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Mister Frag

OFP videography

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Hey all, just made a short video to kinda test atmosphere, a nice shiny graphics card and camera angles, made by myself and my Bro RaScal. Enjoy.

Please note we didnt really intend for a full length movie so it kinda came to an abrupt finish!  biggrin_o.gif

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Yeah joe totaly awsome.. now i wish i could do that although i tried and failed LOL! notworthy.gif

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Great Part.....and the Sound too. Awesome wow_o.gif

Hope the full Version isn't far wink_o.gif

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Whats with the submarine or something at the very end, I have watched that little end part many times and you only see it for a second or 2, but its there... crazy_o.gif

EDIT: Looks like a building never mind tounge2.gif

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I hope its a building biggrin_o.gif It did turn out darker then we would have hoped! but thanks for the comments anyways, as far as part two I wasnt really jumping into it with both feet just wondering what you guys thought.

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Well publicity wise you just dug yourself a hole and your going to have to film ur way out of it.

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Well publicity wise you just dug yourself a hole and your going to have to film ur way out of it.

haha yay.gif its very true you know tounge2.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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very nice video joe

i wish make like that

here is my new video that i tested


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thanks yeaht to many WWWW whistle.gif

shit happen   biggrin_o.gif

lag was from high setting 1200x1600=16bit

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Whoa joe. I wanna learn how to use camera'a now... I got nothing on you help.gifwhistle.gif

Some parts actually looked real and not from ofp.. amazing. Fav part was the vehicals all broke and stuff... How'd you do that? Manually? or in ofp editor? I'd like to do that

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i updated my sig specially for this thred lol tounge2.gif we need more videos lol there fun to watch notworthy.gif

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heheh class music choice Matt, Im going to watch Nature Calls now biggrin_o.gif

Yeah both those movies have classic Soundtracks.. notworthy.gif

Cha-caca lol

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Airforce vid!

Yeah, so after a week of filming some small ideas and everything I finally completed it. I hope the combat scenes aren't too dark, if they are then I'll reshoot them and reupload the vid. Again this is only a 320x240 version, I'll try to get some links for the 640x480 version soon.

Oh and those moments where the GUI poped back up were wierd since the app+u combination of keys with DXDLL failed, but then magically worked again.

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@scotchsoldier pretty much what joe said, hehe.

Man, I still wish I could make such kickass vids as PierreFromBelgium made. I mean those were top notch! Maybe...one day.

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@[TheOne] Did you make the vid in MP with some mates or fancy scripting?

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