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Please, for the love of god.....

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Please, for the love of God, people, learn how to make a config.cpp correctly.

I have lost count of the sheer number of addons that I have had to fix before they would work simply because whoever released it didn't even bother to test it out.

Here are some of the most annoying things that addon makers do:

1.  Release addons with missing sounds/textures.  How could you not notice that they were missing?

2.  Release an addon as final when it is no different than the beta.

3.  Make you download 300MB of other addons before you can use theirs.

4.  Try to write the config.cpp in Klingon or other extra-terrestrial language.

5.  Try to use variables in the config.cpp that don't even exist, such as dammage=no (cough....Mapfact....cough).

6.  Mis-spell variables in the config.cpp.  Here's a hint guys, if it isn't spelled correctly, it isn't going to work.

7.  Post screenshots of addons that never get released and probably never will (I don't even think I have to say who that is....)

8.  Addon makers that encrypt everything so that even PBO Decryptor won't open it.  If your addon is good, then that's fine.  However, if it's screwed up, how in the hell are we supposed to be able to fix it if we can't extract it?

When it comes to the config.cpp, that's where the sh*t really hits the fan.  Things like this:

cloudletSize = 3.000000000000

Somehow I don't think the extra 20 decimal places are going to do anything.


10.234525114?  If you can detect a change in sound at that level of precision, you are not human.  I think 10.2 would work just fine.

And my favorite of all time:

class SomeGun : ExplosiveBullet















I just love it when they put variables EVERYWHERE and don't even try to line them up straight so it can be read.

OK, rant over.  But please, if you make addons, test them out before you release them and write the config.cpp in a manner that won't give us a migraine.

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Moving to A&M:D...

Also, I'm Keeping a close eye on this thread - if it descends into a flame-fest, expect it locked and flamers punished...

I'm hoping this can be a constructive discussion of common addon-making errors...

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You're not supposed to fix anything. That's the addon makers job.

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It is funny as most of the addons everyone else downloads are perfectly good at working. Maybe it's just your computer mate.

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No, he's right. I have been truly frustrated by some of the addons released too. I love when you have to download 50 different weapons from 35 different makers just to use someone's troops and the only way of finding out what you need is to sort through the startup error messages one at a time by guessing which missing addon it's talking about because some dweeb forgot to include it in the readme.

You know who you are!! crazy_o.gifmad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]dharbert

You're not supposed to fix anything. That's the addon makers job.

Exactly. I shouldn't have to fix it. They shouldn't release stuff that doesn't work or has missing sounds/textures.

And yes, my computer works just fine. If you want I can post a list of every addon ever made that doesn't work right, doesn't work at all, or is missing files along with the people that made them. Though I don't think they want to be embarassed any more than I want to compile that list.

Anyway, this is already starting to turn into a pissing match. The original intent of my post was to get addon makers to realize the many mistakes that they make and to start properly testing things before they release them.

I can see that not many people (read: no one) really cares about it, so mods, feel free to break out the padlock.

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I have to agree.

I have seen errors are weird configs all the time.

and all the overbinzing.. it is kinda annoying..

some of the thigns i have updated for myself do require other add-ons. but the ones I am workign on for The Lost brothers will only require a max of other Lost brothers add-ons mainly the infantry pack, and JAM..

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Quote[/b] ]2.  Release an addon as final when it is no different than the beta.

I'm not sure who you mean with this, but some betas do not need much fixing other than minor scripting bugs.

Quote[/b] ]3.  Make you download 300MB of other addons before you can use theirs.

They didn't make you download it, that choice is up to you. If you want that addon, you'll D/l it. If you want to play with that addon, then to make it work you need the 300mb pack. It's just life..

Quote[/b] ]7.  Post screenshots of addons that never get released and probably never will (I don't even think I have to say who that is....)

Who is that? And there's nothing wrong with this, not all addons get released. It's more showing pictures of what is possible in order to inspire others.

Quote[/b] ]They shouldn't release stuff that doesn't work or has missing sounds/textures.

I kind of agree.. but you can't expect proffesional quality when you don't pay for it. Again, this is up to the addon maker and is part of life.

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Let them fix it?

Yeah good idea, the 2000 armor value was simply an error, they didn't really intend to make the thing indestructable out of national pride or something wink_o.gif

I've taken apart many addons, mostly to adjust them to be compatible with other addons.

I've also, like dharbert, had to go in to fix .cpp errors just to get things to work right.

I find nothing wrong with his points, or fixing it yourself, not like I slap my name on it and release it.

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With all due respect, but I can't recall any addons that you released and now you want to teach others how to do this....

I do agree with you in most points, but I have also to say this:

1.  Release addons with missing sounds/textures.  How could you not notice that they were missing?

This one is simply unfair. mad_o.gif

3.  Make you download 300MB of other addons before you can use theirs.

As answered by DKM Jaguar.

4.  Try to write the config.cpp in Klingon or other extra-terrestrial language.
What the heck are you talking about?
6.  Mis-spell variables in the config.cpp.  Here's a hint guys, if it isn't spelled correctly, it isn't going to work.

Do you REALLY think addonmakers do all the mistakes and bugs on purpose, just to annoy people?

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Quote[/b] ]You're not supposed to fix anything. That's the addon makers job.

Some people don't want to wait for the addon-maker to release a patch which they'll have to download. I'd rather modify the config then wait for a new version.

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What pisses me off is the same comment again and again in config files. Especially with animations! It is just a waste of numbers!!

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If you are so apt at fixing broken addons their config maybe you should consider helping a mod out that is looking for config writers. :P

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Quote[/b] ]With all due respect, but I can't recall any addons that you released and now you want to teach others how to do this....

That's correct, I couldn't make a model to save my life. But, bad models is not what I'm talking about. I'm not ragging on people for having crap mods, I'm bitching about people releasing stuff that they know damn well is not finished or doesn't work like it's supposed to.

Quote[/b] ]If you are so apt at fixing broken addons their config maybe you should consider helping a mod out that is looking for config writers. :P

That's been taken care of quite some time ago, thank you. wink_o.gif

If you will notice, it's mainly the addon makers that are whining about my comments. I can't help it if some of you guys screw up. Just like the comment about the missing sound/textures. How could you not know that they are missing? I mean, you spent days, weeks or months making the thing. Did you not play test it before you released it? Could you not tell that there is no texture for the tank tracks or that no sound played when you fired the main gun?

Simple stuff, people. Again, the original point of this post was not to bash addon makers. Without addon makers, OFP would have died a long time ago. I'm simply pointing out the many mistakes that are made and how to correct them.

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this is why there is a read me that is included with the addon that usally states

Quote[/b] ]Disclaimer:

This is NOT an official Addon. Use it at your own risk


An since its an unofficial addon the addon maker has a right to make mistakes.

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I forgot one.

9. Addons that are released with bad looping sounds that click or pop.

That is an easy fix that doesn't take more than a couple of minutes work in either GoldWave or Windows own built-in Sound Recorder.

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in talking about untested addons check this out Russian modern infantry pack

i was really loking into this because of the RPG-26 but when i downloaded this pack it acured that only 3 soldiers are working and one is withaout ammo sad_o.gif and in pics those soldiers look good.

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I'll add some very common addon maker errors:

<ul>[*] Not using an OFPEC tag for the addon/models/global variables. rock.gif

[*] Not declaring the addon dependency chains completely and correctly. Kills any usage on dedicated servers and lead to "mysterious" problems (e.g "cannot load mission: missing addons...")

[*] Use of the pre-resistance irScanRange property instead of irScanRangeMin and irScanRangeMax. Excellent way to kill CPU and framerate. crazy_o.gif

[*] Yeah, indendation of config.cpp:s. Worth repeating.


Usage of tags: About OFP tags

Addon dependencies: Search these forums for "missing addons" error messages to see their symptoms. Search for the keyword requiredAddons to (perhaps) learn more about how to add a proper requiredAddons[] declaration to your addon's CfgPatches part.

Good luck in evolving from "weekend addon maker" to "working addon maker" blues.gif

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Hmm while we're at it. To prevent config.cpp mistakes it would be really helpful to have a pretty much complete list of commands and describtion of them. I looked at OFPEC but all I found was a list that isn't finished and wasn't updated for a long time. If there exists such a list I'd like to have a link to it ;) If not it's maybe something OFPEC could take care of. Idealy a something like the command reference. So that users can add comments and tipps of usage.

EDIT: I know one can find many solutions in the forums. But it's sometimes hard to find it in the forums, espeacially when you don't know the command name. then it's hard to find a solution. And it's very time consuming to search. Sometimes I spend some hours until I find a solution (mostly by myself because it was simply impossible for me to find something in the forums when I don't know the correct keyword to search for)

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Quote[/b] ]Hmm while we're at it. To prevent config.cpp mistakes it would be really helpful to have a pretty much complete list of commands and describtion of them.

I already have a command and variable list that I compiled for myself quite some time ago. I might think about releasing it if I thought that anyone would actually use it.

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Issues like missing sounds/texutres usually happen when you binarise the final version and forget to check if Binarise copied every single needed file to opt/ folder.

Regarding OFPEC tags and addon dependecy, yes, this IS something very serious.

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Quote[/b] ]You're not supposed to fix anything. That's the addon makers job.

Oh yeah, that'll happen.

Personally I think it all comes down to pride. If I had the skill to make addons I would only release one when I knew it was something I could be proud of. I think some people just don't have any pride in their work.

Some one said, "you get what you pay for". Wouldn't you rather make something that people go "Wow! this is great you guys should work for BIS." rather than " Hmm it's ok, full of bugs and missing textures. Oh well you get what you pay for".

Like I said though it's pride. Some have it some don't.

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Hmm. Apart from the missing sounds, textures that could be caused by the Binarize process as already mentioned, and the other addons sometimes required, I don't think the other cpp problems are much of an issue.

As for weekend addon makers vs working addon maker, this is rather unfair as most, if not all, addon makers do this  in their spare time, hence most would fall into the former rather than the latter.

As for addon makers 'screwing up', I think this is also a very unfair comment, as nobody is perfect, and even with the best intentions mistakes can be made.

There is some good advice here, but remember not everyone who makes addons is a programmer, so the indentation comments are a bit superfluous. Also addon makers, scripters, etc have learnt this craft with very little  examples to go on, and quite often in their eagerness to release a new addon their enthusiasm overlooks the finer points. Good or bad, I don't know.

Perhaps those people who have the 'expertise' in cpp config writing should either:

1. Write a tutorial and a set of guidelines for the weekend addon makers to follow, or

2. Offer their services to the addon makers in question.

An inventor once said: "Show me someone who has never made a mistake, and I'll show you someone who has never made a thing."

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