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miles teg


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Greetings from the Lost Brothers Mod Team.  

Finally after all the screenshots and crap you've been seeing, Calm Terror has infused our mod with much needed talent and has finished up many of our addons that our gifted Vipersheart had in beta stages but was unable to complete because of his very intense work schudule.  We've also gotten tons of help from many other mods and addon makers and I can't say enough how much we appreciate the help from this great OFP community.  I did my best to insure that all the proper people and mod teams got proper credit in the readme files, but if I left anyone please let me know and I'll make sure to fix that in the next addon pack.

Actually I just realized typing this that I left out a couple...  I want to give credit to the Crime City Mod team for some of the weapons they allowed us to use and to Vecktorboson for the pilot model!   I will make sure to include their credits in the next update which should be soon when we release our armor pack (and updated infantry)

In this pack you will find the following units:


1.  IDF infantry-

Regular Infantry


Sareyet Golany Commandos

Shayetet-13 Naval Commandos

Border Police

Flight Crew (no oxygen mask)

Fighter Pilot with Oxygen mask.

Vehicle Crew

Sniper Team


2.  Egyptian Infantry-

Regular Infantry



Guard units

Flight Crew (no oxygen mask)

Fighter Pilot (oxygen mask)

Vehicle Crew

(note- All Egyptian uniform cammo patterns are historically accurate as far as we can determine, including the pinkish paratrooper uniform).


3. IDF Armor-

Zelda APC Pack which includes:

M2 Zelda (Zeldas are uparmored M113's used by the IDF).

M240 Zelda

Mk-19 Zelda

TOW-2 Zelda

M2 Bardelass (regular M113 without armor upgrade)

M240 Bardelass

Mk19 Bardelass

TOW-2 Bardelass

Ammo Carrier M113

Ambulance M113

Repair "Technical" M113


4.  Egyptian BTR-60 APC-

Carries 12 men.  Calm Terror modified it so that the crew will bail out after the first hit from a LAW or RPG.  However it will not explode until after about 3 hits.  This is to simulate how in real life, AT weapons will often not cause an APC to brew up unless a fuel tank is hit or unless explosives are being carried inside.  Generally only a few infantry or crew inside will get killed or injured if an RPG penetrates.  On the 3rd hit it will brew up simulating a fuel tank hit.  This APC is equipped with a 14.5mm heavy machine gun along with a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun.


5. IAF A-4 Skyhawk

This was until recently the primary close air support aircraft of the Israeli Air Force.  Designed primarily for bombing, we have 3 CAS variants including one with two 30mm cannons, 24 bombs and 2x19 rocket pods, the second with two cannons, 76 rockets, and 6 Mk81 bombs, and a 3rd with 2 cannons, 76 rockets, and 4 cannisters of napalm.

These aircraft also have smoke plumes, and a working flare system.


6.  IAF and Egyptian Air Force C-130s

These are the same as the ones in our last release except that they have been updated now with proper IAF and Egyptian flight crews.  They also now have working flare systems as they are slow and seriously need it in order to have some chance against SAM's and AA missiles fired by attacking enemy aircraft.



7.  Egyptian SA-6 & ZSU-23-2 air defense systems.

These are two of the primary air defense systems used by Egypt.  Neither is particularly accurate.  In the next update, the SA-6 will be made a little more deadlier, however the ZSU-23-2 was given high dispersion ammo in order to simulate the inaccuracy of AA guns not guided by radar/ballistics computers.  It also makes for a great light show as you attack Egyptian targets with the A-4.  Nevertheless they can still hit you and destroy your aircraft.  

Both are best used in triangular air defense layouts much as in real life how they are often laid out in order to create an ambush for attacking aircraft and to provide mutual cover.


I think that's all the addons in there...so...

Finally last but not least...the download link.  LOL!

You can download it at:





There is also our original host at:


However if you can please use the top links first because the bandwidth is running short at the ofpcentral site.  smile_o.gif  

Also...the mission in this pack is FUBAR.  A fixed mission can be downloaded here:


and here:


Required Addons:  BAS JAM pack-


The included demo mission requires the Sinai map (1.0 or 1.1).

Version 1.1 is at:


Big thanks to Hooahman and OFP Central for hosting this for us.  However if you can mirror this pack we would be very appreciative.  I sent it over to ofp.info so hopefully they should be mirroring it also soon.  

Enjoy the pack and feel free to post raves, gripes, bugs, and thoughts you might have.  Just please be respectful and don't turn this into a political thread as I will ignore any trolling.


Oh...also if you make any missions with this pack, PLEASE email me at miles_teg@hotmail.com and our team will host them in a special missions section of our website that we're still in the process of putting together.  smile_o.gif

So go and enjoy this pack.  We put an enormous amount of work into this pack, especially Vipersheart and Calm Terror.   Calm Terror really put the juice back into our mod and has done an absolutely tremendous job. So hats off to Calm Terror.  

Also a BIG BIG UP to the following Mods and individuals for their contributions, assistance, and support:


Crime City Mod Team


ADAMMO (aka- Capt. Moore)

IM:UC Mod team!

MIA team


The Taiwan Workshop


Psychic Productions

TOW Mod Team



BAS Mod Team

Jackal 326

..and of coarse BIS.  


Also special Thanks to Hoooahman for hosting this addon and to Uziyahu for hosting all the betas and pics on his site and for also doing alot of historical research and beta testing...and most importantly for not letting the mod die when it was at its lowest point.   Also thanks to Vipersheart for starting the mod and providing much needed assistance, models, textures, and inspiration.  Likewise a big thanks to NoOne who really was the first IDF unit addon maker and who helped Vipersheart get the Lost Brothers mod going and provided many of the original units.  A few of his original textures are probably still on some of the troops.  smile_o.gif  

If I forgot anyone please PM me and I'll edit this and and your name or your mod team!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Downloading now smile_o.gif Looks promising.

Just one question, what timeframe is it portraying?

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The mission included is portraying a future conflict between Egypt and Israel and will be included in a campaign we are working on.

We will be releasing some historical units however and many of the units (like the SA-6, BTR-60, and ZSU-23-2) can serve for either past or future conflict missions.

However to avoid political crap, we elected to just concentrate on making fictional future missions simulating a conflict between Israel and Egypt.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Quote[/b] ]Carries 12 men. Calm Terror modified it so that the crew will bail out after the first hit from a LAW or RPG. However it will not explode until after about 3 hits.

So the btr 60 can take more hits than t72?

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Quote[/b] ]Carries 12 men.  Calm Terror modified it so that the crew will bail out after the first hit from a LAW or RPG.  However it will not explode until after about 3 hits.

So the btr 60 can take more hits than t72?

Must be made by Timex.

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Quote[/b] ]turms Posted on June 14 2004,11:53



Carries 12 men.  Calm Terror modified it so that the crew will bail out after the first hit from a LAW or RPG.  However it will not explode until after about 3 hits.  

So the btr 60 can take more hits than t72?

If you read it again, it only takes one hit to disable the APC as the crew bails out. If you want fireworks, then you need to pump a couple more RPGs into it.

How many hits does it take to disable a t72? If it is more than one, then your answer is no, it does not take more hits than a t72.

Looking forward to trying this out when time permits as it looks very promising!


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I feel like leatherface...only this time I'm wearing it on my body!


I love the pack, but I feel like the camo on some of the Egyptian units seems a little weird. Very bright.

One thing that I find strange overall is the flying flag. The arm patches seem to levitate a few inches from the arm.

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Great pack! There is an error in the demo mission. Is the player meant to be an Isreali? Because in the mission you are an egyptian and I just sat out there for nearly 10min watching the planes fly overhead and the AA guns shooting at them. At that point I just quit the mission.

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Very nice! I like the Zelda and love the Skyhawk! smile_o.gif


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First off I'd just like to say...THANK YOU!

All in all very cool pack with lots of little things in here that I really dig.

First I like how you can see the bolt go back and forth on the AKs, neat little feature. I also think that AK/M203 weapon is just unique and really cool. I also love the sand camo'd AK for the Egyptian commandos.

I noticed I few things (which I've already fixed on my own).

Some of the AK's have the regular BIS iron sights while other have the Earl ones? I guess that's the only bug I really noticed. That and the muzzle flash covers up the ironsight texture on the M-16/CAR-15.

Just some regular questions now. Is that Israeli UH-1 going to be realesed? Or is it already out and part of another pack?

Also, why are the Commandos primarily armed with the most out-dated weapons? I don't doubt your doing it, I just find it intersting they have half Port Said's while all the other units primarily have AK's.

All in all, really good pack.

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Great pack!  There is an error in the demo mission.  Is the player meant to be an Isreali?  Because in the mission you are an egyptian and I just sat out there for nearly 10min watching the planes fly overhead and the AA guns shooting at them.  At that point I just quit the mission.

happened to me as well.

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First off I'd just like to say...THANK YOU!

All in all very cool pack with lots of little things in here that I really dig.

First I like how you can see the bolt go back and forth on the AKs, neat little feature. I also think that AK/M203 weapon is just unique and really cool. I also love the sand camo'd AK for the Egyptian commandos.

I noticed I few things (which I've already fixed on my own).

Some of the AK's have the regular BIS iron sights while other have the Earl ones? I guess that's the only bug I really noticed. That and the muzzle flash covers up the ironsight texture on the M-16/CAR-15.

Just some regular questions now. Is that Israeli UH-1 going to be realesed? Or is it already out and part of another pack?

Also, why are the Commandos primarily armed with the most out-dated weapons? I don't doubt your doing it, I just find it intersting they have half Port Said's while all the other units primarily have AK's.

All in all, really good pack.

I think that commandos are supposed to be generic egyptian commandos and not from a specific date. Port Said was issued to paras and commandos from 70's to 80's.

Miles Teg thank you! Ofcourse rest of the LoBo team deserves a big thank you!!! aswell.

Woopie duu, Im so excited! biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Ncie works guys, much more stuff in the pack then i first thought wink_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

I added a Mirror on OFPBase HERE.

EDIT: BTW, i know in the ReadMe it syas the C-130 is only a Beta, and will include new textures - do you think this will definatly be true for the next release of this pack, or the C-130 on it's own? The inside textures are good, but on the outside, well, they seems alittle... low quality.

Also i get one of those 'model.speacial' errors on some addons (the IDF Spotter, AT launcher, so far). I'm almost definate i have all the correct files installed though.

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Great pack guys, thanks!  biggrin_o.gif

I don't know if it's intentional or not but the repair M113 seems to have untextured cargo on the left hand side?

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that leather face bug that is weird i did not see that in testing..

the demo mission as a long intro. once it is done then you drive into combat as an IDF trooper.

the sights and stuff where default as we wanted to not make peopel downlad every pack out there just to look pretty. and the m4 sight bug did bother me but it was only a minor thing that did not hurt the game play so i did not bother to fix it.

the weapons ie port said was to cover historical and the fact it is the only SMG i could find the egyptians used if you have better data please post it and i will give them the newer smg.

the techical repair one might be a texture from a road wheel on the roof but other then that i don't know.. you have ot have the whole pack installed and have resistance..

the floating flags yeha i know that bother me but it is a pain to get the flags to always sit flush with the arm. the only way to completely avoid that would be to put the flag on the arm texture itself.. or just remove the flags lol.. I have to look at the BAS deltas to see how they did the flags.

the c-130 is ugly it was not updated it was jsut given new crew. it might get new textures later..

the uh-1 will come out later in another pack. it has some major bugs right now so it has been delayed..

the armour values are low but the structure values are high. to simulate real life. in real life armor does not jsut blow up when hit.. it jsut becomes disabled. this feature was to simulate how liek the IDF was able to capture and repair 100's of armours peices.. these really are not meant to play againest default bis stuff.. once the armour comes out. you will see how things are more equal. like it takes alot of rpg's to blow up the egyptian m1a1. but i think 4 or 5 will disable it.. soem times the crew bails otu fo the m1a1 but some times they stay inside. but yes if they are hit with a tank's main gun using DU or improved tungsten rounds it will blow up easier. but this will be a cool feature for MP games as you can disable and kill the crews of the armour then come in and repair the armour and take it as your own..

btw miles forgot to say that all vehicals have a fire script ie you blow them up they burn..

if there is ANY weapons, weapons systems, units etc you would like to see in this mod or infantry units then pm me..

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the demo mission as a long intro. once it is done then you drive into combat as an IDF trooper.

Nope, you guys messed up on the mission then tounge_o.gif. The mission starts and you are a egyptian machine gunner in the middle of the desert wink_o.gif

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Your units, vehicles etc look nice biggrin_o.gif

Great work guys !!!



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weird cuz the last one miles sent me i was an israeli..

mmm maybe miles wanted to be some allah akkabaring..

also aboot the egyptian camo.. that is taken right from photos of their camo.. so it basically is that bright. it works in the desert.. atleast in the sinai.

a side note egyptians wear a woodland camo really close ot that of the US when doing NATO or UN missions.

that will be reflected in the next update.. and yes even in desert they where woodland. I will add that for all you UN peace keeping mission makers out there..

i found the bug for the fligth crew. it was caused by the random face script.. will be fixed next release...

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Miles must've accidently put wrong version into the pack tounge_o.gif. I'll have him send me correct version and I'll upload corrected version to my site smile_o.gif.

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nice work guys I just have one little suggestion..... can you pretty please add wrinkles sad_o.gif they would make these units so good looking. But anyways great work guys lov eit.

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I was tlaking to Miles a while ago and he said the next update would have wrinkles smile_o.gif. So no need to worry about that wink_o.gif

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Ncie works guys, much more stuff in the pack then i first thought wink_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

I added a Mirror on OFPBase HERE.

EDIT: BTW, i know in the ReadMe it syas the C-130 is only a Beta, and will include new textures - do you think this will definatly be true for the next release of this pack, or the C-130 on it's own? The inside textures are good, but on the outside, well, they seems alittle... low quality.

Also i get one of those 'model.speacial' errors on some addons (the IDF Spotter, AT launcher, so far). I'm almost definate i have all the correct files installed though.

Hi ya'all. Sorry I didn't answer sooner. I've been out all day and just got home.

Yeah the C130 will hopefully have better textures in the next update of it. But its not easy to do and very difficult to find good photographs. If anyone has good desert skins for Adammo's C130 Vers2, I'd be more then happy to use them on these C130's.

Also we might be teaming up with Vit since he does lots of Middle East addons. His textures on his IAF C130 are a little better.

Oh...about the flight crew...yeah I forgot to mention that bug...although you gotta admit its a VERY amusing bug...cool cammoflage eh? LOL!

Oh the mission....> AAAAAAARG! I may have accidentally forgot to switch the player back to the IDF player! I will release an update pronto for that mission... I'm very sorry about that. I sometimes tested parts of the mission from the Egyptian point of view and I guess I forgot to switch the player back. Soooooorry! If you want, you can actually De-PBO the mission and select the player. He's in the 3rd IDF squad at El-Queseina and the last man on the right of the squad. He should be labeled "aP" I think and he's carrying a sniper rifle in his init box.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I love this pack but for some reason I did not like the some of the weapons models (AK47, M-16 (CAR) and etc.). But, overall I like this pack! wink_o.gifunclesam.gif

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