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Albert Schweitzer


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Added bohnicz, corrected depth order of pins in the 'Pott.

Düsseldorf, Germany

Und unser Bier ist trotzdem besser... ;)

A Bavarian, a guy from Cologne and a guy from Düsseldorf meet in a bar.

The guy from Cologne orders a Köllsch, the guy from Düsseldorf orders an Alt. The Bavarian orders... a glass of water.

The others look at him, startled. "What's wrong, don't you want to drink a Weizen?"

The Bavarian answers: "No, thanks. If you don't want to drink beer, I don't want to drink beer either."

Cheers! biggrin_o.gif

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We have our first pin-via-mail: added Canalien

That'll be from the OGN forums smile_o.gif

Would be nice if Catshitone (maker of the famous Afghnistan island) could hear about this, IIRC he was in Guam or some such place? smile_o.gif

Hope he wasnt in the way of the tsunami anyways... Wasnt he once allready?

IIRC he got caught up in a Tornado/Hurricane?

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throw a dart on Pyhtää in southern coast of finland. it's about 120km east from the capital helsinki smile_o.gif

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throw a dart on Pyhtää in southern coast of finland. it's about 120km east from the capital helsinki smile_o.gif


wow_o.gif Such a big land and everybody seems to gravitate southward... wink_o.gif

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maybe only the south has internet wink_o.gif

or it isn't that cold down in the deep south biggrin_o.gif

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bastler, could you add following?

Ústí nad Labem

Czech Republic

Cheers smile_o.gif

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@ Jan. 19 2005,00:48)]Very good idea  wink_o.gif . THX to Albert Schweizer.

Current location: Lyon, France

Nah! it is all Bastlers work! People need to realise that!

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throw a dart on Pyhtää in southern coast of finland. it's about 120km east from the capital helsinki smile_o.gif


wow_o.gif  Such a big land and everybody seems to gravitate southward... wink_o.gif

Well half the population lives within a 150 km radius of Helsinki. biggrin_o.gif

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could you please add the following?

Haarlem, Netherlands.

Nice to see that the good ol' Lowlands are so filled with OFP fans to warrant a seperate map, haha!

Beatiful city, btw. Haarlem, that is. Over 750 years old, with historical sites every few steps... Plus great local beer!

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Great idea Bastler,

Please could you add me to Bristol, UK, same spot as somebloke.


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maybe only the south has internet wink_o.gif

well I got my broadband long after a buddy of mine had one in Sodankylä (Lapland). and btw as an electronic student I can tell you the cold kinda helps with the internet as it gets the conductivity of the line up and that way decreases attenuation :P

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Quote[/b] ]and btw as an electronic student I can tell you the cold kinda helps with the internet as it gets the conductivity of the line up and that way decreases attenuation

Well in that case I'm going to Anartica and playing flashpoint down dere online. Zero Ping anywhere in the world. Pengions will power my need.. tounge_o.gif

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Please Add:

Coordinates: 38.7990° N, 84.2130° W

Elevation: 0 meters (0 feet)

Region: Foster, Kentucky, United States of America

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (GMT - 5:00)

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Could you locate me at this position : Bruxelles, (Brussel) Belgium.

This map is an excellent initiative, felicitations... blues.gif

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added Tora[fr], Edge, Xawery, ade_mcc, maximilien, noundo

There is no wikipedia entry for Foster, Kentucky.

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Please Add:


Coordinates:  38.7990° N, 84.2130° W  

Elevation:  0 meters (0 feet)  

Region:  Foster, Kentucky, United States of America  

Time Zone:  Eastern Standard Time (GMT - 5:00)

Do you know how many stereotypes pop up in my mind when I hear Kentucky? :P


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Do you know how many stereotypes pop up in my mind when I hear Kentucky? :P

Kentucky schreit Ficken! biggrin_o.gif

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Do you know how many stereotypes pop up in my mind when I hear Kentucky? :P

Cigars and bourbon?

anyway that's what I like smile_o.gif

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Could you please add me to your map? Im located in Plano, Texas (NE of Dallas).

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Added Deadmarsh, W@rhead, Hudson

Gee, this sensor fusion consumes my time! Kalman here, Kalman there...


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