameroonian mythology), one of women who "met" him (and soon will die) said he was covert muslim who had obsession to destroy White race, joke is that this woman was before far-left who believed ... aa nevermind

officially dozens of women get AIDS and probably many of them died , guy was of course present in media as pro-tollerance activist from Kameroon who came to teach us tollerance to Africans, when his victims will die, probably he will be biggest serial killer in history of my country after WW2

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@tonci: welcome to our world. But I wish you (and all of us) we could left this world soon.

And if you tell this truth what you write, the western media point at you and judge you as a nazi. :(


Yesterday, in a cultural event at Sweden, the people course Hungary, because they said, we made the immigrant starve. But the truth is, they got so many food what a regular Hungarian family never saw in their table.

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Sweden ... i linked few times their p.c. problems - where White males were refused to apply for job, where profesor of law wanted idea that White cannot study (what SpookyLynx commented "what they smoke")

there are many websites , blogs of people who leaving Sweden cause they feel sick, because they are stigmatized for being White male native, 

i heard that in Sweden in "gender day" boys must wear girl clothes or parent may get fine, for me it is sick, 


anyway Bardosy, to show you Polish feels : current pre-voting polls - 40% for conservatists, 25% for current ruling pro-EU party supported by mainstream media (mostly this 25% shows how big is influence of television, beause those people who vote for them are brainwashed by television, all banks, corporations), 10% for one rock musician party which is also conservative (so you have 50% for conservatists totally), than 8% left wing + postcommies + lgtb+marihuana party + 5% farmers party + less than 5% (barrier to get to parliament) some parties like ultra-conservatists, far-right nationalists, 

this shows our preferences here

current government has half of support that conservative opposition taken totally, aha, those polls are made by mainstream !!! so it may be little lowering opposition and little adding ruling EU-puppets, if there were elections few months ago it would be little different for few percent, 

but on imigrants issue opposition which is against taking muslims, get few percent, 

when first sharia violence would appear here, ruling party would go under 20% despite all effort of television, newspapers, corporations, state

truth is that current government in polls since 2-3 years lost majority of support, since 2-3 years those who rule would not win elections and they taking decisions against will of majority

parties similar to Swedish leftists here exist, they have 1-2% ;)

elections are in 30 days, i just cannot wait , i hope diversion in votes will change even more, 

i also hope that people in west would wake up from nightmare founded by leftist media who brainwash people with politically correct lies spread by mainstream media corporations - and west will save peacefull streets, social care system, medical and education system it had since 70s till 00s, because in 80s, 90s, west was the best place to live, 

elites of our world want to destroy it and turn all into what George Orwell prescribed in book "1984"

elites dream about oligarchy like in Ukraine , elites dream about huge violence on the street (because than people afraid to walk street, people do not care about ACTA, TTIP, GMO cause they have bigger problems to care)

elites dream about new slavery form - everyone has debts and in case of loosing job people loose everything cause they have all on credit, 

is it not slavery to have to work because all is on credit ? 

elites hate transparency - in west you had or still have such big transparency, than when minister use state owned car to do shoping - press writes about it and minister is loosing job for using taxpayer money, elites dream about what they would have in Ukraine, Russia, Poland, when they go to most expensive restaurant and pay credit card from taxpayer money, as i wrote - Civic Platform politicians were spending daily in restaurants money similar to monthly salary of many Poles who pay taxes, elites in Poland have "immunity" and they do not have to obey traffic rules, like in Russia, police cannot give them ticket, because they have "immunity" (members of pariament, judges, prosecutors, some agents of some security forces), 

elites hate fight with nepotims, in west nepotism is ostracised, in our country nepotism is basic rule to get better job, elites dream to change it and that all will be inherited, 

elites dream about wars - because after war they can change law, borders, structure of property, all 

elites dream about people divided (multicultural society instead of homogenic society) because only homogenic society has similar goals, only homogenic society can unite and fight with government, divided society is not capable to change government, old ancient rome rule:



Ancient Romans found it and till today our elites do the same - 

you can see it in case of salary , when people are united than miners go to strike to defend nurses (like Polish trade union Solidarity )

when people are  not united, than miners care about miners, nurses about nurses, shop assistants about shop assistant, 

than people have small salary and noone gonna support striking smaller group

when people are homogenic society, everyone feels solidarity for other countryman and people strike 

thats why elites push multiculturalism, 

also in case of very divided multiculti society , in case of war with foreign country - noone defends , you have saboteurs within 

it is like during sport competition - all team members must work for succes, 

multiculti society is not team, it is everyone playing his own goal - impossible to win with united team

the first method to have own brain is to throw to trash bin tv receiver, to never read news from mainstream , thanx to internet many people have brain, 

more than 10 years ago in my country we had only 4 tv channels, 2 governmental, 2 in private corporations hands, 

now we have internet , yt, post commies are now 8% or 7% not 20 %, pro-corporation thieves are 20 or 25% not 40%, conservatists are 40% not 20%, far right is nearly several percent not 0.1%, because more and more people see the truth when they do not read mainstream and not use TV 

our government is so desperated that half year ago or maybe year ago they hired 50 trolls, 

it is not joke, leaked information hit internet in 2014 or 2015, i do not remember now, but someone leaked information and government admited it, they hired pay-trolls to write comments 

when all west was accusing Putin that Putin agents sit and type comments for Rubles, 

the same time Polish government hired trolls too, mostly to write that there is no unemployment, there is no emigration, economy is good, people earn decent money, nationalism is wrong etc. 

now those trolls write that Poles are xenophobic racists :D

they push "likes" or "minus" in comments, but even 50 paid trolls (or now less) cannot post more than milions of frustrated people including Polish migrants in UK who also dream to return and live in homeland but earning decent money and have decent social care and labor rights, 

but in fact Poles want Scandinavian transparency in administration and German salary , Poles want to change nepotistic corrupted system that deprived us from industry, banking, etc. 

but because banking system, shops, industry, energy sector are in foreign hands - than western press which owns to corporations call us xenophobic  ;) the same with Hungary, they hate for 1 reason, 

Orban is independent , Orban taxed corporations (here we were not happy from Orban cooperation with Russia, but fact is Orban does it for Hungary, not for Poland, every man who cares about his family is right) 

so they write about evil Orban fence on border, while Saudi Arabia, Isreal not only have fence, but wall and very strict anti-imigration laws, 

Saudi Arabia, Emirates do not take any refugees althougth they have income per capita 5 times bigger than Germany, Israel changed arrest without sentence from 3 months to 3 years, and helping illegal imigration can be sentenced up to 15 years 


the more people on west wake up, the lower chance to get into Orwell novel reality, however still i belive that civil war in europe and crash of economy (pensions, social security, benefits systems and things i wrote site ago because economy cannot stand so many benefits taking people because tax system will crash, maybe elites want to crush benefits and social care system) is 99% sure because of current events and islamization, 

those money that EU spend on "refugees" should be given to us, than we would have more kids , to start family i just need flat (150 thousands dollars) 

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Tenancy agreements of a 51 year old woman and her neightbor from same house gets terminated to make room for refugees.

Of course no one has thought about offering them new tenance somewhere else. At least they have got time till Mai 2016 to find new homes.



About paid trolls, I have a feeling we have the same situation in Germany.

The majority of the people in the comment section have their own opinion, but there are always a couple of people making "political correct" posts, sometimes blatantly copy pasting them across several articles.

These people are also the ones, who accuse everyone of being a paid troll :D

Still the comment function on most politics relevant articles (like the one I posted above) is disabled now on most mainstream media sites. 

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fuck, Polish corupted government raised benefits for "refugees" today hours ago

now benefits for refugees are nearly TWICE HIGHER than benefit for unemployed Pole (in Poland you get benefit for 3 months under condition that you worked at least all year , so after at least 12 months of work on full-time contract you have right to unemployment benefit) and now fuckers raised "refugee" benefit to be higher than unemployment support

and of course "refugee benefit" is paid on and on (plus free acomodation, food) while unemployed Pole has to pay for his flat himself, and has to buy food himself

which means that moth*** refugee gets for free flat, food, and more money than unemployed who gets less and has to buy food and pay rent himself 

it is madness 


unemployed Pole has 820 PLN (for 3 months, after 12 months of full-time job in period of 18 months, if you worked 11 months in period of 18, you will not get benefit !!! ) , a "refugee" 1335 + acomodation+food

now look - i earned 2300 in public administration 2-3 years ago

if i hired alone flat, i would pay 1300 

so 2300 - 1300 = 1000

and compare to benefit for refugee , he would get more, than working person who would hire flat in city alone, fuck , fuck , fuck 

1335/820= 1,62 times more !!! than unemployed native who has to work for over 12 month in period of 18 months on full time contract (not on part time )  and gets it for 3 months only


more and more websites from mainstream disable comment options "due to hate speech"  when article is about muslims, imigrants etc. 

such politics will lead to situation that may explode , this will really lead to real racism not fictional 


in newest latest polls made by governmental TV, probably post-commies and left wing lgtb will not get into parliament

coservatists in 2 parties  38+7=45% current government 25%, farmers and neo-liberals per 6% (1% over limit to get into) ultra-conservatists at line of 4% which means if they get 1% more, than "far right" gets too 




"he is normal, you are homophobe, this is cultural enrichment, you are racist/nazi"







mayor of town/village said he will prepare local school to be turned into house for refugees, local people organized strike and he resigned 

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, a "refugee" 1335 + acomodation+food




Dude, this is the bottom threshold! 


You have forgotten to mention the benefit quota will rise accordingly to number of family members. Each "refugee" is allowed to invite ten members of their family. So average muslim family consisting oof 5-8 people should have at least 5000 PLN. And now think of poor multi-baby families in Poland where single mother need to wrap things up for their children having 1500PLN only. The equal and the more equal.

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Poish euro-parliament members gonna ask EU commistion about Nordstream-2 agreement signed with Gazprom by western european countries, 

despite sanctions on Russia, despite calling for solidarity on refugee issues from west, Merkel, Schroeder makes deals with Russia which hurt economically Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine (cause Nordstream-2 cuts transfer from Russia via Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine) 

Nordstream-2 profits Germany, France and UK, 

politics of "diversification" of gas not only from RUssia said before, was reverted to sign another deal with Russia which is told by UE to be under sanctions (mentioning it because it is Germany, Austria , France that demand European unity on one issue, but in second issue this solidarity is not present at all) 

do not want to sound too much historical but like WW2 - Polish fighter pilots defended UK piloting Spitfires in 1940, than London "secured" part of our gold as price for fuel used by Spitfires piloted by Polish pilots and for usage of airfields saying "but this was Polish army not ours" and took our gold (robbed it, for us Winston Churchil is not hero, not only due to Jalta or Rome parade "lets not make Stalin angry" but this too) , 

our pilots were called to die for UK, but when Luftwaffe was down, than we get bill for fuel (maybe not well known but very shamefull WW2 fact which may be shocking to Brits https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Britain- yes, we paid for it, where was solidarity in 1945, where was in 1956 when western press (Radio Free Europe from USA) called Hungarians to do uprising and fight with arms against USSR, where was in 1990 when all commie criminals who escaped get refugee status in Sweden, UK etc. and our applications to extraditions were rejected by Sweden, UK, maybe some of you not know , but really some Stalin criminals escaped to west and lived there and stil live there as old retired people who escaped from here and died peacefully in new homes http://racjapolskiejlewicy.pl/stefan-szechter-michnik-morderca/3110  ,  http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helena_Woli%C5%84ska ,  http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stefan_Michnik  - those "people" should be hunted like we hunt SS officers, courts in UK, Sweden refuse , when we prison 90 y.o. SS officers we should do the same with NKVD/UB/MBP officers too , those beasts are similar to SS officers , they also commited many crimes , but they were/are protected in EU countries (i do not mention Israel which is not member of EU)  can anyone imagine giving refugee status to SSman ?no ? but for NKVD personel ? ) 

i can bet Hungary has similar cases after 1956 ;) maybe Czechs after 1968 too have similar problems , i do not know about Romanians or Bulgarians, 

similar kind of solidarity is on refugees - Merkel shouts "come, come musims" , they  come, and Merkel says "now others must take them", similar with embargo on Russia "we must set embargo" , Polish gov (is it Polish, rather Polish-speaking ?) stops selling Russia apples and meat (which makes us angry cause embargo on Russia was not suported by our farmers at all, embargo on Russia was here not popular) and than French minister of Agriculture meets in Moscow , and Austrian cancelor shouts "we need solidarity on refugee issues" and Shultz shouts "we must force by using power solidarity on refugees" (and some people on this forum naively believed about USofE and unity )  but when it comes to money and profit - there is no unity at all and probably never will be , friendship never mixes with business and job, competition is opposite to unity

old Polish proverb says -" if  you can count - rely on yourself only " ( umiesz liczyć, licz na siebie) Nordstream-2 of course was not present on mainstream media, but if it was signed by Hungary - uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i just can imagine shitflood on Orban in whole press for month everyday (after all worst sin of Orban is because he cares about Hungary, how dare he, if Polish conservatists would win than "selfish xenophobia" , Slovakian prime minister, Czech evil presidents but when Merkel care about Germany or Cameron about UK ... it is normal, after all they are voted to care, isn't it )


btw when refugees gonna come - which country will divide them for doctors, enginner, not-educated ? which country will decide what refugees are to be put to which country ?

imagine there are 10 men, 8 cannot read , 1 is terrorist, 1 is doctor , who will take which ? hard to swallow 

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German Ministry of Foreign Affairs ADMITED that "refugee" lie and they are not from Syria and not escaping war,

spokesman of MoFA of Germany confirmed that according to his data 30% of those who claim they are Syrians - aren't

it was also earlier said by Hungarians (police data) - but Hungary said about WHOLE number that Syrians are not there majority

but German spokesman said about those who claim to be Syrians,

also article says about journalist investigation - journalist bough in Turkey Syrian false passport for 2000 USD

a lot of ISIS members get such documents


"shocking data from Switzerland , 91% of refugees from Eritrea prefer benefits than work and not work, 84% from Iran do not work, 87% Syrians do not work, 89% Turks do not work but take benefits" says article


source is Swiss Federal Bureau for Migration :


91 percent of those Eritreans who are capable of working in Switzerland and for less than six years, are on social security. This was written by the Federal Office for Migration . That's a lot, but not much more than other refugees: Turks 88.7 percent, 84 percent of Iranians, Syrians 86.6 percent.



repeating another time link

one african muslim family in one Swiss village Hagenbuch utilzes 30% of whole social care budget of this village, family with 7 kids all on benefits, noone work,

wake up people, before our economical system of Europe will crash down



muslim immam calls to live from benefits as it is part of economical jihad and jaziya (tax paid by infidels in islamic states)







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right wing website informs that ... Polish governmental television HIRED people for possitive comments about muslims and imigrants

people who commented in TV positively - were paid for it and had to sign "keeping secret" agreement

reality is different in dozens of cities next week are planned anti-imigrant and anti-islamization marches


manwhile Vice-Cancelor of Germany mr. Gabriel -said that "we must change attitude towards Russia and end sanctions"  http://niezalezna.pl/71287-niemcy-kazali-polski-rzad-przyjal-imigrantow-teraz-berlin-mowi-zniesmy-sankcje-wobec-rosji

manwhile Russian ambasador said that Poland caused WW2 (not Hitler who attacked and anexed several countries) http://wpolityce.pl/polityka/266551-ambasador-rosji-oskarza-nasz-kraj-i-zarzuca-polakom-wywolanie-ii-wojny-swiatowej-polityka-polski-doprowadzila-do-katastrofy-we-wrzesniu-1939-roku

not Ribbentrop-Molotov treaty etc.


in Venezuela, Russian ambassador said that Poland was ally to Hitler and made holocaust along with Germany (that Poland was part of axis )

he also said that telling about USSR crimes is lie because there was no USSR crimes

he said that at 17th September 1939 THERE WAS NO ATTACK of USSR on Poland !!!

if not Poles in Southern America who brough news, we would not know about interview of Russian ambassador in Venezuela which completely changed WW2 history


and Gabriel says about sanctions - thanks Germany (Merkel clique) for "solidarity" they present, when Russian ambasadors across the world say that it was not Hitler who started WW2 and it was not Third Reich who made holocaust and USSR and Stalin never committed any crimes

seems that Russian ambassadors now started campaing of love presented in Ribentropp-Molotov treaty and i remind about Nordstream-2 gas pipe treaty signed days ago

Merkel politics (of hugging Russia) makes people not only hate EU (imigrants, Greece ) but also waking up memory about WW2, Stalinists in Russia are it seems more popular now and history denial is more and more stronger, when it is presented by officials in different countries, thanx to Merkel now we see Germans like "Ribbentrop-Molotov", Merkel, Shultz, Gabriel - they should not hug Russia but defend also historical truth






gets in one line with things that Russian ambassador in Venezuela did, because it was USSR that was ally of Third Reich - till 1941, Russia will never be our friend till they deny WW2, Stalin era crimes and there should be EUropean unity, not Nordstream, not demanding to cut sanctions , Putin should learn to not deny history, but of course "solidarity" is hypocrisy when it is told by few leading EU politicians, in fact they say about solidarity ONLY when they want smaller countries to pay for their mistakes (refugee issue) because this "solidarity" (which they demand) we could seen when Stalin-era criminals deportation applications were refused, this solidarity began with phoney war, than with bills for fuel, Jalta pact, where is Polish gold that disappeared during WW2 ?

Eastern Europe should not take even 1 refugee and should act like Orban - doing own business for own country good,

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Video of a supposedly drunk Jean-Claude Juncker "meeting" other leaders of he EU :D

He addressed Orban as Dictator in front of cameras...

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Polish minister of foreign affairs calls for chat Russian ambassador,  it is reaction on 2 above mentioned scadalic interviews of Russian ambasadors




one of 3 paintings which "disappeared" when ex leftist president lost election and left office is found to be sold few months ago,

i wrote few pages ago, than our leftists govenment have on and on problems and last time there was case, when new president took office and found that 3 paintings and 1 sculpture is missing, if elections will be totally won by conservatists, i hope that current government will find behind bars,

manwhile our prime minster said that she opens action "stop to hate speech" buhahahahaha


today i forced myself to watch mainstream TV news, what was told ?

- news that there is xenophobia and we have to stop hate speech,

- mr. X, farmer from village X plants cucumbers and very big cucumber grown on bush,

- one prisoner escaped from police station and police looks for him,

- a golden train mysteries, still not discovered, but maybe it exist,

- police appeal to drive slower cause there are accidents

THOSE were news from mainstream media

thats why people should turn off TV , turn on brains, read internet

if i was using only TV i would not even KNOW that there is refugee problem, zero about Russian amabasador interviews in Venezuela and elsewhere, zero about Nordstream2, i would only know that "Poles are xenophobic who drive too fast and our farmers plant cucumbers" while next week in dozen of towns there are planned anti islamization marches and meetings, when 2 years ago there were big protests of miners - also in TV there was no word about, "thanx god" (irony) one drunk woman killed her child so TV had main news - mother killed her daughter, and Ukraine was giving some news, while half of Silesia region was on strike

sharia ? noone in our TV says about it, from time to time some farmer has big pumpking grown and than it is news ,

mainstream TV is silent on problems, thats why TV nowadays is worst tool to watch

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Video of a supposedly drunk Jean-Claude Juncker "meeting" other leaders of he EU :D

He addressed Orban as Dictator in front of cameras...



This guy is supposed to be the leader of the European government

Why don't I find it so funny?



Small unrelated extra link. The people smuggling kingping in Libya has been killed, apparently by unspeficied very well trained people speaking English.





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you see this video first time ?

it was publised 3-4 months ago, at leat in my country it was very famous video,




leftist media gone mad totally

in far left media feminist wrote article that "there is no better way for asimilation like marriage" and she tries to convict Polish females that "muslims , africans are ideal candidate to be husband"

total idiotism what happens in leftist brains ,

now we can openly say it is war on our civilisation, nation, race, religion, whatever we represent and whoever we are,

and left wing totally lost brains

and left wing activst who made this also invited for speech US guy who wrote in Die Welt article that "Poles killed more Jews than Germans"

i do not understand what steers leftists, but openly shouting that 2+2 is not 4 but 3 or 5 should be banned

i do not know why, but last time in Europe we have more and more anti-native racism or some people are trying to be as controversial as they can ?

feminist telling women to marry muslims o my god in newspaper which says that gay is more normal than straight male and in newspaper which invites those who deny holocaust o my god




data from Croatia - friday, Croatia - 10 thousands invaders in 1 day

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Yes, I have seen it's from June, and I find it strange that it's not better known. Even if he wasn't drunk it would be anyway very unprofessional to say the least.

It's strange that in many ways I don't find him so bad.

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many of EU leaders have some weird things,

i wonder how many of them advance to position, some people rather look like puppets of corporations, cause "they would not been hired by any company on position better than cleaning"

our Tusk for years were ... painting houses

Martin Schultz was working in book store

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I like Tusk. And to his credit he was with Solidarnosc when it wasn't very healthy to be with Solidarnosc

Now hopefully I won't see a video of him running naked on the street.

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so you do not know his history, he is faaaar from trade union

he was in 90s liberal who led privatisation, for many of Poles he is traitor and enemy no 1

he is Merkel pupet resposible for many bad things


Solidarność was trade union, but in mid 80s it was very very much infected by commie intel, commies put a lot of agents there,

in mid 90s Soldiarity came back to be trade union, but liberals  like Tusk just climbed on necks of trade union and working people, to change into souless corporations puppets that harm usual people

many hope to see him in jail in future

after last wiretyped scandals he escaped to Brussels


he has very good press and p.r. on west, because he is puppet of Merkel and does all what is good for big corporations


real solidarnośc is trade union , in 80s it was anti communist, patriotic, Christian trade union,

Tusk are guy who said "being Pole is being insane"

he is just usual liar and manipulator which ruined Poland (in economy, in social and other issues) just to get very well paid job in Brussels


i am member of Solidarity, my mother was

people like Tusk are people who play friend when they see occasion to get to power, once they have power, they spit at you, stab you in back and do money

during his rule in Poland our debt raised TWICE

in early 90s he was member of KLD (Liberal Congress party), which privatised most of our industry,

people who act against worker do not deserve to be conected to trade union


real solidarity is far far away from people like Tusk, Kopacz, whole Civic Platform


those people were for short time in trade union in lat 80s for 1 reason, either they were commie agents to do "inside jobs" or they seen opportunity "to steal after commies"

i hope one day he will get long sentence for all he done to my country ,

for many Poles he is main object of hate - no joke


real Solidarnosc hated commies, he does business with commies,

real Solidarnosc is very Catholic , he is against

real Soldiarnosc is very patriotic and wants that industry was in Polish hands, he done privatisations for penny,

real Solidarnosc is trade union which cares for worker, he cares that foreign corporation doesnt pay taxes and businessman has free hand to fire any worker and not pay salary


about scandals conected with his daughter internet is full here


about scandals with his being prime minister internet here is full too:







a lot of anti-Polish regulations, regulations taking away soveirgnity, regulations that free from taxes abroad banks etc


please do not connect him with SOlidarnosc

it is like connecting SS man wiith victims of holocaust when SS man takes striped pyjama for moment


in 1980 - there were 10 milions of people in Solidarity, every 4th Pole was, 25% society - no joke

25% of society enlisted to Solidarity, now calculte it among adults, minus kids, minus old people retired ... almost every second man here joined Solidarity in 80s as symbol


but i do not blame you for having opinion good on him, because you do not live here,

you read what your press says

and your press has good opinion on him

just his countrymen hate him


probably the best press he has in Germany, since he done all , to sell what is possible to German companies for cheap,

his good press is made by those, because of which we live in poverty, corruption, nepotism,

and i know what i say cause i worked over decade in public administration and i was clerk when he was prime minister, i seen what was happening from inside of one of ministries, nepotism raised to very high level, people without qualifications were getting high positions,


in country :

forcing privatizations, sabotage of our railway, trying to privative state forests , the highest price of 1 km of highway and total fail of highways program, higher and higher taxes for us while foreign companies not pay taxes, 

lower and lower sentences, changes of law that disable hunt economical criminals, "act no. 1066" which allows foreign police units use arms on Polish land when Polish police would bounty (this law must be changed as soon as possible after election, cause this act is act of treason)


his son was messed in one of financial pseudo-bank scandal (you can google "Amber Gold" scandal   http://www.economist.com/blogs/easternapproaches/2012/08/polands-shadow-banking-scandal  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/28/polish-gold-scam-causes-financial-ruin_n_1835843.html )

his son  was hired by state-owned airport on very high salary ,

his daughter has "strange sposors" (she has blog about fashion and ... state-owned companies plus some rich businessmen pay her veeeeeeeeery big money for adverts on her blog )


he escaped Poland after our "watergate"  along with several ministers

he was doing all to serve his foreign sponsors to get good job in Brussels, he haven't done anything good for Poland, he ruled here before internet became main source of information, he ruled because mainstream TV suported his party and this party is responsible for puting us into debts, poverty and selling all what we had, good that privatization of state forests not occurred, they would sell land under forests, and one of most profit -making state companies


in official stats now his party has 15% less support than conservatists who will win election next month, i wonder how official stats differ from reality, maybe few percent


ooo - i forget about probably falsified municipal elections







if you have exit poll saying A 30%, B 20%, C 5%

and than suddenly you have result

A 10% B 29% C 18% and 30% of votes invalid... fishy


in Poland on card you can put 1 cross X, in those elections suddenly... 40% of cards had 2 crosses ? strange ?

and only valid cards for currently ruling coalition parties ? according to exit polls result was totally different


watergate in Poland

you know what his party did after huge wire typing scandal and recorded chats of politicians who speak about corruption ?

they changed law

since 1st July - it is illegal to record this way,you can be punished and such record cannot be taken as proof by court


so you record politician who takes bribe, and you go to prison for illegal recording and he is free and innocent and can sue you for compensation

i personally cannot forgive Act number 1066 -allowing to use force by foreign forces on Polish territory on ask from Polish Minister of Internal Affairs when Polish police is "unable" to act - which means when Polish police would stand against government - than government can use foreign


in Bulgaria 2 years ago people who protested get support from police and together Bulgarian nation get rid of corrupted government, police joined people on strike and police helped striking people (when corrupted government gave order to pacifiy people)

Tusk wanted to prevent it

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so you do not know his history, he is faaaar from trade union

I'm not sure I really wanted to connect him to a trade union. I just wanted to say he was an opposition activist in a difficult time. I think Wikipedia says he started in 1980


he was in 90s liberal who led privatisation, for many of Poles he is traitor and enemy no 1

can't blame him for that, sorry

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you see this video first time ?

it was publised 3-4 months ago, at leat in my country it was very famous video,



I got to say I was amazed that I hadn't seen that video before. I googled our news and they only say something like: "Juncker slapped and called Hungarian president as dictator in a humorish way. Juncker had fun and throw some jokes with attendants." I don't see any mention that he even could be druk or something which is weird because he looks drunk. And beign drunk at work earning hundreds of thousands or € is freaking serious thing. Man if there would be any footage before and after that to really confirm that he was drunk.


// Something different. Reminds me a lot of the many modern conflicts and politics where the west is the land of freedom, savior and promised land and east is the place where people flee or it's aggressor. It feels like this is the anthem of refugees. I can't really explain all the irony I get from this but I believe some Europeans get the same kind of feeling what I got watching and listening to it.



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// Something different. Reminds me a lot of the many modern conflicts and politics where the west is the land of freedom, savior and promised land


it is not about freedom but about money / luxury

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I got to say I was amazed that I hadn't seen that video before. I googled our news and they only say something like: "Juncker slapped and called Hungarian president as dictator in a humorish way. Juncker had fun and throw some jokes with attendants." I don't see any mention that he even could be druk or something which is weird because he looks drunk. And beign drunk at work earning hundreds of thousands or € is freaking serious thing. Man if there would be any footage before and after that to really confirm that he was drunk.

There are these rumors that he has a drinking problem, but I think he was just trying to be funny.


// Something different. Reminds me a lot of the many modern conflicts and politics where the west is the land of freedom, savior and promised land and east is the place where people flee or it's aggressor. It feels like this is the anthem of refugees. I can't really explain all the irony I get from this but I believe some Europeans get the same kind of feeling what I got watching and listening to it.

Honestly, the first thing that came to my mind within 2 seconds was the champions league. The second thing was "wow, that's old". Didn't watch the whole video :)

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Italy - woman raped by invaders, she was told "do not write to press because it has negative view on imigrants"


dozen Polish cities today protest against islamization


leftist government wants to dictate journalists what they can write about imigrants


Slovakia and Czechs collect signatures for refferendum to leave EU



lol, Britain, military uniform may "offend" muslims ?

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Video of a supposedly drunk Jean-Claude Juncker "meeting" other leaders of he EU :D

He addressed Orban as Dictator in front of cameras...


Juncker has no any dagree, he's an uneducateted person. Oh and he was the prime minister of a city-state (Luxemburg), so he get his experience to lead the EU, by leading the smallest country. Well done! He is a clown (and a puppet of Merkel).

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Italy - woman raped by invaders, she was told "do not write to press because it has negative view on imigrants"

The same happened in Hungary. That girl was not raped finally, because the police appeared in the right time, but she was attacked by immigrant. And what she did? Made a statement in the police? No. She joined to a liberal group to help and feed these rapists.


I was thinking about it, why she did this: she was brainwashed. Could be, but the worst scenario she affraid from media. She studied to artist and if the media target her as a "racist lier", she lost her career. She couldn't be a the first one, who lost her job, because tell the truth and targeted by the media.

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politicall correctness vs truth - article in Poish defence (mostly military news + energy news) portal, it says how jihadists are hiding among imigrants and how press hides informations about them 



politicall correcntess vs truth no.2 , Norwegian intel says "bigger threat is far right than isis" 

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