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miles teg


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no wrickles

in real life uniforms can't really see wrinkles in camo..

the onyl true way to have wrinkles is to make the uniform fabric and actual flow over the models....

and btw I do nto knwo fi they have shadows or not since i never test for that cuz i never use shadows in my game..

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you don't liek the models are the textures?

the models are for the most part edited crime city pack..

how do you think they should be improved?

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no wrickles

in real life uniforms can't really see wrinkles in camo..

the onyl true way to have wrinkles is to make the uniform fabric and actual flow over the models....

and btw I do nto knwo fi they have shadows or not since i never test for that cuz i never use shadows in my game..

I could see improvements happening for the Egyptian camoflauge clothing. The airborne is done nice and well, but the basic soldier looks a little bright and the colours flat.

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Quote[/b] ]you don't liek the models are the textures?

the models are for the most part edited crime city pack..

how do you think they should be improved?

It is just bias because I'm use to weapons that are used in the super config by pappy. When I see the M-16/M4 and AK used in this pack, I wanted the ones used in the super config (I forgot if they were INQs or suchy & earls or something else) to be the M-16/M4/AK and etc.. However, low-end computers probably cannot take it (must think about them). The weapons are good but the of using the super config has made me bias... sad_o.gif

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Super config in terms of textures or something in the .cpp coding???

As far as textures go, nah, they won't use JPEGs. The goal is to eliminate lag as much as possible....however as far as the model goes...if we could get permission to use Earl & Suchey's M4 models we would gladly remodel our M4's and just take the Falcon sights and stick them on Earl & Suchey's M4's.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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no wrickles

in real life uniforms can't really see wrinkles in camo..

the onyl true way to have wrinkles is to make the uniform fabric and actual flow over the models....

and btw I do nto knwo fi they have shadows or not since i never test for that cuz i never use shadows in my game..

I could see improvements happening for the Egyptian camoflauge clothing. The airborne is done nice and well, but the basic soldier looks a little bright and the colours flat.

Yeah we've had a bit of a debate about this in the mod and I think we decided that I'll end up doing some subtle shadows and wrinkles on the uniforms because I also agree that the wrinkles looks more realistic even on heavy camoflaged uniforms where the wrinkles are not always as apparent. In the game it just looks more natural looking and less bland. So I'll see what I can do to fix that up on the next update...but no promises as I'm extremely busy with writing my thesis paper and other real life stuff...in addition to working on LoBo missions for these addons and our campaign.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Overall Miles, I love this mod. Its fresh(in that you don't see many of Isreali or Egyptian mods), and I just like it. smile_o.gif

One of those mods that will last past 2 days on my puter biggrin_o.gif

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Great work, keep it up.

Have one question though.

In another update will you guys be releasing IDF units that use the gali? I think it would be good to have units use them for missions about older conflicts in which the gali was the standard assault rifle.

The sniper gali looks great, and an AR version of it would look great for regular IDF troops.

Oh and another thing. If im not mistaken, your A-4 is based on col. klinks 1st version of the A-4. Why not base it on the 2nd one? It has afterburner and a bunch of other cool features and scripts.

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no wrickles

in real life uniforms can't really see wrinkles in camo..

the onyl true way to have wrinkles is to make the uniform fabric and actual flow over the models....

and btw I do nto knwo fi they have shadows or not since i never test for that cuz i never use shadows in my game..

I think what they might mean is "shadows", like between the thighs or under the armpits.

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Super config in terms of textures or something in the .cpp coding???

As far as textures go, nah, they won't use JPEGs.  The goal is to eliminate lag as much as possible....however as far as the model goes...if we could get permission to use Earl & Suchey's M4 models we would gladly remodel our M4's and just take the Falcon sights and stick them on Earl & Suchey's M4's.  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

But as for the AK, it is one of the best out there. On this Chris and I are agreed, and I believe we've both shot one.

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the Galili I have made and stuff but it was rarely used due to some issues with it..

and the low cost they got m16's at..

the historic idf infantry i am working on use the FN FAL and the first issued uzi with solid wood stock

but to the best of my knowlegde the IDF only used the galil for a short time.. like early 80's..

the reason our A-4 is based on the 1st release of Col klink's A-4 was that it was unbinized and the newer one was. and odol explorer completely screws up everytihng but armour..

and miles never got the unbinzied model from col klik...

so we went with the first verision. really the onyl script is does not use is the autoeject script.

might update it but one thing the A-4 is not used Air to Air missile. well the IAF one. the only air to air kills the IAF has had with it was with guns and rocket pods.. lol

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Thanks AL for the mirrors! Much appreciated!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Great work, keep it up.

Have one question though.

In another update will you guys be releasing IDF units that use the gali? I think it would be good to have units use them for missions about older conflicts in which the gali was the standard assault rifle.

The sniper gali looks great, and an AR version of it would look great for regular IDF troops.

Oh and another thing. If im not mistaken, your A-4 is based on col. klinks 1st version of the A-4. Why not base it on the 2nd one? It has afterburner and a bunch of other cool features and scripts.

We will probably do a historical pack of infantry, however we actually already do have Galil rifles in the pack. The tank crews and flight crews carry Galils actually. Also in the readme file for the Israeli infantry you can see all the weapon class names and ammo names so as to add in the weapons in the mission editor.

For example, for the Galil AR you would add this into a soldier's init box in the map editor:

removeallweapons this; this addmagazine "JAM_W556_30mag"; this addweapon "LoBoGalilAR"; this addmagazine "JAM_W556_30mag"; this addmagazine "JAM_W556_30mag"; this addmagazine "JAM_W556_30mag"; this addmagazine "JAM_W556_30mag"; this addmagazine "JAM_W556_30mag"; this addmagazine "JAM_W556_30mag"; this addmagazine "JAM_W556_30mag"; this addmagazine "JAM_W556_30mag"; this addmagazine "handgrenade";

this addmagazine "handgrenade";

That should arm the soldier with the Galil AR, 7 regular 5.56mm JAM magazines, and two hand grenades.

You always have to put one "this addmagazine" thingies before the "this addweapon" section so that the weapon will start off loaded. Otherwise you'll start off with an empty weapon and have to reload at the beginning. For the Galil ARM just add an M to the end of the Galil AR class name used in the script above. (LoBoGalilARM). Or for the Galil SAR uses the class name: LoBoGalilSAR.

For the older model Galils however we'll probably use the original model used for the Galat'z sniper rifle (which by the way still needs to be fixed by adding a wooden stock with a cheeck plate). That model was from the very old Galil model by Bergmania and is probably the best Galil model I've seen so far.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Don't you think the Egyptians would deploy their abram's if they're going into conflict with Israel?....

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Oh yeah absolutely.  Egypt is actually producing the Abrams M1A1 tank in Egypt now under license.   These would be a considerable threat to much of Israel armored forces and a fairly good match to the Merkava Mk3.  The Merkava MkIV however...nobody knows how much armor it has, but from pictures it looks to be extremely heavily armored, possibly even more so then the M1A1 tank.  But its unknown whether or not it could survive a hit from 120mm tungsten AP SABOT round (I don't think DU rounds are being sold to Egypt).

The M1A1's also have excellent ballistics computers for very accurate long range gunnery.  It is a far cry from the old T-55 and T-62's that Egypt used in past conflicts against Israel.

So I think in any future war, due to Egypt's changing military structure and due to American training and equipment, the outcome of such a war would be uncertain.  

In the next update pack, we will try and release our Merkava Mk2 tank and our Egyptian M1A1 tanks along with other stuff.

Oh...but if you are criticizing the mission well I only didn't include the Abrams because they are not ready to be released just yet. Also, under the current peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, Egypt is not allowed to have heavy armor near the borders with Israel. Instead the Sinai is divided up into several zones and the UN oversees this treaty insuring that it is followed... so heavy armor would not immediately find its way to the Eastern areas of the Sinai. It would likely take several days for the heavy armor to arrive due to many reasons including air strikes destroying key bridges across the Suez and due to political reasons.

In the campaign (which won't begin with this mission) the IDF originall begin conducting raids into the Sinai in order to attack terrorist groups who are mixed in with civilian populations of some towns in the Sinai and covertly supported by the Egyptian Army. This gradually escalates into a mechanized war but with neither side employing heavy armor in the hopes of keeping the conflict low intensity. But with the IDF decision to capture the entire Sinai peninsula in an effort to bring the war to a decisive end, the Egyptian forces respond with a full scale counter-attack to halt the Israeli advance towards the Suez canal.

The mission depicted in this demo is simply the opening stages of this war in which small fast lightly armored mechanized forces are moving to capture towns before Egyptian reinforcements can arrive. The Israeli armor is generally very slow and can not keep up with the rapid pace of the attack. The heavy armor will arrive in the next mission following this one in which IDF forces will move to capture the areas North and South of El-Thamed while reinforcing El-Thamed. In the meantime the Egyptians realize that they must use their airborne infantry forces to disrupt Israeli supply lines and to try and retake El-Thamed. During this time Egyptian heavy armor is sowly getting across the Suez via floating bridges with lighter forces crossing in Egyptian M113's.

There will also be an air war as soon as we get our IDF and Egyptian F-16's done. smile_o.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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and when will that bee....??? lol well i like the pack anyways might be the best one i saw but theres a couple of bugs but i can look past that so i give that pack a 8 out of 10

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Jusy FYI, found another bug.

Pressed V to look through sights of the VSU, and my entire screen was filled with a pinkish red.

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Yeah Uzi found that one yesterday also. Fortunately most players probably won't be manning the Egyptian AA guns, but still, I'm pissed that I didn't catch that before we released it as its a pretty obvious bug (that and the Egyptian flight crew with the face cammo uniform. LOL!)

Anyhoo... the Zsu has already been fixed (and the pilot as well) but we'll be releasing the fixed pbo's in with the upcoming tank pack which will also have updated infantry as well.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I do not know if this bug is already reported

but here it is anyway:


If you turn the turret on the rocket luncher

on the Egyptian side, this will happen to the radar anime.

And why don't the Israeli soldiers have HD like Egyptians have?

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Oh yeah absolutely.  Egypt is actually producing the Abrams M1A1 tank in Egypt now under license.   These would be a considerable threat to much of Israel armored forces and a fairly good match to the Merkava Mk3.  The Merkava MkIV however...nobody knows how much armor it has, but from pictures it looks to be extremely heavily armored, possibly even more so then the M1A1 tank.  But its unknown whether or not it could survive a hit from 120mm tungsten AP SABOT round (I don't think DU rounds are being sold to Egypt).

The M1A1's also have excellent ballistics computers for very accurate long range gunnery.  It is a far cry from the old T-55 and T-62's that Egypt used in past conflicts against Israel.

So I think in any future war, due to Egypt's changing military structure and due to American training and equipment, the outcome of such a war would be uncertain.  

In the next update pack, we will try and release our Merkava Mk2 tank and our Egyptian M1A1 tanks along with other stuff.

Oh...but if you are criticizing the mission well I only didn't include the Abrams because they are not ready to be released just yet.  Also, under the current peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, Egypt is not allowed to have heavy armor near the borders with Israel.  Instead the Sinai is divided up into several zones and the UN oversees this treaty insuring that it is followed... so heavy armor would not immediately find its way to the Eastern areas of the Sinai.  It would likely take several days for the heavy armor to arrive due to many reasons including air strikes destroying key bridges across the Suez and due to political reasons.  

In the campaign (which won't begin with this mission) the IDF originall begin conducting raids into the Sinai in order to attack terrorist groups who are mixed in with civilian populations of some towns in the Sinai and covertly supported by the Egyptian Army.    This gradually escalates into a mechanized war but with neither side employing heavy armor in the hopes of keeping the conflict low intensity.  But with the IDF decision to capture the entire Sinai peninsula in an effort to bring the war to a decisive end, the Egyptian forces respond with a full scale counter-attack to halt the Israeli advance towards the Suez canal.

The mission depicted in this demo is simply the opening stages of this war in which small fast lightly armored mechanized forces are moving to capture towns before Egyptian reinforcements can arrive.   The Israeli armor is generally very slow and can not keep up with the rapid pace of the attack.  The heavy armor will arrive in the next mission following this one in which IDF forces will move to capture the areas North and South of El-Thamed while reinforcing El-Thamed.  In the meantime the Egyptians realize that they must use their airborne infantry forces to disrupt Israeli supply lines and to try and retake El-Thamed.  During this time Egyptian heavy armor is sowly getting across the Suez via floating bridges with lighter forces crossing in Egyptian M113's.  

There will also be an air war as soon as we get our IDF and Egyptian F-16's done.  smile_o.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

No wasn't criticising the mission, I just thought that the representation of the Egyptian forces was kind of skewed. But I dont have a very vast knowledge of that whole regions military force.. I just knew that the Egyptian army is becoming quite modern.

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and when will that bee....??? lol well i like the pack anyways might be the best one i saw but theres a couple of bugs but i can look past that so i give that pack a 8 out of 10

The armor pack will be released soon as the Egptian M1A1 and the Merkava are in final stages of completion. Actually the M1A1 is I believe ready (oh except perhaps for one roadwheel texture that needs to be adjusted). The Merkava just needs its M240's fixed up, the commander's hatch fixed and possibly a few more detailes added to the cargo compartment where infantry (usually including the player) will be spending alot of time riding around inside.


Aside from that I'm going to try and finish the Puma, and we may release a M60 IDF/Egyptian tank pack. But we need to get permisson from Steele & StuKa to use some of their Magach 6 textures.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I do not know if this bug is already reported

but here it is anyway:


If you turn the turret on the rocket luncher

on the Egyptian side, this will happen to the radar anime.

And why don't the Israeli soldiers have HD like Egyptians have?

Oooh. Thanks! That's a new bug we haven't seen before! Thanks for finding it. Must be a memory point or a texture face not grouped with the turret.

As for the HD ammo, almost all of the IDF weapons can use HD ammo, however we decided not to use the HD ammo by default just as the BAS soldiers don't use HD ammo by default. The M16/M4 family rifles are simply much more accurate rifles then the AK series of weapons used by the Egyptians. The IDF soldier also tends to be trained to a higher degree in rifle marksmanship. However we may include HD groups in the IDF for those who just want to have longer firefights by giving both sides HD weapons.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I suppose you are not making your own F-16 so are you using Footmunches or Vits F-16? I personally prefer Footmunches.

And another thing is that are those missiles in SA-6 oversized? They look very large but I have no idea if the real one has big missiles too.

Anyway I like what you have done so far. Great work! wink_o.gif

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