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Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

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alright i know there are countless humvee packs out there already, but i believe this is the best so far. the maker is also planning on making a desert version of his humvees.




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they are wonderfull ! Good job FischKopp ! smile_o.gif

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I agree. Most people will probably slag it because it appears to be based on the BIS hmmwv.

For that very reason I like it a whole lot.

Quote[/b] ]but i believe this is the best so far

That's more a subjective observation since some people may disagree. However. I totally agree with you in my opinion.

I don't mind the more conservatively detailed BIS units. This pack gives me a variety of vehicles at a more moderate detail. There's more than a few higher detail hummers out there for those who don't like these. So it's a refreshing change to have a hummer with a mg and other variants that fits my personal addon tastes.

Great job.

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One small thing. Driver hands seems dont lay properly on steering wheel. Compare with default hummer. But overall addon is great anyway....

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I like them, at last i do not need to take truck when i have more than 4 ppl in squad smile_o.gif

Taking about details - noone made working wipers wink_o.gif

Is it possible to add some random mud splats or dust? Like some other addons uses random numbers? When u add more models and missing shadow, and make des version, IMO it would be best Hummer pack.

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So actually, what's the diffrence between these ones and rfl_hmmwv?

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the textures on this one arent the BIS textures. These also have the trademark "X" on the door and a grill

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ok after spending more time with the humvee's, ive found that the vehicles dont have shadows. not a big deal, but it would be great if it could be fixed smile_o.gif

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Awsome job!!! But...

It also seems to be more armord than the BIS one...

It takes two 7.62 shots to get noticable damage on the BIS one, while 16  or so with the ones in this pack crazy_o.gif

Any body encountering the same thing?

Also I kind of prefer the BIS HMMWV skin (darker and all) alhtough I don't know how realistic BIS camo is compare to this one.

Nice job!

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Is this a final version?
Quote[/b] ]I´ve created a new HMMWV pack based on the org. HMMWV from BIS and inspired by rfl_hmwv Pack. This includes at the moment following vehicles :


M998 HMMWV (open)

M998 HMMWV (no doors)

M998 HMMWV (cargo open)

M998 HMMWV (cargo)

M998 HMMWV (half top)

M1026 HMMWV (M2-MG)

Upcoming vehicles :

M1026 HMMWV (Mk. 19 GL)

M1026 HMMWV (TOW-2 RL)

M977 HMMWV (maxi ambulance)


Maybe I will create also desert camo HMMWV

from ofp info

i guess you can consider this as a beta since Fischkopp is planning to make other variants as well.

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Thnx.., I didnt see this at .info yet, and there was no read me sad_o.gif

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What about this steering weel? It looks really stupid when driver hands are in air, and steering wheel is moving. Mind power? In BIS Hummve evrything is ok....

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I'm sure he is aware of that, it is a beta afterall. working on these addons isn't exactly easy. Continue the work it looks good so far.

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I'd recommend if he plans to make exact copies of the current planned hummer variants in desert camo, to be in a separate pbo.

It's kind of annoying when you're forced to have everything in one lump sum when all you want is woodland variants for a mission for example.

Besides it's not hurting anyone except for someone who might be too lazy to copy two separate hummer packs into their addon/mod folder.

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I would think to make things cool he modernize this humvee pack, seeing the woodland one covers about 93 to prior. And are the old style humvees, with the mirrors, seats, and bias ply tires. The newer humvees have bucket seats, westcoast style mirrors, thinner brushguards. Smaller steering wheels. Sound proofing, and suspenssion upgrades as well as a self recovery kit (winch). Then shut up to people sniving for me to make a M1114A1 humvee, when they keep forgetting that they were not around back durring 85 up to 93. HUMVEEs were often keep out of heavy combat till the Somalia conflict. And t didn't really see any signifcan't improvments till Kosivo, then had to be heaviily updated to deal with threats, and the added weight of the armor required replacing the power plant and transmission.

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I´ve made a graphic list with things to improve and some bugs i´ve found in this pack.

You can check it at the following topic on OFPinfo Forums

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Hey, have you noticed that the hmmwv.pbo comes with a MK-19 carrier version?? it comes even with a stand-alone mk-19.p3d but it don´t appears in any config file of the pbo. So we can´t play with it.  rock.gif

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Yeah, It is the basic Mk. 19 i am working on.

@hmmwv: I try to to make the best with you help

At the moment I retexture the hmmwv complete.

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If you need help, whatever you want about humvees, i´ll be here for you. anyway you can contact me at [email protected]

Once again thank you very much for your great work with these humvees and feel proud because you made the first reallistic humvees around!  biggrin_o.gif


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If you need any help with your pack let me know and Ill help you out.Since i was wanting a new HUMVEE pack myself.And maybe we could do some hemmits as well?

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Didnt see there was another hmmwv pack being developed aswell, hmm kinda interesting. Hope everything turns out ok for you and you arent just wasting your time or anything with there being so many developed :-(



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