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Who do you play as?

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Just wondering, how many of us have a pet name for the character we play in OFP.

For instance, since 5 years I have been playing as "TJ uk", although thats never a name I have used on forums etc.

So how do you guys name your player?? Same as forum? Or different?



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Gunslinger before any says i stole the guys name that used to mod i havent ive always used the name gunslinger in mp since i started playing Aliens verus Predator gold, it came from my fondness for the dual pistols hence the name gunslinger wink_o.gif

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Plain and simple, gotta stick with it smile_o.gif

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I use Sole as much as possible, both on forums as in games.

It used to be Sole Survivor (inspired by the old MP only C&C game, wich I never played btw). But after a while I thought it was a bit long, so I just cropped it to just 'Sole' smile_o.gif

On a sidenote: my addon tag SSV still stands for Sole Survivor wink_o.gif

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or Bounty Killer  wink_o.gif -but some one likes to much this nick and just stolen it...:/

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I use "post", since noone except the dutch and dutch speaking belgian players know what a "postduifje" is or how to pronounce it wink_o.gif. I started of with postduifje, but along the way I noticed communication improves if people can remember your name smile_o.gif

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Guest Hitman[SWAF]

Ive seen people use atleast 3 diffirent nicks in OFP which is something I dont understand..

I use Hitman and have SWAF XML.

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For about 11 years i use benu on the net for everything i do. I guess you could call it my "official" nick. And luckily not many people seem to use that name, actually i only met one other guy that also used it on irc...

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LTC Gadger for PvP in OFP

Dammit for AA

Jeppa for coops biggrin_o.gif

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Hmmm, let's see.

Well, obviously WhoCares, but I use this nick more in chats or fori, seldom in games.

My usual account in OFP is PFC Prowler (should have been Powler, like in FMJ).

When I played Red Hammer, I created Ivan Drago, disregarding that you play Dimitri anyway smile_o.gif

In RPGs or flight/space sims I often use the name Damian Snowbird and Callsign Tigerclaw.

my zodiac sign is Gemini, so I can handle multiple identities since birth biggrin_o.gif

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Bonko for any OFP related thingies smile_o.gif Except when im playing from my girlfriends house, there i use my old Chupacabra nick biggrin_o.gif

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I'm plain old Kooky, although my tagged-up OFP name is [CSM] Kooky [VCB] (Company Sergeant Major, Volunteer Commando Battalion).

And just in case anyone nabs my name, I have this...

...slightly edited face...

...to make sure people know I'm the real me  tounge_o.gif

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I used to use <--jkg6.

Then the squadron I fly with got into this game and I started using that handle, Jamail (or JamailJG14).

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Gollum1 [OFTF] smile_o.gif

Don't play public at all though, no 1.96 servers, especially none with addons...

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