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Sheesh, it looks really good.

May I ask though, has that screen shot been rendered?

it is an ingame shot with some editing.

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Looks great - gonna have some great firefights in there! biggrin_o.gif

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wow looks awesome! biggrin_o.gif

hope they come with that sound fx when they are pumping oil too , would be nice for atmospheric moments maybe when sneaking around inside a oil refinery complex and you hear all the mechanized sounds of motors and engines and machines ghostface.gif

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Hi, this is what appears when i try to add the example line to the INIT of the military flag pole:

The error:


Let's cu

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@commando: to answer this, i quote the readme...

Quote[/b] ]Animated oil pumps with randomly played sounds

@wip: it looks like you do not use the standard "". copy it from here and try again please. smile_o.gif

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Hi, this is the line that i've used this time:

[This,""\wip-flags\Rebel.jpg"",""\wip-flags\pow-mia.jpg""] Exec "\MAP_MilObj-Pack\Flag_Script.sqs"

i can enter to the mission now, but this is what i get when i enter:



sms received:


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more quality!

FDF Desert Pack, Mapfact's Oil Addon (to be released soon) biggrin_o.gif

Shots by Flashpoint_K.

@wip: sorry, this was a little misunderstanding wink_o.gif try this one:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[This,"\wip-flags\Rebel.jpg","\wip-flags\pow-mia.jpg"] Exec "\MAP_MilObj-Pack\Flag_Script.sqs"the wip-flags is a pbo in your addon directory?

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Hi, now it works; and this is how it looks like:


& yeah, that wip-flags it's a .pbo that i made with some flags that could be utile in CTF's, in coops for the entrances or the CC buildings and things like that, there's an old version in ofp.info + a faces pack by me too; it's the older version. There they don't want to release the updated flags packs because it contains the germany flag, the nazi flag i mean... for put in the bases where u gonna strike & make a small representation of clean a bit the earth surface of some scum. Many thanks for the help. let's cu

Quote[/b] ]there's an old version in ofp.info + a faces pack by me too; it's the older version. There they don't want to release the updated flags packs because it contains the germany flag, the nazi flag i mean... for put in the bases where u gonna strike
<------<< Lie; updated wip-faces & wip-flags released by Cervo in ofp.info

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good to hear that smile_o.gif


[ 16.06.05 / Workshop: This weekend! ]

At this weekend, 17th to 19th June, the 1. Mapfact workshop will take place. All in all, there will meet 19 OFP fans in Duisburg, Germany. Within those, a big part of the Mapfact team will be there, BadAss, Chneemann, JörgF., Lockheed Martin$ch, raedor, Silola und sniping-jack and of course also other guests like Spinor oder Mr-Murray.

On the program list are presentations of different projects of the members and others, such as things in aspect of performance like optimising of models and textures for OFP, an airport system for the AI or themes like UV mapping. Also 'soon-to-be-released' Mapfact projects will be presentated and can be tested by the guests.

The important things will be transfered to our website over a webcam that is sponsored by Codemasters. Also we will write news to keep you up to date.

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more quality!

FDF Desert Pack, Mapfact's Oil Addon (to be released soon) biggrin_o.gif

Shots by Flashpoint_K.

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edited or not, probably look greate anyway :-)

we all know Mapfact top quality :-)

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the oil addon is ready for release, all WS participants already have it (they were able to d/l it at least), but currently the team is too tired to release it, so you'll get it tomorrow. maybe. biggrin_o.gif

have fun... reading the readme for now wink_o.gif

german readme

english readme

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the oil addon is ready for release, all WS participants already have it (they were able to d/l it at least), but currently the team is too tired to release it, so you'll get it tomorrow. maybe. biggrin_o.gif

have fun... reading the readme for now wink_o.gif

You tedious little bitch biggrin_o.gif

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Boy, I cannot wait to get back to OFP on Tuesday (or is it Wednesday? S***).  We look forward to your lordships getting round to releasing it  tounge2.gif .

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well, when i wrote tomorrow i meant the day that begun eight minutes after my posting wink_o.gif

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well, as a first step, come over and d/l this addon, it is required by the OA.


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