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Unified zombie pack release imminent

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Crash you say? ... I've never had OFP crash on me with the zombies.. weird. And you say this always happens?

What does the flashpoint.rpt file say? (its in the same dir as the resistance.exe) - a collection of scripts and .pbo files should not cause your PC to reboot or freeze!


Date: 04/27/04  Time: 21:41:54


Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 006070CA

Version 1.96

Fault address:  006070CA 01:002060CA C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE

file:     GG

world:    Noe

Prev. code bytes: 8B 18 74 0C 8B 4D F0 85 C9 74 05 E8 98 36 EB FF

Fault code bytes: 83 BB B0 00 00 00 01 75 22 8B 45 EC 8B 40 08 D9


EAX:0012FA48 EBX:00000000

ECX:00000000 EDX:00714154

ESI:163FDC00 EDI:00000030


SS:ESP:0023:0012FA2C  EBP:0012FA58

DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:0038  GS:0000



SShhhh...don't tell my parents I was playing games when they told me not to at night biggrin_o.gif

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What file is GG?

Do you have a GG.pbo anywhere?

If so, try removing it temporarily.

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As for the zombie in the fence thing, why dont you try using this disableAI "move"..

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What file is GG?

Do you have a GG.pbo anywhere?

If so, try removing it temporarily.

Actually, thats the filename for the mission in the editor.


I'm lazy, so I just tap two keys to name a mission.

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Actually, im still kinda looking for the classnames of the zombies,...But i've been away from OFP. The way u could do it is a creatunit script, and actually, since they dissapear, you could have them keep coming. I did this once so that a bunch of men with kolzice never stopped attacking ur Spetz Natz...with zombies...it would just take a few seconds to register the player right?

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You could place one of each zombie on the map, save it and open the .sqm for the classnames or you could unpbo it and find them in the config.cpp, if/when you do this could I get a copy of that script?


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Actually, im still kinda looking for the classnames of the zombies,...But i've been away from OFP. The way u could do it is a creatunit script, and actually, since they dissapear, you could have them keep coming. I did this once so that a bunch of men with kolzice never stopped attacking ur Spetz Natz...with zombies...it would just take a few seconds to register the player right?

ZombieEx1 to ZombieEx7

I think.

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Here is a list of the units in the zombie mod:

units[]={ZombieEx1, ZombieEx2, ZombieEx3,

                ZombieEx4, ZombieEx5, ZombieEx6,

                ZombieEx7, ZombieEx8 ,ZombieEx9,

                ZombieEx10, ZombieEx11,


                ZombieExWoman3, ZombieExWoman4,


                CrawlingZombieEx, HeadlessZombieEx,

                ZombiePilot, ZombieDrTongue};


Still working on the crashed bus for that "dawn of the dead 2004" movie feel. Got the LODs done etc, just starting work on the config.cpp

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Our server is down now, has been for a couple of days now.

Our web host is doing everything they can to get all of our sites back up ASAP.

So the WarfareGames link will be dead for a bit,

hopefully its back up tomorrow, but no promises sad_o.gif


Look at my sig, if its a dead pic, my server is still down..

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It depends on what u want the newly spawned zombies to do.....If u just wanna blow them up use a trigger that says in the "On activation" Line, *Createunit "ZombieEx11"*. (That will spawn 1 zombie, u can add more and set it to repeat....) But what i might do is use a .sqs that will make them start running from somewhere else, so they don't just APPEAR in front of you....ill get back to u guys on that....

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Taking a couple of days away from the zombie programming folks. I won't be doing any dev work, but I will be happy to help you with your scripting questions etc.


Also, feedback on the unified zombie pack (and sfx addons) is always appreciated.


zombie team

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the new zombies dont work for me

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What exactly doesnt work for you? rock.gif

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Zombie_Mod: Are there any new missions with zombies latelly so i can play for a while? I've only played Doomsday and it was real scary ghostface.gif

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Alright Mig, how's it going?

RE: zombie missions, I wouldn't know - I don't get time to play the missions, I'm too busy with the mod itself smile_o.gif

Not even heard of Doomsday to be honest!!! Can you tell me where I can download that mission?

However, there are a few missions in the work, I know that, I get email from the developers every other day asking me about bugs tounge_o.gif

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Search 'UserMissions' for Doomsday wink_o.gif

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Having lots of fun with the overturned bus! Let me tell you, when this baby is done, the zombie missions will look MUCH more realistic.

Also editing some BIS cars to make the doors "open" - as if the cars were abandoned in a hurry. Think "opening scene of Day of the dead" when the chopper lands and you see all the cars.

But those two projects above are only for fun... don't ask me for release dates please :o)

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OMG just saw DAWN OF THE DEAD (2004) ! ghostface.gif it was good......cant u plz make a Shotgun Remington 960 ?? smile_o.gif

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Just to let you know, UNIFIED ZOMBIE SOUND PACK 3 is nearly ready!

This time we have MORE MUSIC (licensed from one of Scotland's up and coming bands - see www.rosewood.tv) and gory sound fx!!!

Don't ask me when it will be released - it will be released in good time, OK? tounge_o.gif


To prevent a repeat of the debauchle with freewebs last time, is it possible for someone to give me direct FTP access to a fast download server? Thanks in advance

Zombie Mod & Zombie team.

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I hope the new music tracks don't just are 7:th. I realy like that music from the resident evil game (not the 1 to PS but to GC) . especaly that with Lisa Trevor the third time you're meting her. biggrin_o.gif or when the zombies are smashing the wondows.

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I don't understand what you mean biggrin_o.gif

Do you mean you hope the new tracks sound nothing like 7th's. Nope, they don't.

They won't be like resident evil's soundtracks - these new songs will have lyrics.

I may add some more familiar zombie film music though, to keep the freaks happy smile_o.gif

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