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Unified zombie pack release imminent

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what i meant by my earlier post is whether there are goign to be any more zombie releases?

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there better be or else I'm on the line of jumping of.

Mig I got some textures for ya. Metal, dirt, grass, walls, stone walls. from alias. I'm can't show them here. they are 17 mb each! wow_o.gif

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Right folks, I'm back.

We need to discuss what comes next, get some ideas for the new zombie mod...

Mig: how's yer horror pack?

Grabarz: Graves etc ready to go?

General: animations - got any pictures of what they do? Has anyone reviewed them.

BlueLikeU - is he still into making missions?

Me - scripts and fancy stuff? Also textures. I'll be happy to texture as long as the models and LODs are made. I'm not making any more 3D models, sorry guys but they just take too much time and really drain the will to work out of me rock.gif

So with that in mind, all you guys report in, let's get the shit back on the road and get on with zombie mod 2.

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alright then fine tounge_o.gif animation status right now

2 dead anims

3 rising anims, 1 really fast and 2 slower ones

3 walking animations

1 standing animation

5 shotdown animations. from flying backward by the pressure of a shotgun to usual dying.

also I've made 15 custom animations for the farmland campaign

@zombie mod

if you had a better model program it would be a peice of cake. you can always try to get the maya, personal learning edition work with the maya rtm/p3d kit. and if you succsed then your work will go so much faster. I couldn't even make a cube in o2. when I tried maya I could make a house in a few minutes(after som learning with the tools)

it's free biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

learning editiom

rtm/p3d kit

meny people doesn't like maya beacuse it's quite complicated and you wont understand a shit tounge_o.gif but it rocks o2 when u know how to master it.

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alright then fine tounge_o.gif animation status right now

2 dead anims

3 rising anims, 1 really fast and 2 slower ones

3 walking animations

1 standing animation

5 shotdown animations. from flying backward by the pressure of a shotgun to usual dying.

also I've made 15 custom animations for the farmland campaign

@zombie mod

if you had a better model program it would be a peice of cake. you can always try to get the maya, personal learning edition work with the maya rtm/p3d kit. and if you succsed then your work will go so much faster. I couldn't even make a cube in o2. when I tried maya I could make a house in a few minutes(after som learning with the tools)

it's free biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

learning editiom

rtm/p3d kit

meny people doesn't like maya beacuse it's quite complicated and you wont understand a shit tounge_o.gif but it rocks o2 when u know how to master it.

Great stuff, I might just try that Maya 3D package...

If you see Mig/ Grabarz, tell them I'll be on tomorrow on the farmlands forum + MSN, before & after the Champions League final blues.gif


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biggrin_o.gif just a reason for trying to get maya ple to work with the rtm/p3d kit:

since we don't want compleate new models for our mod the only thing you need to do is to move the vertexes around, which you can't do in o2.

for example you maybe want a flesh wond on a zombie. just select the model, right click and press vertexes. now just use the move tool to move the vertexes around. and you got a flesh wound. on o2 you gotta redo that part of the arm. crappy tounge_o.gif

at the modeling part O2 is as simple as ofp-anim. the only thing it's good at is inporting and conponent editing.

I really hate the "gotta do every polygon/vertex myself" stuff

as I hate the "gotta do every frame myself in ofp-anim"

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Excellent mod, great work on the zombies.

However, I keep getting an error everytime I open the zombie mod folder or start a zombie mission. It says

Cannot load mission: missing addon Scott's tough Zombies

It doesn't usually affect antthing but I am playing the German mission Infected at the moment and the error causes the game to freeze.

Any ideas? rock.gif

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welcome back sir (To zombie_mod) i would like to help you guys, but i still need to get my new computer, then i can make some missions 4 u. i love you guys!  smile_o.gif

oh yeah zombie, dont leave the jurassic park guys behind either, they got a good thing going, but they cant get their dinosaurs to attack more than one person! i think they really need your help.

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welcome back sir (To zombie_mod) i would like to help you guys, but i still need to get my new computer, then i can make some missions 4 u. i love you guys!  smile_o.gif

oh yeah zombie, dont leave the jurassic park guys behind either, they got a good thing going, but they cant get their dinosaurs to attack more than one person! i think they really need your help.

They still having problems with the Jurassic mod?


I forgot about them... wow_o.gif

I formatted my hard disc a while back, my PC had a virus... of course, I had all my work kept on sourcesafe, so I got it back no problem...

OFP is still not installed on my PC, but I figured I owed the zombie mod my return. The potential is too good to waste.

I've made up my mind though, I'm not doing any 3D modelling crazy_o.gif - I've had enough of faffing around with that stuff biggrin_o.gif


Why don't the Jurassic guys just take my scripts and amend them? rock.gif

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I got some suggestions. One that i think needs to be fixed to add effect to the zombies is a animation between when the zombie attacks and when it finally eats you. Because before they would run up. Do the little punch animation and then you die and the zombie would fnish its animation then bam just disapear and then be at your corpse doing its eating animation. And maybe a possible new attack animation. One where they physically grab onto you and bite your neck. Then as i said before a animation put in place for them go from their attack to where they are eating you. The eating animation is fine though. And an idea that weve all had is where the zombies roam around or atleast dont attack until you walk into a trigger area then they will attack you and if you run fast enough out of their sight they will just go back to that area. That way we have the feel of a congested city.

Hey everyone who has the zombies, i think we should have a zombie coop mission sometime. I mean there arent that many of us and killing hundreds of zombies would be fun i think. I can probably host a game soemtime. If anyone would like to just pm me if not can someone atleast give me server that does host zombies?

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that was freeking awsome biggrin_o.gif but the zombies were only actors right? tounge_o.gif

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that was some awesome stuff.

yeah,they were actors alright and the gun didn't have bullets.

you saw what happened when that man went to him in the end(nothing).

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I don't know if it was staged or not but either way it was cool. One thing though, after firing about 30 rounds wouldnt you start to wonder why your weapon isnt running out of ammo? he wasnt holding a calico with a 100 round clip. But then again he was supposed to be in a waking trance so maybe you just don't think about that. Also, he never fired any headshots and unless you have been living under a rock, in a cave, on the moon your whole life you should know that one shot to head and bang they be dead.

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it fun in the end when that guy goes into that cell and he doesn't react to the bullets and the guy starts crying tounge_o.gif

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yeah ive seen this already, its funny. But youd think that he would have relized it was a paintball gun. It was weird that it had a flash though. Thats why This had to be staged because if it was real and it was me i would have know the second i looked at it that it was a paintball gun i still would have shot them but if it had no effect i would have layed down a can a woop ass in the form of blunt weapon attacks with that thing. they would have to call the stunt off because i would break the actors noises and jaws and stuff.

Dont know if any of you have been to this site and if you like zombies as much as i do you probably have www.raptorman.us

the journal is addicting i read all the way to october when he still had it up. I liked it because the people arent total pussys like they are in the movies and raptorman is very smart and thinks his way through the apocolypse

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So guys, sorry for dragging a 'dead' topic up tounge_o.gif any thing new happend with the mod you can update us on?

Been having lots of fun recently with a spawning script and Mapfact nogova Air port biggrin_o.gif

It be really kick ass if you guys to make the zombies run a little faster, and take a few more head shots? i know i know one shot to the head is MENT to kill them but they die too damn easy to be scary, and plus when they get close you can just run away from them because in OFP the player can run like a bullet with a rifle eqiuped.

Also how about taking a look at keycats grouplink II, it has some nice handeling of AI units going into buildings. Be nice to run into a building thinking your safe from the stupid OFP AI upstairs then suddenly you see a horde coming up the stairs after you wow_o.gif

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wats up zombie?  the new land of the dead thing is coming  out, im sure thats gonna make a lot of people look for this mod again  smile_o.gif


i love your zombies, coop is so fun

notworthy.gif  biggrin_o.gif

i may release my coop campaign to the public, along with my personal edition of moaning zombies, but it uses a lot of other addons....heheh

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Haha speak of the devil, I was right about to search for this topic after just seeing the commercial for that new movie. I just recently watched Zombi(e) and it is one hell of a movie (for one made in 1979). Every time I watch it I get inspired to run this mod. The music, the overall atmosphere, I love mimicing it in OFP.


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so the unfied zombie mod is dead then as in no more new releases?

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actually my freind, if you are interested in a slight update, (moaning zombies) just message me w/ your email, i have gotten zombies permisison to edit them. you dont need anytihng else to run them. just message me

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i've never been able to play skye virus before but it sounded like a good mission. can someone send it to me please? somealien@hotmail.com

i'm making an everon virus, you start off with 50points and you can rob houses for points. the leader gets a buy menu, when you open it a list of things you can buy (in the action menu) pops up. itll say the amount of points needed to buy it. any suggestions on the mission anyone? smile_o.gif

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Im the maker of the skye virus, made it way before the zombie mod, actully it was what inspired these lovely chaps to make this mod biggrin_o.gif

I could send you it but im afriad ive lost it long ago, the latest version had a serious bug init any way concerning a tough unit script i used to make the zombies toughter not working and giving very strang results (non hosting players seen the bodys moving across the floor and couldnt kill them)

i think youd like to know that im making a brand new mission similiar to the skye virus on map fact nogova island useing the zombie mod.(as soon as some one answers my question in the mission editing section)

What i have planed so far is multiple choices on how to escape (one of the options being the classic 'collect all radio parts to call help' which many of you will remember from skye virus) also random NPC's servivours who will help you out, if you find one he will join your group and possibley give you ammo or reveal to you where a weapons stash is (randomly places on the map).

Other features are going to be, like yours, the ability to raid houses and shops but not for points like yours but for food/equipment. Yes the players will have a need for food (to add to the survivile theme) and this food and equipment can be traded with a gun shop owner (gun shop will be randomly placed on the map) for ammo and weapons. (the gun shop owner is holding out and staying put in his shop for some story related reason i aint thought of yet)

Im hoping to aim for a very open ended dynamic survivile horror mission thats different every time you play and very non liniar.One objective - escape,what you do inbetween achieveing that objective is up to you. Players can choose to compete against each other or work together to escape, its really up to the players weather it plays like a coop or a death match wink_o.gif

Also last minute thoughts i might add some sort of score board at the end, like who saved the most NPC survivers, who escaped first, who raided the most houses and shops etc... just to add to replaybility and potential for player vs player compition

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