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Multi Gun Positions

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That's not the problem. While I can select enemies by using TAB, sometimes I want to select using the mouse. The problem is the mouse will often select the closest target (friend or foe) and that is most often other parts of the pt boat e.g. the gunners which are other addons attached to the PT boat.

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Does it solve the problem if you set the entry <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">irTarget=0; in the cfgVehicles classes of the turrets?

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That's not the problem. While I can select enemies by using TAB, sometimes I want to select using the mouse. The problem is the mouse will often select the closest target (friend or foe) and that is most often other parts of the pt boat e.g. the gunners which are other addons attached to the PT boat.

You have to leave one of the Geometry-LODs empty, don't know which one right now (I guess it was the Geometry)

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No the geo lods are necessary for precise placement of the gunner positions. I guess the only way ould be to make the guns non strategic (but cant because they are boat class) or to make the side unknown, but then the gunners might not respond to the boat commander. Will investigate further.

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I am sorry, but you aren't the first with this idea!

A guy made the Pauk class with 8 Gunners!

So sorry about your luck

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I am sorry, but you aren't the first with this idea!

LOL .... this forum is full of all sorts it's it ! smile_o.gif

(Gnat edits out his less than useful forum contribution)

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I am sorry, but you aren't the first with this idea!

A guy made the Pauk class with 8 Gunners!

So sorry about your luck

and? he's the first one to share his findings with the community, and hence the only one deserves recognition...

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I am sorry, but you aren't the first with this idea!

A guy made the Pauk class with 8 Gunners!

So sorry about your luck

Hello! I never said I was the first with this idea. And if you had read the previous posts (and going by this you hadn't) you would have read that I admitted I had not heard of any other addons being done like this. crazy_o.gif Which incidently if I had of known still wouldn't have prevented me from trying a different way of doing it. This is what OFP is about.. trying to do the impossible then doing it better.. or die trying... and I aint dead yet!

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I am sorry, but you aren't the first with this idea!

A guy made the Pauk class with 8 Gunners!

So sorry about your luck

my good sir:

first of all: you are an idiot

and second of all. . . naa that pretty much covers it smile_o.gif

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Why don't we all just give up and stop innovating.. *sigh*  tounge_o.gif

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lol!..its the year of the olympics, c'mon...a celebration of the triumph of the human spirit..practice, hardwork, physical and mental endurance to be faster, higher and better!!!!..the day the human race stops innovating for the betterment of mankind and to show to the rest that ALL can be better than who we are or what we have now is the day we regress as a species...kudos to the Colonel who holds the torch! tounge_o.gif

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Aw.. now the Colonel is blushing like a schoolgirl biggrin_o.gif Thanks for the encouragement guys... Now who can write me a script to simulate a water spout for the depth charges?

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Klink! Kilink! He's our man ,if he won't do it ,no one ..... will. tounge_o.gifwink_o.gif

Good to hear youre still making constructive progress. smile_o.gif

Godspeed to you.

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Quote[/b] ]Now who can write me a script to simulate a water spout for the depth charges?

lol, the mans a mind reader and that's a pretty good trick with my mind. crazy_o.gif

Anyway ever since you started this multigunner episode I pulled out my ol' WW2 MTB thinking of updating it.

Playing with a drop last night for the DC's (since my daughter kicked me off the internet.)

I wanna get that initial shock wave first then the "spout" coming up the the guts.

Let you know when it working ok.

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Hi Scud.

I have the shock wave working. I tried a water spout using a textured plain, but looked kind alright, but not exactly what I was after.

I've worked out a timer and explosion routine and a method of restricting the number of charges dropped according to the number of charges on the boat. Played around with a couple of sound files to get a muffled water explosion and the sound of water spalshing back down.

The only problem I have found so far is that I can only get one weapon firing from the pt boat so the depth charges have to be controlled by the user action menu. Not a biggee tho as most ofpers accept that the action menu is used for a number of sfx these days.

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With the MTB the DC's just roll off the side so what I have is dummy gun config called DC's ammo count 4.

Then in eh fired start animation.sqs to roll off boat into water (from there they just hide back up in hull).

getpos boat

~wait whatever

then drop command.

Did the same with torpes, looked good torpes come outa tube into water(sim method to chopper doors anim) but couldn't go any further from there but that was awhile ago I have learnt bit more since then.

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Scud.. how did you use the fired eh.. I can't seem to get another weapon set up on my boat as the front oerlikon is the only weapon I can get to fire.

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Same as bombs on my planes they are all animated not setobjtexture.

I will have to have a look in sqs file to explain it to myself before I can explain it to you - lol

I think its the _vehicle ammo "whatever"

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The only problem I have found so far is that I can only get one weapon firing from the pt boat so the depth charges have to be controlled by the user action menu. Not a biggee tho as most ofpers accept that the action menu is used for a number of sfx these days.

Maybe it would be nice to have a custom menu, maybe in the style of a control panel on a destroyer, with options on?

Just a thought.

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lol I gathered that.. but that is one part of OFP I have so far feared to tread biggrin_o.gif

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