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Thanks to The Avon Lady and Raptor for getting mirrors up! And thanks for the comments, too! :-)

I guess I can hereby say that it's officially released, with mirrors up and all.

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Is it possible to put the Marine Assualt pack and other add-ons which are needed, into the same add-ons folder which is located in the Flash FX1.9 Mod folder?

Thanks, looks geat BTW. Can't wait to play Cold War Crisis campaign with this.

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[noob question:]

im not satisfied with the feetdust.sqs values (i find dust clouds a bit too much) do i reduce values on this line?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_size = [0.4 + random 0.4]

and also if i want to add those excellent tracers in shilka to the vulcan how would i do it ?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">? _weapon == "Gun73": _shape = "halflight"; _tint = (_tint / 2)

? _weapon == "ZsuCannon": _shape = "koulesvetlo"; _r = 0 add these with vulcan names?

[/noob question:]

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Yes you can put all the needed addons in the Addon folder of the flashfx mod folder.

Quick report :

on the desert island at night 2 east squad vs 2 west squad fighting in front of each other = very "laggy".

I suspect the extra lights (flashram i think) or the extra gun smokes during that firefight to have their part of responsabilities.

Oh and during that firefight , my eyes were bleeding painfully due to the amount of flashram used a very lot during that nightly test firefight killing very quickly my poor eyes

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smile_o.gif Hey, nice work, as always!!!

Just two things:

1. Flashram kills the framerate (and i have some kind of monster machine). BTW the effect was nice, for two minutes. then it really went on my nerves.

2. YOUR old fuelexplosion got much more ooomph, as you know what i mean. The ICP effect is just nice, yours is great.

But those things are easy to edit in the cpp, so don´t bother me wink_o.gif

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Does FlashRAM really lag? During testing I didn't find any lag...

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I investigated it bit and tried to delete some of the event handlers to see what was the real responsible of the lag occuring in this night firefight test.

And in fact it is the blood effect (the flashram has a bit of impact on the ressource, but the blood effect just kill the framerate in the test) , unlike what i thought at first.

I have not tested to see if it is the blood reference in the init = or the hit =

But by transforming this

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class EventHandlers


init = "[_this,""M16"",""M16""] exec ""\TACTEvents\onPlayerInit.sqs""; [] exec ""\OFPEC_Blood\blood_init.sqs""; FLASHRAM = loadfile ""\FLASHRAM\FLASH.sqf""; [_this select 0] exec ""\Nmod_Effects\feetdust.sqs""";

killed = "if (player == _this select 0) then {_this exec ""\TACTEvents\onPlayerDeathBlack.sqs""}";

fired = "if (TACTWeaponFXinit) then {_this call TACTfuncFiredEH}; _this call flashram; _this exec ""\nmod_effects\backblast.sqs""; _this exec ""\Nmod_Effects\fuseinit.sqs""";

hit="_this exec ""\OFPEC_Blood\blood_squirt.sqs""";


into that

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class EventHandlers


init = "[_this,""M16"",""M16""] exec ""\TACTEvents\onPlayerInit.sqs""; FLASHRAM = loadfile ""\FLASHRAM\FLASH.sqf""; [_this select 0] exec ""\Nmod_Effects\feetdust.sqs""";

killed = "if (player == _this select 0) then {_this exec ""\TACTEvents\onPlayerDeathBlack.sqs""}";

fired = "if (TACTWeaponFXinit) then {_this call TACTfuncFiredEH}; _this call flashram; _this exec ""\nmod_effects\backblast.sqs""; _this exec ""\Nmod_Effects\fuseinit.sqs""";


It solved totally the lag occuring in the night firefight test.

Maybe it should be interesting to give a look to the blood script, to see if there is a part of it that can be optimised, as in this state there is a real framerate problem.

So for someone that find firefights to make the game unplayable, just use the editable config and replace what i quote first by what i quote in second

And if you want to remove the flashram effect along the blood reference, replace the first quote by this

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class EventHandlers


init = "[_this,""M16"",""M16""] exec ""\TACTEvents\onPlayerInit.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\Nmod_Effects\feetdust.sqs""";

killed = "if (player == _this select 0) then {_this exec ""\TACTEvents\onPlayerDeathBlack.sqs""}";

fired = "if (TACTWeaponFXinit) then {_this call TACTfuncFiredEH}; _this exec ""\nmod_effects\backblast.sqs""; _this exec ""\Nmod_Effects\fuseinit.sqs""";


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Oh and during one of the test session in the same nightly firefight, this occured


all the soldiers there are dead , but those lights never disappeared.

EDIT :oops sorry , i hit reply instead of the edit button

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Alright... I've considered removing the ofpec blood for a while now, and I think I'm gonna release a little patch to remove OFPEC_Blood and FlashRAM. If it gets really bad, you can use the multiplayer config, it still has gun smoke, but FlashRAM, OFPEC blood, and timed grenades are removed.

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don't know went into some rather nasty MP games where dozens and dozens of enamie were thrown at me, and didn't sudffer any signifcant lag issues. Only issues was a pop up in MP missions about not having flash. Easilly dealt with with a enter key poke.

There is the correction for the night issues, use it and leave the effects in..

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Copy and paste the url into your browser. The zip contains a file with the FlashRAM and OFPEC_Blood removed, which will dramatically reduce FPS loss. Provide it with the link, replace the files in the link... your choice! It contains the new editable config, too.

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sorry man but I've found a lsmall bug with the flashram , when I play with more 20 soldiers , the word "flah" appeard , what that mean ?

edit : I think the source of this minor problem comes from the sqs done by ramboofp sad_o.gif

in my config I've deleted the script , now it fuctions better smile_o.gif

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I'm about 70 % done with a little project for FlashFX - I've replaced the west and east soldiers with the HYK and ICP soldiers. 1985 era, of course. Also I've replaced East and West weapons with the ones from the ICP and LSR weapon packs. Among these, I've take taken is replacing the SA-58 with the ICP AKM - it really makes you feel more like a fighter! smile_o.gif. Thanks to Sanctuary, he actually helped me indirectly(A thread he posted in has helped me a lot, and still does). The next step will be replacing the default Resistance fighters with the EDGE Resistance units... and that'll be a pain in the ass for sure. As for 2.0 - I'm not gonna lie. I haven't started work on it yet, but I've got plenty of ideas for things to add.

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seems to work fine for me as an added mod folder to the mod.


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Well, so much for digging up old threads. Anyway, I've been working the most on a unit replacement pack, as I've stated earlier. However, I've also started work on FlashFX 2.0. One of the new effects that will be introduced is that vehicles driving on desert islands will generate additional dust behind them. (Click the link below to see a preview)


However, I still need some suggestions as to which new effects should be added...

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Yeah nice man , I've already added all the "no laggy" effects present in the effects.pbo for the FFUR mod,:;):

I can suggest you the ICP explosion , or boat explosion , or why not new explosion of rocket in the water... I hope that will be perfectly playable on line smile_o.gif

Good luck wink_o.gif

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I'm hoping both mods have some compatability I use this one still mainly having done missions already and having units not available to the public yet due to them in q with the many mods I work with.

I hope this is at least not allowed to go down. Yeah noticing some lag in a few places I was thinking its the video card. Planes and choppers parked on carrier flight decks generate FX still even while the engines are shut down was another thing. Most of martains helos seem to not generate most of the effects other than explssions when they crash land/sea.

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