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T12um1 black eagle released

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RHS has a whole thread (over 50 replies) on Sigma's armor and weapon values which we would be glad to share if DKM wants.

That would be very wise. Personally all armored addons should atleast follow some sort of "addon guide-line" to make them compatible with other addons. So that you won't bonk out the juices of a T80U with a M1 Sherman or something similar.

But the tank is just lovely for playing with! I really like it like all your other addons. And it looks really mean on the battlefield, good job lads and lasses! smile_o.gif

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i don't know if it's the right place but i'd like to report a bug. in the driver seat we can see the ground. look at the pic.


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Quote[/b] ]I'm pretty sure that the T-12UM1 came out AFTER 1991, which was the fall of the Soviet Union.

The Black Eagle is still not out in any great numbers.. and I don't think that it has been adopted by any army yet..

Quote[/b] ] I've already taken a look at inputting the Sigma-6 T-80 rounds in there instead... with some modifications. I'm pretty sure its a differnt type of maingun, but I could be wrong.

Hmm it looks like the T12um1 has the same gun as a T-80U

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Really good looking Addon DKM.

But as some people said I would also prefer more realistic configuration too. I think you should speak with RHS to balance your tank (and ammo) with their tanks, since they're obviously going to set a new standart and even the BAS tanks are balanced with them. So in near future we'll have many tanks that are balanced according to the stuff Sigma is doing and it would be a shame when your tank wouldn't be balanced with them.

Oh and please get rid of the soviet star on the tank. Very unlikely it was in service in soviet times ;)

And what about the Tunguska? It has the soviet Star too. But I don't know when it was in service.

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Quote[/b] ]Oh and please get rid of the soviet star on the tank. Very unliely it was in service in soviet times ;)

Not even the Russian army field it..

Quote[/b] ]And what about the Tunguska? It has the soviet Star too. But I don't know when it was in service.

Tunguska entered service with the Soviet army in 1988

but if it is a Tunguska-M1 1997+

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We will look into matching it with sigma's system.

But our main goal in making addons if for those who use the game as default. Therefor we gave the eagle the exact same ammo as the BIS abrams, we only gave it new names.

The eagle has slightly higher armor value, and (in our testruns) a 12 vs 12 head on duel allways made the eagles win by 12 to 8 or slightly better/worse.

The goal of this tank wasnt realism in its firepower, it was balance with existing BIS vehicles.

Ofcourse realism is nice and good, but OFP still is, in our view, a computerGAME, not a warfare sim.

We gave ofp's first truly new addon, the M109ADATS, realistic weapon values, and got burnt down for that.

We will look into matching Sigma's system, but those modifications will be ADDED to this tank, not replacing it.

We might also include barrel launched ATGM's and APSFDS rounds with that update, looking into it.

Sigma, please look into the eagle and PM me with what you think would match your system as per armor and hit/indirecthit/reloadtimes values.

For now, DKM-Team wishes you all a happy new year with lots of OFP fun. smile_o.gif


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I just been trying this great addon, the suspension and recoil effects are the best thing sense sliced bread, and the rest is just great.

I had a problem, but I'm preaty sure is not this addon's fault.

I put one of them against a platoon of M60. I'm the black eagle's comander but I'm using the guner position to do some firing myselfe.

The M60 take a bit long to engaje, but I think is to do with the distance between us.

I blow up two of them, one shot each, they still not engajing.

I give the other two M60 chance to engaje, when they finally do so, my sounds muted, and 10 seconds later my pc was restarting without any messages or anything like that.

I tryed again with the same setup, same situation( after the pc restarted) and it went ok, then I replace two M60 with two M1A1, so I'm fighting against two M1A1 and two M60.

I got my ass kicked, so I added another Black eagle to fight along with me, everybody start firing and I got throwed back to restart.


I think that this is not to do with this addon, I read about similar reports to do with some new addons, like the RHS tanks, and some other addons.

Could it be that by using 1.94 and having lots of addons in the addons folder( I allso use addons folders) OFP start behaving badley? or that could be addon related?


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Some details i really like is the canon recoil, the suspension efect when it stops and the tracks just look so detailed and real smile_o.gif . I too would like it better if it were more realistic instead of balanced with bis M1A1, would give it more "personality" if it had its own ammo, armor and weapon sounds. Overall its fine tank, very good work.

Almost forgot, the automatic reload sound is great too smile_o.gif .

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@cero try disabling all but the eagle addons and check if the problem persists.

If so, maybe you should try reinstalling ofp (make a backup first).

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Yeah, I may just do that, reinstall.

I have far too much stuff in there.

Is allright, I know what too back up and what not too, I reinstaled far too many times.

That remins me, I have to burn all this addons in cd.

Craking tank btw.

I love it. Now lets see if every body takes advantage of your sugestions and work to make their tank addons better, with suspensions and so on.


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Some details i really like is the canon recoil, the suspension efect when it stops and the tracks just look so detailed and real smile_o.gif . I too would like it better if it were more realistic instead of balanced with bis M1A1, would give it more "personality" if it had its own ammo, armor and weapon sounds. Overall its fine tank, very good work.

Almost forgot, the automatic reload sound is great too smile_o.gif .

Yes, but the if we only make a 100% realistic-valued one, then it means the user HAS to have a M1 downloaded with realistic values and most users would not bother. This way, the player can tailor it to thier addon-folder's contents.

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One day, all the addonmakers should hold on to their work just to organice an addon toch up day( or mounth):D

and then release all their configurations with realistic values, imagine that for a mod folder wow_o.gif

It would be great if from the beguining all the addons where based on the same values rock.gif too late to go back now, and to dificult to sort that out.

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Like a JAM is needed for armor values  wink_o.gif

Yes, the idea of a joint tank-design guideline would be very much appreciated, however please don't do it like the JAM initiative. I don't mean no disrespect, but I really don't like JAM. I understand its purpose but IMHO the realisation went terribly wrong in some parts.

What I would like to see is a project based on "as much realism as possible", which includes heads from many/most of the current design teams. Those people should attempt to create something like a basic realism mod. FDFmod for example could provide their adjusted infantry ruleset, RHS could provide their tank knowledge and other mods could also provide other data and bring all in line in terms of realism and game-balance.

This would include to come up with basic damage values for certain calibres, basic sounds for certain weapons, armour values, etc. Every major Modteam would then add their addons to this main construct: FDFmod would provide mainly finnish units, RHS would provide soviet/Russian tanks

If everybody would be willing to give in at some points for the greater cause, putting some stubborness away, I'd say that this community could standardize its addons according to a very realistic guideline, making it a joy and very easy for mission makers to use the splendid addons of several addon teams, without having to care weather some addon fits the style of another.

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dont forget you would be putting a lot of people off OFP as a game, loads of people dont want to be killed in their tanks after a single sabot hit or hellfire impact.

A better solution would be for all modmakers to group round and make 'second line' in their addons, while the first line would be standard BIS compatibility.

Second line could be the ultra-realistic feel you are after.

Usually this would only entail adding new classes to the addon config, with upgraded armor and damage values.

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Is there any way to include multiple addon configs similar to the extra PBO's shipped with the *MAP? So that the player can choose wether he want's the realistic tank or the more balanced tank? Perhaps that would be a "wee" bit complicated for MP purposes though, but as a SP-loner I don't see any problems.


*Marine assault pack.

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I don't want to nitpick too much, but the Black Eagle has an AA machine gun on the top right of the turret. The reason you don't see it in the photos is because the tank shown there is a prototype without all systems and weapons installed. There will definitely be an AA machine gun or cannon on this tank in the final version.




I don't think this is even 100% accurate, because they're probably going to put countermeasures on it like the Arena system. So the back part of the turret is still pretty much all speculation.

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Good stuff...I like the tank alot! I think the decision to balance against the in game abrahms was a good one (at least until there is a proper M1 out there). Until then, this way allows for good multiplayer support and finally a tank that can stand on its own against the beast of the field Abrahms in game. Great for multiplay adversarial!

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Quote[/b] ]But as some people said I would also prefer more realistic configuration too. I think you should speak with RHS to balance your tank (and ammo) with their tanks, since they're obviously going to set a new standart and even the BAS tanks are balanced with them.

I think DKM made the right choice when they balance their units with BIS standard in game units. BIS already did good job to balance east/west in game. There is no need to invent bicycle

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the point is just that it won't be very compatible with BAS and RHS tanks that will come in near future.

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Great addon overall, but for Christ's sakes, why use the BIS "Sabot" tounge_o.gif , 500 round "MGun" etc? tounge_o.gif

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Mission is nearing final stage of tweaking. I know I say that every time DKM releases something, but this one really will get relased biggrin_o.gif

It will form part of a mini-campaign using all of our addons on Everon, based around one conflict. The missions are meant to provide an accurate and realistic set of scenarios to show the user how these things are used in real combat.

Already there are four missions done.

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Very nice tank but it would be better in Russian Federation camo.

Now that I have fiddled around with this a thought comes to my mind: whats next? biggrin_o.gif

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