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USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

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Congrats Obama.

I don´t know what the next 4 years will bring to you Americans, but I certainly know what they won´t. If Romney would have won this election you would have a new war in the middle east. Romney would support Israel in a war against Iran in every way they demand, a war that could destabilize the whole region, a war where many People, including Americans, would die.

Every life is a gift from god. Be gratefull that (maybe) some lifes will not be lost because of the outcome of this election.

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One of the very few crisis president re elected. That's something.

On a side note, the cost of this campaign is a shame.

Edited by ProfTournesol

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So many crystal ball owners in this thread!

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Congrats Obama.

I don´t know what the next 4 years will bring to you Americans, but I certainly know what they won´t. If Romney would have won this election you would have a new war in the middle east. Romney would support Israel in a war against Iran in every way they demand, a war that could destabilize the whole region, a war where many People, including Americans, would die.

Every life is a gift from god. Be gratefull that (maybe) some lifes will not be lost because of the outcome of this election.

+1 An quite possible adverting a 3rd persian Gulf War or worse which i think at this point nobody can afford. Sure Iran needs to be put in it's place but not at the risk we similarily went thru after 911 even though it was the correct path.

At the time I was a truck driver making good money the housing market was keeping us truck driver busy, the economy was stronger than ever, 3 yrs an 2 Wars later everything went to crap an we have still not recovered. TG no Romney.

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If Romney would have won this election you would have a new war in the middle east

What is there to fully suggest that there wont be regardless of who won or lost?

Just another good cop / bad cop excersize for another four years of the same continued crusades, remember the focus should never be them personally, but those around them and any changes they make or dont.

Im UK based and the amount of hype for this campaign all over our media and radio almost everywhere has got so annoying its untrue. You would have thought that somehow we were in the U.S or it was our own elections. Coverage was like bloody (he)X-factor for politics. U.S folk should have flown over to here, you probably would have got even better coverage than in the U.S :)

Edited by mrcash2009

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Im UK based and the amount of hype for this campaign all over our media and radio almost everywhere has got so annoying its untrue. You would have thought that somehow we were in the U.S or it was our own elections. Coverage was like bloody (he)X-factor for politics. U.S folk should have flown over to here, you probably would have got even better coverage than in the U.S :)

Sky, which is guilty of carrying over American talking points to our shores too often in my opinion (their drug war and homophobia nonsense really seems out of place here too), really wanted to get some ratings. Saying that it would be a close election constantly was desperate spin.

I personally didn't see any hype, the Beeb covers the US and French elections as standard practice so you always get reminders on the website and news channel anyway.

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Hi all

To those Republicans who said they would move to Australia if Obama got a second term here is what you need to know when applying for your visa:


Kind Regards walker

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I haven't met a single person who said they'd do that, nor have I heard of any save one who is a moron radio figure. Typical and annoying political hate is typical and annoying.

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Hi all

To those Republicans who said they would move to Australia if Obama got a second term here is what you need to know when applying for your visa:


Kind Regards walker

Haha I saw that today too. I found it right after I had just finished reading a Facebook post about this girl I know (who works for a Republican who failed to get elected as Senator) wanting to move there. Thought I would show that to her.

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Hopefully people will now let the election driven hyper-partisan drivel go and we can get back into the business of fixing this United States of America. That goes for all sides.

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Hopefully people will now let the election driven hyper-partisan drivel go and we can get back into the business of fixing this United States of America. That goes for all sides.

Are you happy about your state's... uh... new found "Freedom"?

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Hi all

To those Republicans who said they would move to Australia if Obama got a second term here is what you need to know when applying for your visa:


Kind Regards walker


It´s funny how republicans said that they´ll move to Australia or Canada if Obama wins. Clearly shows that those people don´t know anything about the rest of the world. The US is still a conservative paradise (compared to the rest of first world countries) and Obama won´t/can´t change that.

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It´s funny how republicans said that they´ll move to Australia or Canada if Obama wins. Clearly shows that those people don´t know anything about the rest of the world.

Except they didn't.

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I personally didn't see any hype, the Beeb covers the US and French elections as standard practice so you always get reminders on the website and news channel anyway.

Point is you never see the reverse, no one would be remotely interested the other way around :)

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Not all of them, no.

Yes, and I'm sure the number that did is quite high... :j: Just like the number that want to "wage war on women" and go on a crusade. (again: :j:)

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Yes, and I'm sure the number that did is quite high... :j: Just like the number that want to "wage war on women" and go on a crusade. (again: :j:)

Your main purpose in this thread seems to be that of eye-rolling at Republican (mis)perceptions - and I would agree that many are exaggerated stances that are all too common during election cycles. Just wondering: Do you also eye roll at the extremely common claims that Obama is a Muslim hellbent on implementing a Sharia stronghold/that he really wants a communist state/a Whites-hater/coming to claim all our guns - maniac?

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Well, the guns thing actually has a lot of truth to it, but I know he won't try it; not yet anyways. But yes, I do that too. See, this is a VERY liberal forum, much more so than many others I'm on that have many European members, so it's full if left-wing stupid crap. I eye-roll stupid crap. Therefor, on this forum, I eye-roll left wing stupid crap. I mean come on, claiming that even a tiny number of conservatives "want to move to another country" is just outright stupid. I have a feeling a lot of it is people intentionally misinterpreting angry sarcasm for honesty.

Obama has the best of intentions, I'm sure. I think his actual actions and decisions are stupid as hell and certainly not in the best interest of where we need to go as a country, but no, he's not a demonic spawn of hell, muslum terrorist, or outrageous Bond villain.

Edited by GRS

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@GRS: I hear ya. Do you think the Republicans purging of their moderates last mid term had an impact on there sale-ability for the Presidential general and do you think they'll move somewhat more to Center?

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Hi all

The problem with the GOP is that it has backed itself in to the conservative corner, largely due to the influence of wingnuts like Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump and Ted Nugent, the Conservative Media has then fed the Reality Distortion Field that makes members of Republican Party think the wingnut's agenda is mainstream, when in reality many of the closely held so called Conservative value are extremist, take for examples the anti Gay stance and the stupid idea that Universal health care that protects kiddies and the disabled is evil... Say What?

Like many other so called "conservative values" they are not things the average American agrees with, nor will they ever agree with them, they might say "Yeh sure." to shut up a Wingnut/polster but get real, they never believe that wingnut guff and when it comes to the anonimity of the poll booth with no screaming harpies at their shoulder, they make the right choice.

The second major problem the GOP has is that year by year their Support erodes, as those who agree with the wingnut guff are primarily a generation that is dying out, and the anti health care/Medicare/Social Security policies that the GOP follow in Congress only means that this voter clique will die out even quicker.

A conservative GOP is essentialy a Dinosaur and the Astroid has hit.

The GOP needs to loose its wingnuts especialy Ted Nugent who it appears is a Garry Glitter and Jimmy Saville Fan and reassess the whole conservative values facade. It could also do with examining whether the support of the 1%ers and their Mouthpiece, Fox Network, is in the Republican parties long term strategic interest.

Untill the GOP gets rid of its baggage its unelectability will only increase.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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since you're oviously not interested in contributing in a reasonable manner to this topic, you're now banned from it. Infraction for Trolling/Spamming also given.

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