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Sorry for the black and white but I just had B&W film with me. Balschoiw and Hit_sqd_maximus posing for the camera.

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I uploaded two screens (Balschoiw ejecting from his crashing Hind and Turms) to the gallery on the CiA website. Didn't want to spam the thread.

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Someone said in one of the yesterdays game that there was something wrong with me, some funny bug and took a screenie. I would like to see it myself. smile_o.gif

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I uploaded two screens (Balschoiw ejecting from his crashing Hind and Turms) to the gallery on the CiA website. Didn't want to spam the thread.

haha, i'm the little guy lying on the street there (while bals is jumping) wink_o.gif

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damn... was not able to come home at right time to join the games. :-(

But now about playing BAS some time: we need some good coop maps which uses BAS-Addons (and max. Kegetys Editor Addon). We don't have that many maps and not found a good place to download some. If you have some good maps which don't use additional addons, please send them to me so that I can add them to our server.

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We are thinking of setting up a server with BAS heli's and Earl & Suchey's USMC/Naval and something else but we will need your oppinion on the best setup.

We currently have a possibility to start a BAS server but we don't have many mission.

So could you all give us some help with picking the best combination of good addons without it becomming hundreds of different downloads or a 300mb download. The smaller the pack is the better..

When we have decided on a reasonable addons setup we will need missions for them. This isn't just for us but for all servers who uses addons. If people know which addons to use in mission it would be great, but espacially which addons not to use.

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There is always the option of using the smaller of the BAS isles that came with Tonal (Tonali 1 I think). It's still got a lot of good places for fighting and doesn't tax the system as much.

If need be, I can make some missions (though I've never made co-ops before).

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i can still play with the fdf/keg addons atm.

why a BAS server and not orcs? did you eber play lasers balance pack? you don't have such a big arsenal of weapons, but the units look better.

stay with fdf some more weeks, then we can dicuss it again... imho

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Well, I like the marines very much, and a lot of other addons, too. Tonal is great, but it lags weaker machines (might be too much for your server, severly limiting the scope of possible missions). Also I don't think Tonali (the smaller island) works without Tonal being installed.

Whatever you choose: I think the number of addons (whatever might be used) should be kept small.

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There are too few missions for Tonal to justify such a big download for everyone, IMHO. Great pack/island, though.

MAP is a good pack, it includes 2 sides and many, many weapons, unlike, say, rangers + blackhawks that are 2 addons and only add units to one side. I don't know where to get good missions for either one, sadly, when I asked about it in the MAP thread Suchey adviced me to get to the MTCO addon server and download some maps, but I've never gotten around to it...

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Quote[/b] ]Well let's make some missions, then.

I already made a MP mission for the BAS mod. Unfortunally tonal causes big lag...

The map is already on the server and named "Reload". Maybe some do know it already.

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No offence to BAS, but Tonal seriously lags the hell out of a lot of people in MP...

No, no offense to BAS, but offense to todays PC designs. tounge_o.gif (lovely idea of running the world one instruction at a time, okay maybe 3)

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Well let's make some missions, then. tounge_o.gif

Actually I have a FDF + Tonal mission made, still beta but very playable. wink_o.gif The mission is peacekeeping, altough that's just an excuse for putting the FDF on Tonal, the mission itself involves gunning down everything that moves...and does lag like hell, no way around that I'm afraid...

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Will there be games today or tomorrow?

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Dunno about the others but I will take a break tonight and watch TV, eat chips and have some beers and maybe a bottle of wine with my girlfriend.

It´s weekend guys, relax biggrin_o.gif

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I just finished getting the addons and FDF Mod on my system, so I'm ready to show you guys how a pro plays! wink_o.gif

j/k tounge_o.gif

When's the match start? When? When? When?

[Gareth Gates must die]

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I just finished getting the addons and FDF Mod on my system, so I'm ready to show you guys how a pro plays! wink_o.gif

j/k tounge_o.gif

When's the match start? When? When? When?

[Gareth Gates must die]

as soon as gareth gates is dead. erm i mean as soon as llauma pops up and decides to play today. if not, then maybe tomorrow. and if not tomorrow... then on sunday. wink_o.gif

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