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miles teg


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I think* the Galils were the SAR model because they were all black, there may have been some FALs too. Mostly they had M16s and a few Car-15s and Car-15 DMR.

I hope you guys release a gunmen pack soon because I'm anxious to have some battles in Suez with them smile_o.gif .

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they are on my todo list.

already have a semi done but need some work.

the first pack with just be a generic Terrorist pack.

wich will be mostly well terrorist..

soem civi looking, some heavy arab looking, some mixed etc.

but there are some that need work.. plus I am looking at using a bomber script that he will kill himself and be blown to peices. but that is mostly slow making since I tryign to get alot of other units done.

oh and they will have varous guns.

pretty much everything I can find to give them.. m16, ak, fn, galil, HK's etc.. since they are just generic it will be what ever they could get their hands on.. but no fancy m4's with all neato stuff.. just basics.

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Now that OFrP released their Mirage 2000 maybe EAF can have their second advanced interceptor over Sinai. wink_o.gif

No but seriously, no rush ofcourse and Im really waiting your armor pack and pretty much everthing else you are making.

Keep up the good work LoBo team! biggrin_o.gif

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It would be really sweet if you guys were able to add the same effects of the updated HAWK C-130 to your C-130. It would be really nice to have the group paradrop feature that they have in theirs.

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It would be really sweet if you guys were able to add the same effects of the updated HAWK C-130 to your C-130. It would be really nice to have the group paradrop feature that they have in theirs.

I thought about adding that script, but to be honest its not that good because 80% of the time, some of the parachutes don't open and either you or some of your troops die. I'm also not sure how the script would work in mutli-player games. For now I think its better for mission maker's to just use generic parachute assault scripts. There are several excellent ones at ofpeditingcenter.com.

If we do add a parachute script it likely will be the one used in the WWII C-47 skytrain addon. That one has the best parachute assault script that I've seen built into an aircraft addon.

As for civies...yeah as Calm Terror mentioned, he's working on them. So far we have some promising betas. Those will probably be part of our addon pack #3.

Likewise any modifications to the C-130 or adding a Mirage 2000 will be later on in Addon pack #3.

We have very good relations with the OFrP mod team so hopefully later on when we get to those projects they'll help us out in lending us some of their models to convert into Egyptian versions. The addons that team makes are just 1st rate.

BAS also has been kind enough to let us use their MD-500 model to that'll probably be in the addonpack #3 as well.

So even after addonpack#2 is released there will be plenty of goodies. smile_o.gif

Right now I'm just trying to find time to finish up several demo missions.

One will be the main demo mission#2, and another will be a mine roller demo mission for the Puma CEV vehicle.

If I have time I may also include an airborne assault mission, but more then likely that'll be later cuz I'm SUPER SUPER busy with real life stuff being on a board for a school and working on my thesis with deadlines rapidly approaching. But I'll do my best, and we have a few mission makers working on stuff.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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that type of galil?


and m16's are not that hard to get.

most likely they stole them from murdered Israselis troops.

the galil is actual pretty rare. not even many IDF use it.

it is mostly used by police, and armour crews..

but you add in the fact the US has been supplying Egypt with weapons and egypt has been smuggling weapons into Gaza.

it is very likely that m16's would pop up. and galil's as i said could be 1 bought, 2 stoled from murdered police 3 stolen from murdered IDF or 4 stolen from murdered Israeli settlers.

I don't think there is any Israeli armories or bases that close to gaza or the west bank..

I've read that israeli organized crime sells all sorts of stolen and new weapons to the palestinians, resulting in palestinian gangs armed with guns like galils or mp5s.

Also, i read somewhere that M16s are cheaper than AK47s because the ammunition for them is more availiable compared to the AKs, offsetting the higher unit cost of the M16

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Thats brobablu true about the AK's. M-16 is much easier to get in there than AK's I think.

US sold M-16's with their M1A1 Abrams's to Egypt so they will brobably get rid of them to ease the suply and so on. I think I even saw a old german STG in the hands of palestinian gunman. biggrin_o.gif

If they have AK-47's then they are brobably from Iran. Doestn Iran support palestininan organizations or atleast Hizbollah?

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I believe Saudi Arabia is actually probably the #1 supporter of Hamas and Islamic Jihad as far as financial contributions go.

Iran is the main backer of Hezbollah in Lebanon, however I'm sure they are happy to sell weapons to Hamas and other Palistinian militant groups. The problem however is getting the weapons into the Palistinian territories...they are virtually surrounded by the IDF so smuggling weapons and explosives or explosive components is extremely difficult. But where there's a will, there's a way.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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More Pics!

I am pleased to introduce our new variant of the Merkava Mk4 tank.... THE BULLET SPONGE!!!

This tank is just something I thought would be something that a IDF armor commander might do to his tank if he has a sense of humor. "Bullet Sponge" also is the lead tank in most attacks hence the many marks from RPG hits and bullet/shrapnel marks.




Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Soon ye shall have!


Right now we're still waiting on Bizaroid for permission to release the Merkava Mk4 as he was on holiday for awhile. Hopefully he'll be back soon and give the go-ahead.

Also Calm Terror is just fixing up the weapons pack a little better and updating the massive readme file for it (updating all the class names, credits, ect..).

Meanwhile I am finishing up the demo missions that will come with the pack.

But I do not think you'll be disappointed. The Merkava Mk2 and Mk4 are both monsters that can both really dish it out. The Mk4 truly is a bullet sponge as it can take tons of hits from RPG's. However the Egyptian M1A1 tanks can still kill it if the odds are two M1's per 1 Mk4 tank (or greater).

The Mk2 tanks are a little bit weaker then the M1A1's but still not too shabby.

At any rate I think our armored units will make for some excellent IDF vs. Egyptian Army tank battles.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Woot! wow_o.gif

I cant wait, any pics? Prertty please?? I am especially interested in the new guns.

The only thing I didnt like about the last pack was the IDF m16 series of rifles, no offense, but they mostly looked like BIS stuff. R u guys gonna use inquisiors M16s or Earl and Sucheys?

The rest of the guns were awesome, especially the egyptian camo ak.

Is it possible to give us a run down of what will be released? Like names of units and weapons and stuff?

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Woot! wow_o.gif

I cant wait, any pics? Prertty please?? I am especially interested in the new guns.

The only thing I didnt like about the last pack was the IDF m16 series of rifles, no offense, but they mostly looked like BIS stuff. R u guys gonna use inquisiors M16s or Earl and Sucheys?

The rest of the guns were awesome, especially the egyptian camo ak.

Is it possible to give us a run down of what will be released? Like names of units and weapons and stuff?

In the 3rd addon pack we may ask Earl or Jackal326 if we can use their M4 models. Earl, Suchey, and Jackal326 have all helped us out tremendously so far and we are greatly appreciative to them.

As for upcoming units Here's what we got:

1.IDF infantry (New)

a. New Sniper units in infantry, airborne, and police forces using-M82A1,SR-25, and Galat'z rifles.

b. Two new dedicated sniper units with face veils and the above weapons.

c. Updated units with bug fixes.

d. New pistols (I don't remember all the models offhand).

e. New Counter Terorrism unit (S'13 with ski masks).

f. Soldiers with clown hats (all the snipers wear the clown hats).

2. Egyptian Infantry (new)

a. Egyptian Frontier Corp (two versions)

b. Egyptian Counter Terrorism force (with body armor).

c. Bug fixes on old units.

d. New weapons for CT units. Mostly HK weapons such as the MP5 and PSG-1.

3. Unarmored ground/sea vehicles

a. S'13 Fast Attack Boat

b. Toyota "technical" fast attack vehicle (used by Frontier Corp).

4. Egyptian Air

a. Mi-8 (armed transport and Special Operations version).

b. AH-64D Apache gunship

c. Mirage III (or was it V...I forget)

5. Israeli Airforce

a. AH-1 Cobra gunship

b. UH-1N (two versions)

c. CH-53

d. Kfir fighter bomber

6. Egyptian Armor

a. M60A3 MBT

b. M113A3 APC

c. BMP-1 (Guard and Regular)

d. YPR-765 IFV

e. M1A1 Abrams MBT

d. updated SA-6

e. fixed ZSU-23

7. IDF Armor

a. Magach 6 MBT

b. Puma Combat Engineering Vehicle(CEV)

c. Anti-mine rollers

d. Merkava Mk2 MBT (two versions- regular and one with .50 cal. HMG mounted on barrel.)

e. Merkava Mk4 MBT (two versions- regular and "Bullet Sponge").

I think that's it...although I may have left out one or two units or weapon systems.

In the 3rd addon pack we'll probably be concentrating more on the terrorist guys and we'll be working more closely with Vit on some new aircraft including perhaps an F-16I.

Also the IDF will get a AH-64D Apache and a UH-60 blackhawk as well.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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there is actual 3 Ah-64's

2 AH-64A and 2 AH-64D's

there is to many new weapons to even try to list.

and it is the Mirage 5 for the egyptians.

some things are not 100% complete.

there is a few last touches and tweaks needed.

the m16's might be replaced later but the CAR-15's won't and we might get permission for M4's

inq's m16's are ok but use JPG textures.

but we will talk aboot maybe replacing the M16's if people dislike them that much.

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Sounds awesome, cant wait! tounge_o.gif

Egypt has apaches?? I didnt know that.

Yeah my biggest problem would be the BIS m16 series of guns. Would u guys st least make it ECP compatible so u can use ECP weapons? The 1st IDF units were like that, and it kept me happy, but its no big deal, weapons are teh least of my concerns and not a very big one when there are so many M16's out there.

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Ok I actually am getting interested.

I want to know what are you going to do about battle grounds.Yes I want a palastine town to do a coupla news media missions in.

Go in and save the CNN reporters from getting there heads blown off.

Maybe a massive tank battle outside a small town near a river?

Observer the eye brow dude as it might say I am asking questions rock.gif

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Almost forgot to again make your life difficult by asking something. smile_o.gif

Please make the egyptian BMP's right sized. Plz, plz plz.

@Adrenaline Red: Egypt has actually pretty modern force novadays. Apaches, M1A1 Abrams's, TOW's and M60A3's backed up by F-16's and Mirage 2000's. Reserves have modernized soviet tanks. Even their old MiG-21's have western radars and missiles aswell as modern engines. Overall very good and professional army.

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not to mention the cold war days!

isreal and egypt really went at each other!

You would think egypt would have expencive heavy soviet hardware!

and the IDF I really didnt look at these wars...I should

*goes to history channel .com*

again the eye brow dude because of my last post in this thread rock.gif

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Almost forgot to again make your life difficult by asking something. smile_o.gif

Please make the egyptian BMP's right sized. Plz, plz plz.

@Adrenaline Red: Egypt has actually pretty modern force novadays. Apaches, M1A1 Abrams's, TOW's and M60A3's backed up by F-16's and Mirage 2000's. Reserves have modernized soviet tanks. Even their old MiG-21's have western radars and missiles aswell as modern engines. Overall very good and professional army.

already done.

first thing I did..

and actual egypt stopped buy russian hardware aboot 1975 or so not long after Kom Kippur war..

they did a hard aboot face to Western weapons.

so the most uptodate russian tank they have was the T-62..

and only up to BMP-1


umm yeah you cna almsot do alto of that now using our sinai map and the IDF and Egyptian forces from pack 1.

tho "terrorist" and palistinings will not be out for awhile in pack 3.. or so.

tho tank battles will happen in add on pack 2 i been ahvign soem fun.


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Alot of open sand on the Sinai map for tank battles. Should be pretty brutal, especially when adding infantry in there.

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oh and aboot the ECP compatablity.

I would nto know I don't use it.

but I asume it worked before since the old pack used pure JAM rifles.

and techically you can not replace our rifles with any others since the IDF use special sights that no one else does. etc..

like I said we might update the actual M16's with better models later. but they will still ahve the Falcon sights and stuff.

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I dont want you releasing anything in the late school year I wont be able to play it sad_o.gif

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Really? That I did not know. I found out that egypt had M1s a while ago, on this same thread,LOL, but apaches? That was news to me.

Do they have them inlarge numbers? Or who has more? I would assume that the IDF has more modern stuff and better stuff, but what do I know, as I have made it clear on this thread. LOL crazy_o.gif

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