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Bas crew

what can i say .... go and play

Mathijs and the CoC team

for his work with CoC and his Lowlands(international soldier) work

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ARAON for explaining O2 and helping people in many other ways of making stuff for OFP including me.

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it might sound cheeky, but I nominate every1, because all of us contributed in the best community online, and I mean it!

HUGS smile_o.gif

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ARAON for explaining O2 and helping people in many other ways of making stuff for OFP including me.

Zwadar for introducing Desert Everon and outhouses to OFP. tounge_o.gifrock.gifcrazy_o.gif

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fighter, dusand, cervo and all the others @ ofp.info for keeping up the site and the invaluable database

dschulle and others for inventing WRPEdit and other nifty tools that I am too dumb for but that have proven to be invaluable to the community

the guys from ofpinternals for opening up new animation possibilities to OFP

AelcIrLyon, vektorboson and others for providing innovative scripting

the peeps at http://www.ofp-editing.de and http://www.mapfact.de

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-Kegetys; he's the man:)

-Theavonlady; for helping me twice and others.

-FDF mod; for a realistic mod

-BAS; for great nice addons.

-Snakeman; first time I played a costum campaign.

-All mission makers:)

And all other mods, addon and mission creator out there:)

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Stoner from SHOP

He got me, and a lot of folks I'm still playing with almost every day hooked on ofp mp.

And Shrike and Tornment for setting up Zeus to continue this after SHOP went down.

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7th for making me a moderator at OFPN all those years ago and setting me off on the path to here smile_o.gif

Edit: and of course Kegetys for releasing the demo hex codes that led me to 7th to become a moderator to end up here smile_o.gif

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To these OFP heroes I woulde like to add ThruYerSternum for the Unscripted War mission. I know I bang on and on about it, but it's just brilliant for single players biggrin_o.gif

Also Gen. Barron for the Combat Patrol mission using hand signals, and DeadDog for Lost in 'Nam. Really fantastic missions.



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I think many (if not all) I think owe gratitude have been mentioned before, first to come in mind are Kegetys, the entire teams of FDF and BAS, Ebud, Placebo, Avon, OFP internals, Mehanic, the guys from CiA for there excellent server and MP-nights, ofp.info, OFPEC, BIS (offcourse wink_o.gif ), the rest of the community who signed in on these boards to keep the spirit alive and last but not least my bud Alt who never even finished the CWC campaign or visited any ofp internetsite, but introduced me to OFP back in 2001 smile_o.gif

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Oh, I almost forgot, Satchel offcource for his excellent dynamic range soundpack smile_o.gif

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SWAF (sea wolves armed forces) MP Clan

they have changed the way ive played ofp and made it much more fun on MP. Thax to all SWAF Members!!

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Can't believe no one has mentioned toadlife yet.

Toadlife! crazy_o.gif

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Zayfod gave us rappeling!

And a lot of other guys... List is too long...Thank you all, you guys keep OFP alive and well.

Dont forget the missionmakers!

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Ebud and Nagual! smile_o.gif

Also, one guy, that made a bunch of buildings packs (nearly) every mapmaker is using nowadays... forgot his name, dang! tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifwink_o.gif

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huh... that one was already mentioned before.  tounge_o.gif

That may be so, but he deserves to be mentioned twice. I believe that your name has also already been brought up, and rightfully so.


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Most guys that I can think about has been mentioned here but I miss three names:

LCD - Scripting guru and one of the coolest guys I've met. Where is he now?

Macguba - Just read 10 threads he has posted in at OFPEC and you understand.

Sui - The trilogy: Airborn, Facile Ground, The Black Gap.

And finally me for finally bringing my arse down here at official forums instead of chewing the fat all the time at OFPEC. tounge_o.gif

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All Mod makers;

All addon makers;

Especially mission makers who use all the mods and addons in their missions so the ofp community can play with them;

Everyone in the ofp community for keeping it all alive for so long;

The makers of OFP, as without them this all would not be here today;

All OFPEC and Avon Lady people for all their tut's/scripts/faqts they gave us;

[kissing up mode]

All in the Zeus community, especially their founders, for the fun times online and a place to hang around.

[/kissing up mode]

Everyone else that has contributed in some sort of way into the world of OFP, even when just playing the game to keep it alive.


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And finally me for finally bringing my arse down here at official forums instead of chewing the fat all the time at OFPEC. tounge_o.gif

I almost didn't recognize you without the banana.



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huh... that one was already mentioned before.  tounge_o.gif

huh.... who can that be let me think rock.gif








19 Hourse of thinking crazy_o.gif

wow_o.gif shit I know who you talking about our only and 1 addon maker ag_smith wow_o.gif

j/k m8 biggrin_o.gif

Well how I forgot you your efforts for OFP are really big started with industrial pack, City Construction Kit, Harbour Pack and 3WX Team's Object Pack your efforts for island makers is great m8 you have done great things for island makers wink_o.gif

Looking forward to your next projects wink_o.gif

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