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Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

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a good news


YEEHAW!!! biggrin_o.gif Looking forward to the release!!

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uhh dude tomorrows the 7th but still kick ass ur relesinbg them woot yay  biggrin_o.gif

i think he ment 8/7/04 biggrin_o.gif cuz these woulda been released last month

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i may be right but u no that hes sitll relesign them tomorrow

he just hit the wrogn key so still be happy  biggrin_o.gif

lol tue very true lol btu its still tomorrow

soo ya ofpr and fischkopps hummers this is goann eb a kick fuckin ass saturday

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different countries do dates differently, ive seen the DD\MM\YY format in other places before.

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hehe, good news for me, since I live in the Netherlands. Thats that mighty large country next to germany.

The same timezone (or almost the same, depands on where you live in germany i think)

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haven't heard from hmmwv for a few days. he's still doing the desert textures right?

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@ni-mh: he´s making holidays till sunday. about des tex. I haven´t any space for my tex files of my hmmwv (170 mb crazy_o.gif ).

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haven't heard from hmmwv for a few days. he's still doing the desert textures right?

prolly spankin off to the release tounge_o.gif lol i joke

@ Makivelli: no they wont. that adds in an extra ba-jillion pollys that make the model lag your game so bad that 1 humvee would give you 2 fps

in short: no cuz it takes too many pollys and is the most pointless thing on a model (uneeded animations)

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They don't lag my game at all. rock.gif

Noone will ever admit pollies don't impact on gameplay at all, will they?

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They don't lag my game at all. rock.gif

Noone will ever admit pollies don't impact on gameplay at all, will they?

sure they'll admit it.

if it were ever true.

now ive never actualy modeled, cuz thats too much of a PIA. so i texture, config, script, ect. but i used to beta test, many moons ago. and when id get a new model. . .it would be a largy polly count model. . .it would lag me down to about 8fps. later on id get one with a much lower polly count and nothing else changed from the same author. . .and my FPS would return to about 25.

just a lil secret for ya. . .dont tell the others about the "pollies dont lag" thing cuz it doesnt go over well when ppl who know things first hand are told thier wrong wink_o.gif just tryin to save ya from a flamewar tounge_o.gif

Edit/PS: i only know from beta testing that pollies lag. but i can pull atleast 10 modelers outta here that will all prove that high poly count = lag

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I have also worked as a Beta tester with very high polly models (Drill Sergeants guns [up to 10,000pollies just for the guns] and that HMMWV also made by DS) and on my medium spec machine and ecountered almost no FPS drop down (we're talking 2frames drop down at the most) with two twelve man squads and helicopters flying overhead, Drill Sergeant also did tests on his machine (very low spec) and had the same results. rock.gif

Can you explain that?

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yea. your definition of "low spec" varys drasticly from the common gaming machine.

low spec =

cpu- 900mhz or less

gfx card- gf3 or lower (equivilent or lower ATI card)

ram- 256 or lower

med spec =

cpu- 1.5GHZ or higher

gfx card- gf4 or higher (equivilent or higher ATI card)

ram- 256 or higher

high spec =

cpu- 2.0

gfx card- GeForce FX 5800 or higher (ditto on the ATI stuff)

ram = 512 or higher

most users have the first 2 choices. and high polys = high memory usage = lag.

trust us. when 99% of the community experiances lag due to high pollys. then. pollys cause lag. all our computers didnt get together to consiper against your theroy for 3 years. how they say it in those cell phone comercials? "3000 people cant all be wrong" wink_o.gif

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Drill Sergeants Machine if remember correctly is:

700mhz Celeron

256mb RAM

Standard Intel Graphics Chipset

Mine is:


512 RAM

Radeon 9200

So no you're not right there either, maybe me and him are special aye. But this isn't the place to discuss it I beleive so let's not clutter the place up discussing it.

Fishkopp your HMMWV's look great I would love to see animated doors and the such on them but yeah it probably won't happen.

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Do you really need this kind of animated stuff. Before i get involved with 3d Editing i tested addons like these:

Install. Playing ... uuhhh ainmated doors ... nice and then i have never used it.

About polys.

I create a jungle for CZM. I tested these without further LOD´s the whole square has a poly count about 4.000 Polys.

Viwedisrtance 1300. Flat area on a custom Island. about 20 squares (round about 80.000 Polys and some Polys of Units 14 soldiers [+20.000]) and it lagged like hell. now if you take DS weapons and soldiers in 12 man squad you will have the same result without counting the Island polys and trees and etc. It will lag.

My spec:

Raedon 9800 Pro 256DDRAM

1024 DDRAM

2.2Ghz P3

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animated doors are cute to say the least.

i wont go into the "thier pointless" speech as thats obvious.

i just dont like animations like that on cars/tanks cuz thats just one more thing to piss you off in MP

Player 1:driving along

door opens

Player 1: who opened the door?

Player 2 3 4 5: hahahaha

Player 1: closes door

door opens

Player 1: catchs and closes before fully open

door opens


Player 2 3 4 5: lmao!!!

Player 2: its funny! biggrin_o.gif

Player 1: (stops vehicle, gets out, shoots player 2) ahh much better

opening/closing door is good for the cargo door of a truck or the cargo door of a helo (IE: BAS blackhawks)

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Lol Pappy what do you smoke tounge_o.gif

thats one of the reasons i stoped goin to public servers. is putting up with idiots that do that. and yes at one point i have stoped the vehicle, gotten out, and shot the stupid son of a bitch. pointless animations like that server one purpose: pissing off honest players crazy_o.gif

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I remember some CTI rounds, driving an mt-lb.

"Mudgards up"

"Mudgards down"

"Mudgards up"

"Mudgards down"

"Mudgards up"

"Mudgards down"

"Mudgards up"

"Mudgards down"

For the first time it's funny, maybe the second also......

Only way to stop it, is getting out and blow the mt-lb up with an rpg.

MfG Lee mad_o.gifwink_o.gif

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