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Unified zombie pack release imminent

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The containers certainly can be used in the next zombie mod release!!

As for damaged cars, tombstones etc, these were things Mig and I were discussing making (I already made an overturned bus) but if you can make some - that would save us a LOT of time. You must be reading our minds biggrin_o.gif

I would consider this work for a HORROR OBJECTS pack, not the zombie mod itself, as they can be reused for multiple scenarios that are not necessarily zombie related.

Whatever you do though will be appreciated!!!

PS: I am going on holiday for 4 days - will be back online this Friday PM (say, about 6-ish GMT)

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I'm working on some horror issues and objects that will be integrated in Horror pack 2 (Zombies) but we can consider not do so and dedicate that pack only for new zombie units and integrate all horror issue & generalist objects in another horror pack (maybe 3 ) that could be  named Horror Objects and include as well the addons made by Grabarz^^ That's just an idea.

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Ufff...three and half hour in O2, Paint Shop Pro and OFP so...CONTAINERS PACK IS DONE!!! It contain six versions of containers: closed, open, open and empty, overturned and closed, overturned and open, overturned open and empty. I'm attaching links to screen each of them. I think that this is final version of this pack - they're actually bugs free ;) I was trying to find model of covered 5T Truck in MLOD, but I haven't found it (demo contain only uncovered version). Maybe somebody can help me?

And question: release it? wink_o.gif


Screen Number One

Screen Number Two

Screen Number Three

Screen Number Four

Screen Number Five

Screen Number Six

Hmmm...what should I do next? Coffin? Caravan? smile_o.gif

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I was trying to find model of covered 5T Truck in MLOD, but I haven't found it (demo contain only uncovered version). Maybe somebody can help me?

check your pm box wink_o.gif

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Ufff...three and half hour in O2, Paint Shop Pro and OFP so...CONTAINERS PACK IS DONE!!! It contain six versions of containers: closed, open, open and empty, overturned and closed, overturned and open, overturned open and empty. I'm attaching links to screen each of them. I think that this is final version of this pack - they're actually bugs free ;) I was trying to find model of covered 5T Truck in MLOD, but I haven't found it (demo contain only uncovered version). Maybe somebody can help me?

And question: release it? wink_o.gif


Screen Number One

Screen Number Two

Screen Number Three

Screen Number Four

Screen Number Five

Screen Number Six

Hmmm...what should I do next? Coffin? Caravan? smile_o.gif

Hi, i follow oyman words biggrin_o.gif

check your pm box wink_o.gif

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Ufff...three and half hour in O2, Paint Shop Pro and OFP so...CONTAINERS PACK IS DONE!!! It contain six versions of containers: closed, open, open and empty, overturned and closed, overturned and open, overturned open and empty. I'm attaching links to screen each of them. I think that this is final version of this pack - they're actually bugs free ;) I was trying to find model of covered 5T Truck in MLOD, but I haven't found it (demo contain only uncovered version). Maybe somebody can help me?

And question: release it? wink_o.gif


Screen Number One

Screen Number Two

Screen Number Three

Screen Number Four

Screen Number Five

Screen Number Six

Hmmm...what should I do next? Coffin? Caravan? smile_o.gif

I noticed the container doesn't cast a shadow - are there shadows on the final, or have you turned yours off "in-game" ? smile_o.gif

Also, is the mass enough to damage a car? The zombie mod team - well Mig and I - are trying to make it more difficult for the wannabe racing drivers out there biggrin_o.gif

Apart from that, looking good.

If it's done, release it! Yeeha!

Where's munk when you need him? lol

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Right, I forgot about shadows smile_o.gif Now everything is done, as you can see on screen below:


So now I can say: Container Pack v1.0 is done, but will be released when I make more objects smile_o.gif Now request for everyone who know O2 very good: I've made a 5T Truck with containers in cargo, truck is riding very good, but I have two small problems: lights are always ON, and I dont know how to change it. I think that problem is in config.cpp but I dont know where. Second problem is with the model - I can walk near the side of truck, because there is something like invisible wall (when I'am 1-2 meters from truck) - I've made some changes in model, so for sure I've screwed something  sad_o.gif Anyone can help me?

Problem with 5T truck - screen one

Problem with 5T truck - screen two

PS. Containers weight: 200 kg

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Right, I forgot about shadows smile_o.gif Now everything is done, as you can see on screen below:


So now I can say: Container Pack v1.0 is done, but will be released when I make more objects smile_o.gif Now request for everyone who know O2 very good: I've made a 5T Truck with containers in cargo, truck is riding very good, but I have two small problems: lights are always ON, and I dont know how to change it. I think that problem is in config.cpp but I dont know where. Second problem is with the model - I can walk near the side of truck, because there is something like invisible wall (when I'am 1-2 meters from truck) - I've made some changes in model, so for sure I've screwed something  sad_o.gif Anyone can help me?

Problem with 5T truck - screen one

Problem with 5T truck - screen two

The prob must be related with the geometry lod, check it, pls wink_o.gif Create first a backup of your file and copy and paste the geometry lod of the truck5t opened that you have in the the ofp demo version but make sure you are placing it correctly smile_o.gif

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Thanks MiG smile_o.gif Invisible wall dissapeard, but lights are still ON, why, what I did wrong? Help! Help! Everything else is fine, except those dammned lights  rock.gif

UPDATE: Nevermind, I've repaired it smile_o.gif The problem was in config.cpp - CfgModels line. So 5T Truck with containers is nearly done. I will make some extra textures for it like caption on side "US Army" etc. Then I will make a destroyed version. And then...we will see wink_o.gif

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Thanks MiG smile_o.gif Invisible wall dissapeard, but lights are still ON, why, what I did wrong? Help! Help! Everything else is fine, except those dammned lights rock.gif

UPDATE: Nevermind, I've repaired it smile_o.gif The problem was in config.cpp - CfgModels line. So 5T Truck with containers is nearly done. I will make some extra textures for it like caption on side "US Army" etc. Then I will make a destroyed version. And then...we will see wink_o.gif

Great job on those addon, keep up to good work. I also made an small horror objects pack just for Doomsday, I bet some of you seen some things from it, not superb addon but just to add some fear. smile_o.gif

Can't wait to see your objects real-time. smile_o.gif

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Right, I'm taking a 4 day vacation. When I get back I'll start creating some new zombie stuff smile_o.gif

Your work's looking good, Grabarz!!

Speak Friday, Mig.

As for the rest of ya - l8rs! biggrin_o.gif

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Where's munk when you need him? lol

At work, why dont you try it one day?

MSN's playing up some if you have any small files you need hosting send them to [email protected]

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Hmm...5T Truck with containers in cargo is done, but...yes of course, I have a problem mad_o.gif Now with rear lights. They are not working properly: at night they are not visible, even if they are ON. They are working, but red light is not visible at night. Truck rear is completely dark, no light there. Front lights are working well, but rear - no. Modifications in config.cpp (CfgModels) made no changes. Any idea where is the problem?

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select the brzdove svetlo selection and then press shift+e and then on the lighting part press shining, apply then ok

that should work wink_o.gif

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Wow  wow_o.gif It's working, thank you very much oyman smile_o.gif I'm working now - you can expect more zombie stuff today smile_o.gif

EDIT: Like I said - here is more zombie stuff smile_o.gif I've made a few posters of most popular zombie movies - see them on the screen. What all of you think about this idea?

Zombie Posters

EDIT2: Ufff...that's it, finally crashed version of 5T Truck with containers is done! You can see it on the screens below:

5T Truck Crashed Screen One

5T Truck Crashed Screen Two

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sorry to do this , but i dont feel like scrolling throught 48 pages to find it... anyone got a link to the latest version of the zombie mod?

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This mod looks so great, but since i dont own GOTY edition of OFP and know little of scripting/modelling/etc, i want to do something. If you need some screenshots from one of the Romero films or the extra's from the films just message me i got them all three in Region 1 editions (best versions there are) so...

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ok.. whats the deal w/ this...

ive placed the game logic and named it "server" just like the readme says....

the zombies dont do anything.

what do i need to do?

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First of all - READ README.TXT!!! All needed information are there. For question about working of Zombie Mod - check this topic.

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Tadam!!! Next zombie related thing is done. First time in OFP. Grabarz^^ Studios present...check screens smile_o.gif

Screen One

Screen Two

Next addon will be probably done only on Sunday, beacuse tomorrow, Friday and Saturday I have studies. Just be patient - new addons will be done ASAP smile_o.gif

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Hi Grabarz^^,

Great work you are doing for the zombie scenarios and you work very fast indeed.

You have some good ideas and have a good eye for detail.

I say keep it up but don't burn yourself out mate LOL.

Parker Hale

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This mod looks so great, but since i dont own GOTY edition of OFP and know little of scripting/modelling/etc, i want to do something. If you need some screenshots from one of the Romero films or the extra's from the films just message me i got them all three in Region 1 editions (best versions there are) so...

If there's anything in the DVD extras that show the zombies in better detail than in the film (for example, the zombies from DAY) then I would appreciate clear screenshots. Modelling decomposing people is so much easier... smile_o.gif

Also, Mig is working on a shopping mall, so he could maybe use some screens from Dawn of the dead (although I dare say malls in the US have changed a lot in the past 30 years)

PS: Grabarz - I like the coffin! All we need is a skeleton to crawl out of it (*coughs* and thinks of the skinny's from General Barron's vampire pack)

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This mod looks so great, but since i dont own GOTY edition of OFP and know little of scripting/modelling/etc, i want to do something. If you need some screenshots from one of the Romero films or the extra's from the films just message me i got them all three in Region 1 editions (best versions there are) so...

If there's anything in the DVD extras that show the zombies in better detail than in the film (for example, the zombies from DAY) then I would appreciate clear screenshots. Modelling decomposing people is so much easier... smile_o.gif

Also, Mig is working on a shopping mall, so he could maybe use some screens from Dawn of the dead (although I dare say malls in the US have changed a lot in the past 30 years)

PS: Grabarz - I like the coffin! All we need is a skeleton to crawl out of it (*coughs* and thinks of the skinny's from General Barron's vampire pack)

Quote[/b] ]Grabarz - I like the coffin! All we need is a skeleton to crawl out of it (*coughs* and thinks of the skinny's from General Barron's vampire pack)

I've got a working skeleton and i can send it to Grabarz^^ as soon as i reach home wink_o.gif The skinny used by General Barron is based on Wizzywig skeleton and it is very good but too high poly smile_o.gif

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