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Bah, i only use BIS planes like su-25 in Swissmod.But you could help anyway.

can you give me the FlashFx 1.8 without that water thingy under planes?

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How about implementing a phospherous smokegrenade in FlashFX? I´ve created a script to simulate the explosion of such a grenade. I was first trying to create a standalone phospherous smokegrenade addon with it but when i realized that it wasn´t possible to add a eventhandler to the ammo class in the config file to trigger the script i canceled the project.

Maybe you can use the script in FlashFX?

You can download the script here here

To see how it looks just create a gamelogic in the editor and put this line in the init field; [this]exec "smokeshell.sqs"

If you like it feel free to use it anyway you want.

Keep up the good work!


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is the water rip supposed to work on non-BI planes? (addons) rock.gif

other than that this is beasty smile_o.gifwow_o.gif

the explosions are SOOOO much better than BI's original.

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Was trying the huge lods of planes I had for both sides even managed to achive making a prop job create a wake, but it exploded being over-stressed. ;)

Other attempts result in going sub service cause the planes nose suddenly dips when using the flight stick.

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hehe, i like those explosion..

also, they dont give me those big slowdowns then they are close to me... smile_o.gif

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Without sifting through 25 pages did anyone mention that flashfx is not compatible with WGL. I get an error stating wgl_wep is missing when I load in flashfx. Then your grenades dont explode.

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Without sifting through 25 pages did anyone mention that flashfx is not compatible with WGL. I get an error stating wgl_wep is missing when I load in flashfx. Then your grenades dont explode.

FlashfX mod isn't compatable with other mod so far, efforts to make FDF compatiable were in the works and should be in the latest verssion 1.8, The other big mods that use their own configs, _not compatable_

CLSA, WGL, ect ect ect.

Some of the other mods fail to appreciate you adding support for their contribution and tend to get a little over pissy about it.

Forgetting, it will a extend the life of their mod, be enhance the game play could be added to their own mod when they update later freeely. Its mostly an overhead item that can be disabled.

It mostly effects the stock bis units and thrid party addons that share the attributes. =P

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Alright,i checked everything and it just says script and nothing else.WTF is going on?!Can anyone help?

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Is it possible to change the muzzle flash on guns with this mod? The "white" BIS one isn't a beauty anymore.

MfG Lee xmas2.gif

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right, BIS 10 doesnt work for me, i dont get waterwake under planes effect with ANY plane, and some of the effects that where before doesnt work as they did before or doesnt work at all.

i use the low lag config.

it seams something got screwed up in this config version :/

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You mean something like this? - untitled231wf.jpg

This was actually incorperated for the machine-guns in an early version, but was taken out later. Yes, it is possible, but the problem is that the play can't see them - his viewpoint is too close to the muzzle for the particles to appear. Anyway, I don't think it's possible to change the muzzleflash via the config. I've tried, believe me.

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Nemesis6 can you help?Whats wrong with the game it says script when i want to play with BIS planes.I have FlashFX 1.8 installed.

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It looks like you're missing the nmod_effects.pbo. Actually, I'm pretty sure you're missing that pbo.

To Wolfsbane - Sorry it took me so long to respond. Anyway, the effect looks really good, but I don't know if I'll be able to do it justice... sorry, but I'll try to look into it.

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It looks like you're missing the nmod_effects.pbo. Actually, I'm pretty sure you're missing that pbo.

To Wolfsbane - Sorry it took me so long to respond. Anyway, the effect looks really good, but I don't know if I'll be able to do it justice... sorry, but I'll try to look into it.

i get the script error too when i try to start a mission with a BIS A10, and im very sure i have the nmod_effects.pbo since i just changed the old FlashFX config for the 1.8 config

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me too

hey the 1.7 and 1.8 nmod pbos are totally different.Just put the new nmod_effects.pbo in your addons folder.

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Anyway, I don't think it's possible to change the muzzleflash via the config. I've tried, believe me.

As far as I know, this is correct. The texture for the muzzle flash is defined in the model itself, so the only way to change it would be to alter it in o2 for all pertinent models.

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me too

hey the 1.7 and 1.8 nmod pbos are totally different.Just put the new nmod_effects.pbo in your addons folder.

yeah, i see that was the problem...

i now use the new explosions (not the ECP ones or the old ones)

and ones i replace the nmod_effects.pbo (and changed for the NON lowlag config) everything works fine again smile_o.gif (and im not getting any lag so far either, even though im not using the lowlag config atm)

splendid work nemesis..

to all of you that have problems, try to change the nmod_effects.pbo for the one in the FlashFX 1.8 ;) (it worked for me)

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tried the new version and it was kind of better than the other , then i saw explosions, wow!! biggrin_o.gif really cool xmas_o.gif

Great job , i kind of feel this has it all unclesam.gif

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Simple this is mostly a config that uses scritpcing enhancements, and a few addons but again seems to be most script based. find that addon maybe something can be done.

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I finally re-installed Flashpoint lastnight and patched her up. I also extracted the FlashFX 1.8 to the said folder in the ReadMe. When i was flying the FLK Lynx Helicopter Beta, it wasn't using the new effects, is it totally compatable with this addon or is it to do with the config in the Lynx? Also, is there any tutorials which deal with scripting?

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Well, the reason the scripts don't work on some third-party is as follows, well, I'll say it like it is -

The "air" class has a number of eventhandlers associated with it, such as rotorwash, exhaust effects, etc. If a unit is not part of that class, or any other class for that matter, the eventhandlers will not be present to handle stuff like which script is run when the chopper is destroyed.

FYI - this is what an eventhandler looks like in the config -

killed="(_this select 0) exec {\nmod_effects\DKMM_RSC_Veh_burner.sqs}";

The unit doesn't really have to be part of any of those specific classes, just a unit already under that class, such as the AH1. That's why the Sebnam cobras work. The AH1 is an underclass of the "helicopter" class.

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I noticed a small bug, I don't know if this was mentioned before or not, but whenever there is a vehicle in water or near it (almost in it) a few explosions from a grenade and it seems the vehicle vanishes. I tried it with a boat and a HMMWV, had same outcome. It doesn't really bother me, you did an amazing job on this version but just wanted to let you know of it.

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Well with the rlease of ORCS studios effects at last, will anything be implimented into FLashFX mod from that pack.

I finally dropped down to using a lot of the old BIS units with this mod, talk about cool, it ws like a new game all over again with the old A10 able to trigger most of the effects flawlessly and survive a little longer, too bad it didn't have the ECM ability to lessen SAM cablitites. But the firey crash was spectacular.

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