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Yes, the beards were the main reason why I never downloaded them. They look like fake plastic beards strapped to their faces with rubber bands.

I hope that the beards are either removed or made like the beards on TDF scouts that BAS made.

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Does anyone know anything new about this nice island?

for real he's like in a couple of weeks now nothing

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with all the recent releases, we're badly in need of a new Afghan map to do missions on. earth to remo, please respond sad_o.gif

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Sorry if this has already been covered: do you have a mission team working on missions for this island? I know the community will make a chunk themselves, but I was just curious anyway. smile_o.gif

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Looks like a really cool island.When is it gonna be finished?

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Looks like a really cool island.When is it gonna be finished?

Normaly i would say "It's finished when it's finished" ... but in this case i hope it's done in the near futute. I'd really like to make some missions for this nice islands ... especially after all this great desert-variants (RHS, Combat!, etc.) have been released

MEDICUS  smile_o.gif

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Any reports on this islands progress or even a little teaser of how its going I am so looking forward to this Island biggrin_o.gif .

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looks really good, we can now have sum good desert combat missions smile_o.gif

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I have a question.  Do you have ANY enterable buildings on the map?  At least some "walled communities" I hear so much a bout and see very often on actual footage from news and mail call.  It's a good thing that I told you before its done, eh?  unclesam.gif You know, they say Afghanistan is every inch a fighting position.

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Do you have ANY enterable buildings on the map?

Just looked again at the screen on page one and i would say: yes. There are some buildings with "open doors". And afaik there are also some with ladders, so that you can climbe on the roof.

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Hi everybody and thanks for your interest in this map.

AfganEveron is 97% finished I "just" have two problems

- ladders bug on the mosque : when one is right the other is the wrong way

- I'm looking for "farci alphabet" writings of North-East afganistan cities (konduz, Taloquan, Charikar)

after that, a few more works to make the landscape looks better and it will be ok

Some buildings are 100% enterable with furnitures inside, some have just the 2nd floor enterable and some are not.

100% are "climbable"/walkable by lader of stair : you can hide on roofs and move from roof to roof, and/or put people on top (deadly). During MP test it was nice and immersive full 3D fights

50% of buildings are "small" parts" that can be (re)assembled to make new ones in editor or in wrptools

I'd like also to remplace the hours "standard bell" by azan (call for pray), but I'm still looking for the trick. Anyway, you will have sounds added in the editors

10 to 15 missions are also "almost" completed to work with taliban pack, Afgan VS Russian, US VS Taliban



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Good te hear the project is still alive.

Remo if you need Azan sound files then PM me i cans end them to you , and i hope you do know that Fajr azan is a bit different then the rest four? smile_o.gif . As i said if you want them PM me.

Apart from the occasional mosque have you made any sort of tombs? There are plenty of tombs or alike structures in Afghanistans north just like the big mosque in Najaf Iraq there are such structures in afghanistan too. They would add a bit of diversity to the map , having such a building with acourtyard would make for excellent flush the rebels from here sort of mission.

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Any news on the Taliban pack rock.gif , soon we will only need good oll john Rambo and Col. Trautman skins to save the poor and brave people of Afghanistan from the evil Russian invaders wink_o.gif .

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Remo!  tounge_o.gif

Great to hear that! Really good news.

I'm looking for "farci alphabet" writings of North-East afganistan cities (konduz, Taloquan, Charikar)

Perhaps that can help a little bit.

MfG MEDICUS  smile_o.gif

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Excellent news.

This island is one I've been looking forward to for a long time, and it'll be a permanent addion to my addons folder.

Keep up the good work Remo!

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are the new taliban gonna have hd weapons???

ive edited yours and added hd weapons for personal use

if youd like the cpp ill send it to ya

just wanna help

cant wait for more desert action

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Yes taliban and NorthernAlliance will be "jammed", turban reworked, and ... ZZtop beard changed into better one and/or afgan faces + BAS Tonal opfor sounds

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+ BAS Tonal opfor sounds

Oh no, you mean the BHD sounds, those are african voice sounds rock.gif . Im personaly not a big fan of DF voice sounds in OPF units sad_o.gif .

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+ BAS Tonal opfor sounds

Oh no, you mean the BHD sounds, those are african voice sounds rock.gif . Im personaly not a big fan of DF voice sounds in OPF units sad_o.gif .

BHD sounds? That was somalia this is afghanistan here crazy_o.gif

Sir remo email with azan sound files sent along with explanation , hope you can implement them accordingly wink_o.gif

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No it won't be "african" sounds ! but arabic (i wish i could find afgani...), shouting when hit and hurts, the same way the BAS opfor and VITAPC units are doing

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