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Unified Anatomy Pack

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Lo there guys

Here some first pics of the UAP (unified anatomy pack) which is, as u can see, still in progress.

I started on this models due multiple demands of the ofp community to replace the default ofp humans

with new better ones whichs is obviously due to the age of ofp ;) .

These models are completely created from scratch using photos textures and blueprints

so u ca expect high quality at average polycount (which is around 2900 (whole body!!!) at that time no resolution lods yet).

I dont know when exactly ill be able to finish the whole pack but prolly in the next month or two.

This is due the fact that there will be many different body shapes like:

Male basis

Male muscular

Male corpulent

Male thin

Female basis

Female muscular

Female corpulent

Female thin

The basis pack will contain models as stated above.

Following packs will replace civilian and soldier models.

Note: The UAP wont come as a *.PBO Addon and its not mentioned to be used as a individual addon

like seen with Nude models (....).

There will be selections made so seperate body parts can be replaced individually with custom addons.

Well hope u like it, mail me for critix, advice, coments or any other crazy shit ;P

P.s: Some might recognize Samus Aran on those pics which is a side project of mine (hehe)

The uap will be exclusivly customized for mods i cooperate with (like uscm, sst and ccts)

these will have exclusiv features which will only be customized for these mods (like heavy body dismemberment for sst mod)










some pictures removed cuz of explicity

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tomb rider like?

i hoped u recognize samus aran on th pics

i know there naked even the males be naked

this is due to get the whoel bunch of other things placed corectly

like new GI suits or normal clothes

therefore htese anatomy models will be used as blueprints needles to say.

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Wow, she's a hottie. The first picture is kind of revealing wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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One suggestion, next time around model them with the cloths

on because textures won't be worn like cloths. Which leaves

us with a bunch of clothed yet naked people.

Which isn't good unless your makeing a prono mod.

Those female model pictures there kinda "Bear all"

and yeah I do take offence at them.

(Could see the day this happened.)


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sorry if i have offended anyone but it wasnt meant to

and yes there will be clothes....

and no there wont be any porn stuff for naked addon shit

sorry sergeant guess were in the same boat... (yes im female aswell)

i started the model with pure creation interest cuz

im looking forward for 3d graphic designer job (lol)

and decided later on to create a new human model for ofp

and as i said these modles (male/female) are meant morelikely as blueprints

for new better ofp soldiers /civilians

next pcitures wont be that explicit

if anyone whishes (moderators for example i can like censor the pictures...)

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One thing these need is a female voice set, maybe two. It'd be shame if you heard these girls talking with deep and dark male voice.

Just a thought. wink_o.gif

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Ohh... you have been looking at photos (if you know what I mean) tounge_o.gif

But searisly, good looking models, enough details, this will make another great addition in progress of re-generateing of BIS models... wink_o.gif

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looking good :-)

Quote[/b] ]Which isn't good unless your makeing a prono mod.

hehe thats a funny reply :-) k maybe only for me cause i knew what shes doing....

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Glad to see u have taken the initiative to improve the human model for the community. However, do note that the reason why the ofp humans are blocky is because the original designers intended to place about 600 3d soldiers on the screen to battle it out. In order to achieve that, they had to cut down severly on the detailing so as to have a playerable game with less tax on the video card, and is not because the original designers were lousy at creating humans....

I would admit that 4 yrs ago, the best computer then was the common intel 200MMX series and currently in terms of computer power we are now stronger than before and will continue to be as we explore organic computers to achieve super speeds.

I can only hope that u may find the 'balance' between art and funtionality of whatever u may seek to improve upon.All the best! smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]P.s: Some might recognize Samus Aran on those pics which is a side project of mine (hehe) The uap will be exclusivly customized for mods i cooperate with (like uscm, sst and ccts) these will have exclusiv features which will only be customized for these mods (like heavy body dismemberment for sst mod)


Quote[/b] ](like heavy body dismemberment for sst mod)[/

got a question to that, what is ment with it? dont understand...

plz mail me, manti



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THis'll be a great addition to OFP when finished, something that has been lagging behind the other developments in graphics, scripting etc...

BTW...How could anyone take offence at a picture of a naked 3D model? But have no problem playing a game where said models are blown to pieces?? rock.gif

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hi there soem news

just finshed the female basis model

(feet took me 3 hrs ...)

thx for all responds!

to ur questions

@ snypa (not such kind of photos ... i have a boyfriend and myself for that :P)

@ phillcomando

yes i know but as i stated before

u wont use the whole model as such (3000 polys by now, will be lowered though) because obviosly u wotn see every thing ingame and things like clothing will be extra modeled replcaing the default body parts of the uap basis models

which will decrease poly count massivly

s u dont have to worry about

@ ville


@ chop

yes sad but true how people can be...



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People are so silly sometimes ... naked model ... boohooo.

Excellent work in my opinion, I am not a modeller myself but I realise how difficult that must be. Well done and carry on.

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thx again

@ gandalf

Quote[/b] ]i just had a very wrong thought about the origin of the textures...

wot u mean ehh? ;)

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Will the male/female soldier models use BIS textures and helmets or will they use more up to date stuff, like HYK's US units or even KMARNS International Soldiers? smile_o.gif

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this is very good news indeed, OFP has been revamped massively by the community in all aspects, except human models, good luck on this project smile_o.gif

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Excellent, been looking for a good high detail effort to create some good looking and realistic characters.  Make sure you make available a LOT of different faces so we don't get stuck with just well known people or standard BIS faces.

I've been needing something like this for my Aircraft campaign, mostly for the main characters and for female airbase personnel.

While I'm on the subject, could someone also develop a good USAF ground crew male/female addon?  They should have two skins, one U.S. Green and one Desert camo.  Some ground crew anims would also kick ass as well.

Just really badly wanting this stuff, if I could afford it I'd pay 18 Euros no questions asked for a great airbase addon pack with everything I needed for my campaign.

I wouldn't mind working on it if I could, but me and modelling/skinning just don't get along together well.

Some feedback on this would be great.



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Did you model it or has it been imported from somewhere? If you modelled it you are pretty talented, good work. Certain parts of it could do with less polygones because I doubt their usefullness in a FPS like OFP. Unless you want a (semi) naked woman as a unit model its going to have be remodelled for uniforms and gear.

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This looks very very promising..

I have often discussed the bad proportions of humans in ofp and have recently posted about the issue (link). (talk about timing smile_o.gif )

Would it be possible to see some of the models in situ (in a helicopter cockpit, in a car...)

What would be the conditions to have access to the kit/templates for a mod team ?

(I am part of OFrP team but havent discussed this with the rest of them yet so it's not an official request, i've just discovered this project on ofp.info)

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