Tigershark_BAS 0 Posted September 9, 2004 Perhaps... DeusEx?(The original part 1, can't speak for part 2) Word der Blaster! Deus Ex was one of the most immersive and clever games I played. Really enjoyed it. However, if you are talking immersive real world FPS shooters still have to vote for ol' OFP there....especially MP experiences. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadow 6 Posted September 9, 2004 Deus Ex 1, H&D2 and Vietcong ooze imersiveness to me. Deus Ex for its story, H&D2 for the terrain and soldier micro-management, Vietcong because you can step on a tripwire any time. But the most imersive moment ever was the OFP-mission in the CWC-campaign where you're a pilot who just got captured by the russians. I was scared shitless, wondering... what are they going to do to me? where are they taking me? when and how do I escape? what are they talking about? I don't want to be here with those guys. HEEELP! Those were my exact thoughts during that mission I felt I was really living that pilot's life then and there. Never had a similar feeling in any other game or any other mission in OFP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blake 0 Posted September 9, 2004 What H&D2 and Vietcong lacked was the co-op, a type of gameplay that makes OFP still so invincible even today. Raven shield had coop but it was so much the same stuff like Rainbow Six and Rogue Spear and it failed to get me hooked as well as previous titles. Fortunately the upcoming H&D2 expansion 'Sabre Team' promises whole new campaign playable as coop. I also hope they make coop version of the original campaign also. Thinking of it, even if mediocre shooters like Call of Duty had coop it would make it so much better, even excellent perhaps. Too bad gaming industry always offers standard, boring DM, TDM and CTF game modes They just don't get it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
killswitch 19 Posted September 9, 2004 I'll have to echo the recommendations for the "No One Lives Forever" series. That and Deus Ex (the first), if you haven't played it. Immersive and highly entertaining, IMHO. Stay far away from: MOH series ("Spawning Nazi Asteroids". BS gameplay), R6 series (only-top-of-forehead-behind-stack-of-crates-laser-beam-insta-kill design flaw. Kills immersion dead immediately) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted September 9, 2004 But I like most are going crazy waiting for Brothers in Arms to come out..I expecting BOA to break new ground It looks very nice, although I read yesterday the campaign only offers 15 hours of "narrative driven" gameplay which for me is one Saturday of playing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpongeBob 0 Posted September 9, 2004 Anyone play XIII (thirteen)? Â It looks like a comic book first person shooter, thinking of picking it up for cheap, looks very immersive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
USSRsniper 0 Posted September 9, 2004 farCry is the best FPS Â Â when half-Life 2 will be out it will be best FPS// textures in doom 3 soo bad even OFP has better textures Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EiZei 0 Posted September 9, 2004 Anyone play XIII (thirteen)? It looks like a comic book first person shooter, thinking of picking it up for cheap, looks very immersive. Quite boring and ordinary IMHO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted September 9, 2004 Secondly; saying that H&D2 was rushed out the door...do you have any idea how long this game was in development? The development for H&D2 started in august 1999, and the game was released in october 2003. A little over 4 years... . for me, H&D2 is a much more immersive FPS experience than Vietcong. 4 years seems like enouh time to make a good and polished game, the ls3d engine was put to poor use with this one, and not only the a.i. was "uninteresting" but it had stealth bars . They also failed to make well thought and interesting missions or levels, they were poorly scripted and simplistic, the potential was there but the execution was more like a low budget kinda game. Mafia uses the same engine and the final result was fantastic, problably the reason why i find H&D2 so poor and disapointing . Has for VC's imersive factor, well its just about everything from the detailed vegetation and great quality sound to the graphics, a.i. and levels, it just shows that alot of work and atention to detail was put there, it just feels more imersive to move around in the dark jungle escaping from the VC with a AK47 in firts person view . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DracoPaladore 0 Posted September 9, 2004 You can go into first person view in H&D, if thats what you mean. I played the Vietcong demo. I think its a great game. But my computer gives me this dark blue screen for a few seconds and then reboots after awhile during gameplay. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BoweryBaker 0 Posted September 9, 2004 I find it funny noone mentions hitman or hitman2. Isn't that game any fun at all? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted September 9, 2004 I played the Vietcong demo. I think its a great game. But my computer gives me this dark blue screen for a few seconds and then reboots after awhile during gameplay. Many people complain about poor performance and issues with it, i played with high resolution and acceptable frame rate and my system is average , i feel sorry for all the people that werent able to enjoy this great game at decent settings, it looked very good, shame the expantion doesnt have the same overall quality and they have turned into porting it to console instead of starting on a sequel . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blake 0 Posted September 9, 2004 Quote[/b] ]They also failed to make well thought and interesting missions or levels, they were poorly scripted and simplistic I wouldn't call missions like diving quietly in a Norwegian fjord, infiltrating covertly into a german destroyer, killing silently then slipping back into water and diving under the mighty battleship Tirpitz with explosives then escaping with driveable underwater 'human torpedoes' exactly uninteresting Or attacking german artic weather station searching for documents and then mopping up U-boat in the docks. But obviously you haven't played it all the way through. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DracoPaladore 0 Posted September 10, 2004 Or attacking german artic weather station searching for documents and then mopping up U-boat in the docks. But obviously you haven't played it all the way through. That mission is the best. I love clearing the Uboat too. I remember several feirce fire fights trying to get on and into the thing. Dropping grenades down the hatch, sliding down, mopping up. Scares the hell out of you when you open that door and a dog jumps at ya. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
desantnik 0 Posted September 10, 2004 hey ... quick question... where can I get the patch for the mature language in Vietcong... I already have the bloodpatch.... by the way... I am suprised no one has mentioned Max Payne 2.. that game really puts you into the story... heck ... the whole thing is one damn good movie that you simply happen to play. Also.... Red Orchestra rocks my face.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
One 0 Posted September 10, 2004 is it really that good? i was always a fan of the unreal engine and it's mods (strike force, tactical ops, infiltration). wonder if DoD:source will be any good? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WargamingNor 0 Posted September 10, 2004 But obviously you haven't played it all the way through. My thoughts exactly! He can't have played H&D2 properly. H&D2 is far superior to VC, but as long as he has his mind decided that VC is gods gift to gamers nothing we say can change his mind. But that's alright, you should stick with your own opinions. (this sorta reminds me of a heated discussion I had with some members on a norwegian forum a couple of weeks ago... the threadstarter asked for good singelplayer FPS wargames...well of course I suggested OFP at the top of my list! Then a couple of others start saying that OFP sucks because none of them had managed to complete the campaigns...one actually complained that he had played OFP for a year and STILL hadn't managed to finish the CWC campaign . So they said OFP was far too difficult since you could die from one shot...I then asked what games they thought was balanced and not too hard...and OF COURSE they said CS Oh man, I and some other OFP players really nailed them to the floor after that...in the end one of them lost his temper completly and was banned for a long time because of his outburst. You gotta love CS players that thinks CS is the holy grail of gaming and probably would have a nervous breakdown if they were to be without CS for more than 2-3 days... ) Ah well, enough of my ramblings. I like H&D2, he likes VC, end of story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leveler 0 Posted September 10, 2004 For me it is Deus ex and Vietcong. Deus ex is the only game I enjoyed as much the second time I finished it and Vietcong has great firefights. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted September 10, 2004 But obviously you haven't played it all the way through. My thoughts exactly! He can't have played H&D2 properly. Well i actually finished the game eventualy, if i remember correctly the last level we had to steal a tank and enter this weird looking base . I dont know, i expected it to get better at some point but it didnt for me, and the team bots were just like children, had to do it all by myself. Fire fights were quite boring for the most part, sniper rifle and thats it, there were some good details and features but has a whole it should have been alot better imo, not to mention they went totaly arcade with multi and left coop out. The whole imersive aspect of VC comes from atention to detail and the fact that the game really is a FPS . -The jungle and villages with great sounds and small animals. -The great a.i. teambots that actually call for the medic, take ammo from the engineer dude, radio for artillery strykes, check the dead bodies with some funny anims and actions, etc. -The use of supressive fire and cover, the bots made some of the best firefights i ever saw in a game. -Up to date graphics, the game looked very good. -Awsome environment, music, characters, level design and execution, and an ok compromise betwean gameplay and realism. I think that even if i had enjoyed H&D2 more i would still vote VC has the most imersive fps ever . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xawery 0 Posted September 10, 2004 is it really that good? i was always a fan of the unreal engine and it's mods (strike force, tactical ops, infiltration). wonder if DoD:source will be any good? I risk being labelled a fanboy by saying this, but Red Orchestra is very very good. If you liked DoD, you'll love RO. The voice comms are very immersive (I find these very important) and the in-game sounds are simply terrific. It was the first time I had no objections to the sounds. When you hear the MG34 fire you crap your pants and drop to the floor, not necessarily in that order... I suggest you look up the Red Orchestra 3.0 thread for more info. On the topic of immersive games, something completely different: a little game that recently fell into my hands, called Nosferatu: Wrath of Malachi. A Swedish-made horror game with the distinct feel of 1920's vampire flicks. Armed with a spine-chilling soundtrack, random castle infrastructure (you never play in the same castle twice!) and randomly respawning monsters, this game will make your hair stand on end. While graphically not up to par with recent games, Nosferatu completely makes up for this shortcoming with blood-curdling atmosphere. Even when I started to discern the pattern in the monster's behaviour they managed to give me goosebumps every time they appeared. Cardiac arrest, here I come! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted September 10, 2004 I find it funny noone mentions hitman or hitman2.  Isn't that game any fun at all? both are very good games, i loved ´em outlaws was also one the most immersive games i played, it had the wild wild west feeling like no other game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted September 10, 2004 outlaws was also one the most immersive games i played, it had the wild wild west feeling like no other game Great game, only beaten in the western genre by "Law Of The West" IMO Edit: Strange that nobody has mentioned System Shock? Now that's an immersive game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xawery 0 Posted September 10, 2004 Edit: Strange that nobody has mentioned System Shock? Now that's an immersive game   temporary insanity, I guess! The funny thing is, when describing Nosferatu I was thinking how it gave me the chills just like System Shock used to. Duh! On a sidenote, a rather dedicated dev team started working on a SSII remake for the Doom III engine some time ago. Sadly, EA (it was EA right?) told them to discontinue their work. Unabashed, the chaps decided to make a completely new game, with a feel similar to SSII. They called it Sapphire Scar. Take a look at their website for more details. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LT.Schaffer 0 Posted September 10, 2004 What H&D2 and Vietcong lacked was the co-op, a type of gameplay that makes OFP still so invincible even today. Raven shield had coop but it was so much the same stuff like Rainbow Six and Rogue Spear and it failed to get me hooked as well as previous titles. Fortunately the upcoming H&D2 expansion 'Sabre Team' promises whole new campaign playable as coop. I also hope they make coop version of the original campaign also. Thinking of it, even if mediocre shooters like Call of Duty had coop it would make it so much better, even excellent perhaps. Too bad gaming industry always offers standard, boring DM, TDM and CTF game modes   They just don't get it. I Agree! Infact I Won't Buy A Game Anymore Unless It Has Coop There's Nothing Like Playing A COOP Mission With Your Friends!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IceFire 0 Posted September 14, 2004 Ok, since making this thread, I have downloaded and played the following demos. VietCong, Delta Force BlackHawk Down Noone lives Forever 2 Noone lives forever was very immersive and fun. I liked how you have to use your wits in many situations. It felt alot like Theif2 in terms of game play. My only dislike with it was it was too cartoony. It is like a childrens game. Plus, you play as a woman. VietCong was a little fun. I loved the music in the demo, that was awesome. The action and gameplay felt really as if you were a Special Forces group in the Vietnam war. I never saw the enemy though and relied mainly on my teammates to find and kill them for me. My only legitimate annoyance with this game again is the damage system. If it takes more than a 1 or 2 well placed shots to the center of mass to down an enemy the immersion is ruined for me. Another aspect of the game was that it was boring. Sure it authentically represents a real Special Forces op in Vietnam, but it was not worth playing. Delta Force, Black Hawk Down. Ok, this game kicks ass! It is very realistic. The damage enemy damage system is the most realistic aspect. All it takes is 1 or 2 shots to down an enemy. That is golden for me. The graphics are crisp, and the combat realistic. The music was also soooo awesome! When you start off in the chopper heading for the UN building and hear the drum beats beating slowly faster until contact is made, you are really ready to go and in the mood for the operation. There are some bad things about this realistic game though. For one, the player movements are not realistic. It is as if you are a robot running with perfect accuracy the whole time. To make things worse, the enemy has such poor accuracy, it is almost unfair. Nor is the enemy very intelligent. There were several ways the enemy could have used a little "thinking" to box me in, ambush and kill me. Instead I was fighting against a bunch of stupid robots that don't even know how to take cover. If hte player movements were a little more realistic(like in OPF) and the enemy a little more intelligent, this would have made for an excellent realistic tactical shooter. So far, my favorite demo is DF,BHD. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites