wildbrumby 0 Posted May 8, 2004 Ok, what were your most embarrassing moments in OF. You know, the times you just are thankful nobody is watching. I've had two bad ones so far. The first one was when I first got the game and started on Resistance. So I get on my motorcycle and try to leave the city of Petrovice for the office. Not realising that this isn't Australia, I promptly drove on the wrong side of the road. Imagine my surprise when at traveling at around 100 km I crest a hill and see a sports car coming at just the same speed right at me. Needless to say, that was a reload. My second one happened just the other night. I was playing Trap when I have to place mines and stop the BMP and T 72. Well, for some reason I placed them all right in the middle of the village. I then retreated to the other side among some bushes. The tanks came along and were promptly eliminated by my RPG guys before they even reached the mines. Forgetting that the friendly armour must travel through the village, I radioed them in. When I got my guys into tanks and returned I found the BMP destroyed the the T 72 on the edge of the village. Angry about this, I drove across the road, forgetting the remaining mines, and promptly blew up my own tank! Oh well, we live and learn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
somebloke 0 Posted May 8, 2004 The most embarrasing moment for me was in multiplayer the first time i played ofp. I'd boarded a chopper on my own, and i didn't know how to start the engine, so i'm sitting there screaming, "how do you start this bloody thing" and all my team is watching laughnig at me, eventually i consulted the manual started the engine and promptly crashed into a house 20m away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stgn 39 Posted May 8, 2004 I think it was in the Hostage rescue mission in resistance I had freed all the hostages and was setting up an ambush for the incomming BMPs then at the end of my one man ambush a BMP ahd driven all around town an came at me from behind, I kinda paniced and in 3rd person view fired my last RPG right over the top of the BMP which was less than 10m away I think this resulted in me getting shot but thats not the worse part cause my best freind sat next to me and every time we play he kindly reminds me that I can't hit a BMP whit an RPG which is realy anoing when I can hit a Tank whit an RPG on 300m easily. STGN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DracoPaladore 0 Posted May 10, 2004 It was at night, and I was flying the Hind. I had no night vision and my only mode of direction was the map and compass. With the occasional stop to get bearings, I was actually doin pretty good. That is, until the Hind suddenly jerked and we stopped, exploding into a fantastic fireball as a house we(I) collided into crumpled like the OFP paper ball. Funny thing is, we just happened to land on the house a LAW soldier was hiding in that kept wiping out our tanks and BMP's that had tried to take the town earlier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gollum1 0 Posted May 10, 2004 Recently in a TF MP, we had just eliminated a three-man enemy patrol, but I remembered they were four! I saw someone running around in front of me, about 70-120 meters, so I carefully took aim with my rifle and placed a round in his back, one shot one kill. It was a teammate, D'OH! I was apologizing for that the rest of the evening even though he didn't think it was a big deal. That's probably the only TK in coop that has been totally my fault, the rest of the time people have forgot to report their positions to tank teams shelling a town etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
norsu 180 Posted May 10, 2004 Trying to take out the enemy flag carrier almost point-plank range from behind with M-16 and missing all shots (about 5). Flag carrier just turned around then and made a headshot . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
somebloke 0 Posted May 10, 2004 ooh, another one for me, i was driving a tank when i spotted the outline of a helicopter in the distance, i opened fire with machine gun and watched it go down. 5 seconds later i had 12 ppl scolding me. It was a ch47 full of my team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m21man 0 Posted May 10, 2004 I was playing Hunting for the first time. I started by sneaking up and popping the guard station with some HEAT rounds. I then circled around the city and prepared to move (I was commanding a T-80, 2 T-55s, and a BMP). I called in Tiger to move, and I waited for them to knock out any infantry moving towards the empty guard post. What I neglected to think about was the hill to the north of Lipany. Tiger encountered armor on it and was butchered. Completely unaware of this, I charged in only to find a T-72, three BMPs, and bunches of angry RPG soldiers. My armor squad was cut to pieces within seconds. Being in the lead tank, I received the brunt of the first salvo. I was hit by one 125mm sabot, 3 73mm sabots, 2 AT-3s, and a handful of RPGs. Needless to say, it was very embarrassing to watch my plan go up in smoke as soon as we started our charge. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dauragon 0 Posted May 10, 2004 everytime i turned upside down a chinook Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Evishion 0 Posted May 10, 2004 Mine was 1 of the first days after I got OFP.. My uncle wantet to see what game I got myself so I should show him how to fly a helo... I took of from the ground. but after 3 sec I was lying on my head with the rotors down lol.. I flew up 50 meter then bang up side down....... NO idea how I made it lol.. that was a bit embarrisng Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MSpencer 0 Posted May 10, 2004 CTI about a month ago. I assaulted a town using my G36C. Turned a corner and pretty much sprayed. I killed 2 of my own clanmates and totalled their jeep. Needless to say, they got a bit irritated. Then, a resistance sniper walked from behind a house and shot me with his PISTOL until I was dead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Frenchman 0 Posted May 10, 2004 *Sigh* Must I tell you my Noobishness in games? I know! I will show you! NO Motars for Frenchman NO APC for Frenchman And a million others including Zodiac boats, BMP's, Jeeps, Tanks, Helicopters and of course Yellow Flares! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Major Fubar 0 Posted May 10, 2004 Mine was in a team DM - an "enemy" APC rolled into our area...I dodn't have any RPGs, but I did have a satchel, so I ran up next to it, planted one (expecting to get gunned down any second) and blew it sky high. Only problem was that one of the guys on my team had captured it from the enemy team. i swear his name showed up in red! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drow 0 Posted May 11, 2004 callin in artillary on friendlies   then being completely out numbered and resently out of arty  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MSpencer 0 Posted May 11, 2004 Nam mission, called in a napalm strike by A1s pretty much on my platoon... and my clanmates... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joltan 0 Posted May 11, 2004 I think that must have been in a ctf (I think it was the 'Arudy' map) just a short time after I started playing OFP MP. I was there trying to circle around the town to shoot the enemy apcs charging into town when suddenly this huge M1A1 comes racing straight towards me. Without thinking I fired all my laws as fast as I could without being able to kill it, tho. Preparing to die a quick death at the mercy of the tank I was suddenly greeted by an endless stream of curses ("Damn noob!", "Are you nuts!?!", ...). The problem being: The tank and myself were on the same side! As I had been playing the Russian side for a few games before and that tank surprised me so much, I completely forgot about being West and nearly wrecked our strongest vehicle... I guess that's one of the reasons I soon afterwards stopped playing ctf and went for coop instead... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
somebloke 0 Posted May 12, 2004 I think one of the funnier moments, still embarrassing, but really funny was when i was first driving an M113 for the first time in MP. I kept driving in circles and all these RPGS kept flying past me. It was like a james bond spoof. Just really really embarrasing, and funny as i didn't know what i was doing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
da_ofp_man 0 Posted May 12, 2004 from were did you got this KA-60 joltan is, it released Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shadow NX 1 Posted May 13, 2004 No it wasnt released yet, stay tuned According to my infos you might see it in near future Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commando84 0 Posted May 19, 2004 i have tons of emberassing moments in ofp One is when i played in lan with a friend of mine and i flew the cobra over a town in desert island while my buddy was running around on the ground. I was like saying in a nice way come here come here wherever you are... and i was in 1:st person mode to and scanned the ground fiercly to see him, then i saw him crouching slowly between two buildings and i was saying hahaha prepare to die ***! then he fired a Rpg shot straight at me and i got blown away Oh here is another one, i once had a dogfight with a friend in Lan and he was in front of me and avoiding my shots, he flew around the mountains on Nogova and i was in close pursuit when he made a sharp turn up and i wasn't fast enough so i hit the mountain instead Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MSpencer 0 Posted May 20, 2004 Not embarrassing as much as damn funny. Clan RTS3 match, ERC vs. DEVGRU (6v3 respectively). My buddy (JimiHendrix) and I were flying around doing recon in a Kiowa, when some ERC puke flies up towards us in a Cessna with a 30mm cannon. We've got an LD and a .50 so, I let 'er rip into his wing. We wasted all our FFARs on a T80 north of us (Mokropsky) that threatened our hold on the north. Needless to say after taking a big hit, he spiralled out of control. Two minutes later he hunted us down again. He got off a shot, missed, and again I opened up on him and killed him. By now, my clan leader had an AH64D army and was protecting the base with a perimeter of 6 AH64Ds. We controlled pretty much the entire map and were 30 minutes in. So now, he (Jerimiah from ERC) comes at us AGAIN near Trosky. Long story short, he came from the sun, dived down, missed horribly, and slammed into a church. I figure God smited him from then on, because he didn't get a kill for the rest of the game. Eventually we got our own Apaches and demolished their base, but the funny thing was, there were two total deaths on our team by a flight accident involving a cessna. Must have been ERC's worst moment. That reminds me of when I first got into OFP online. I went to a CTF game that I had no idea about and got my ass kicked. Of course, after that I joined a clan as Sergeant Major (75th). What surprised me is the fact I went 2 and 14 for the CTF I played in the Nogova desert, and then I got 56 kills and finally a death in a coop in which I piloted the UH1H Huey and acted as BAS Designated Marksman (Back in the 1.0 days with the ACOG M4A1 SD). Those were the classical days of OFP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevevcb 3 Posted May 23, 2004 My most recent one was the rather Python-esque bayonet charge I led my team in during a VOLCBAT game night not so long ago. We had to secure Blata, so I ordered my lads to fix bayonets, then we fanned out into extended line formation and started jogging towards the village, making half-hearted war cries. All was good, until... two BMD-3s crash out right in front of us and start circling. Cannon rounds start flying, and one of my lads catches one with his head. Someone shouted "RUN AWAY!" and before long, everyone was shouting it into their microphones, running around like headless chickens with 30mm shells landing all around them. Everyone was killed, except for Manitou, who found the corpse of our AT guy. "I'm alive! I'm the last one alive!" he chirped, while picking up the launcher. He swung the tube onto his shoulder, loaded it, then said "I can't believe I'm the last one al-" before getting shot in the back of the head by one of the BMDs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commando84 0 Posted May 26, 2004 i have had a funny moment when i was playing mfcti and was like muhahha i will put mines on the whole road here and the enemy tanks will be crushed in the mine field when they drive on this road, then suddenly 3 m1a1:s drive past me on the grass and not on the road and i get very embarressed because they then blew away my whole base with those tanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaveman 0 Posted May 31, 2004 One time I was playing CTI, the commander was AI, and the game was going good to our side. Then I remembered to buy a cobra to take a town that was heavily defended by 2 T-72 and 1 BMP. The problem began with the place our commander choose to plant the aircraft factory (On a hill? Â ). After saving resources for while, finally I could buy the damm thing. When it was ready it was in a very inclined position and when I tried to lift off it hit on a nearby truck and then I hit some trees and ended in a upside down position right in front of the factory. Then I had the brilliant idea to use a LAW to destroy it so a salvage car could come by and get some resources back. So I go to the end of the hangar thinking it was a safe distance from the cobra and fired one. I was killed almost instantly by several explosions and managed to destroy most of my base. Why: The commander had bought several vehicles and they were close to the hangar so when I fired and blew the cobra it started an exploding chain reaction that blew up our Mobile HQ and other several key facilities. Of course the game was lost from that point on. Luckily I was playing alone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SHWiiNG 0 Posted June 1, 2004 this one is amazing its not me who should be embarrased its the person i killed anyway ... in multiplayer(which i was barely able to play) i was doing a town capture mission and i noticed a BMP that was guarding a small village on one side of the river.... but oh no ..... i was out of ammo for me law .... so i managed to sneak behind him to an ammo crate get a law sneak back on top of a hill and take him out with one shot to the rear Share this post Link to post Share on other sites