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Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

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could it be Marfy's M113 ??

no its not Marfy's m-113 its a pack by.......wait a moment i'll ba back soon  smile_o.gif

looks like something that got released together with idf´s zelda apc rock.gif

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could it be Marfy's M113 ??

no its not Marfy's m-113 its a pack by.......wait a moment i'll ba back soon  smile_o.gif

looks like something that got released together with idf´s zelda apc  rock.gif

no Burns its by Twiggy see pics an previous page smile_o.gif

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Two small pics from last evening's MP session playing Mad_Reizka's newest mission, Peltokyrvän taistelu.



Might post some more interesting ones later... tounge_o.gif

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"Prada admits construction flaws in their V3S trucks causing the trucks to spontanious self combust"


Hmm, I need to think of better captions for my screenies tounge_o.gif

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ive got one Sole lol

<soldier rank><soldier name> knew that he shouldnt have been smoking that cigarette while checking the engine over

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<soldiername> finally realises what happened to the pin on his grenade

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we should have a caption competition biggrin_o.gif in another thread of course

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That jeep looks sweet! where is that from?

this is from BW-MOD 1.3 but at those MERCEDES are no sighns from NFOR me thinks that Lee add thos by him self wink_o.gif

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this is from BW-MOD 1.3 but at those MERCEDES are no sighns from NFOR  me thinks that Lee add thos by him self wink_o.gif

Yep, BW-Mod Demo 1.3 Wolf with changed numberplate and "tactical symbols". (changed to the wolf I had driven during my bw-time)

And the NFOR is just a squadlogo for MP.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Soviet Kamakzies attacking USS Nimitz

*edit* Cartoon version tounge_o.gif

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