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Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

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What are "kegsw66" and "kegsw44m" etc ?

I've got the Winter Island as well as Kegs vehicles, but have had missing addon error messages like this since 1.0, and now I cant watch the intro to the campaign.

You should only have Winter Nogojev files installed and not the earlier versions of Winter Kolgujev, Ash's Arctic Armor or Kegetys Winter Vehicles.

From the Winter Nogojev ReadMe:

Quote[/b] ]If you have installed the Winter Kolgujev addon v1.2 or

earlier, remove it by deleting island1.pbo as it causes

conflicts with the arctic units and weapons in this addon.

This addon also makes the Winter Vehicles Addon v1.0

and Arctic Armor v1.3 addons obsolete, as it contains

improved versions of them in it. It is _strongly_ recommended

that you remove the following files from your addons

directory if you have them installed:


Ash SnowBMP.pbo

Ash SnowBMP2.pbo

Ash SnowBMPMedic.pbo

Ash SnowBRDM.pbo

Ash SnowHMMWV.pbo

Ash SnowM113.pbo

Ash SnowM113Medic.pbo

Ash SnowM1A1.pbo

Ash SnowM2A2.pbo

Ash SnowM60.pbo

Ash SnowT55.pbo

Ash SnowT55East.pbo

Ash SnowT72.pbo

Ash SnowT80.pbo

Ash SnowVulcan.pbo

Ash SnowZSU.pbo

Ash T55East.pbo

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Sorted, thanks Avon!  smile_o.gif

YW. smile_o.gif

Incidentally, just for organization's sake, I keep the winter addons in its own mod folder and start up OFP with FDF by specifying a command line switch of -mod=finmod;Winter.

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What are "kegsw66" and "kegsw44m" etc ?

Those are Kegetys' revolvers, Smith&somethingwhatitwas,

Campaign doesn't use them, it is just some strange "feature" there.

So if you got some error, don't mind, maps will work just as they are ment to work.

(Tought there is some bad bug in one mission, I'll have to confirm that...)

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Since I uninstalled OFP to prepare for all the joy that is Christmas presents I am unable to try this out at the moment... Is there any chance of seeing a few screenshots of the CV90, theUAV and some of the other yummy things added? That would be just lovely smile_o.gif

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Yeah! Go FDF! biggrin_o.gif

I wasn't expecting another patch so soon...thanks. So what's next?

The Winter War? wow_o.gif

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just spent the day playing the campaign ( was raining and crap outside), awesome campaign, espescially the 2nd half on East border island, that was some harcore combat.

is Scout the final mission? after i got back to the extraction point and saw a cutscene it went straight back to main menu.

excellent work FDF, thanx


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In campaign mission 02: Velka Ves, I successfully killed quite a number of communists.

In the mission end briefing, however, they are listed as friendly kills.

Were those Resistance units placed on the wrong side in the mission editor of was it the FDF mod's decision that they should go down without their firing a single shot? rock.gif

BTW, what's the campaign's name? "The FDF Campaign"? "1995"? rock.gif

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Were those Resistance units placed on the wrong side in the mission editor of was it the FDF mod's decision that they should go down without their firing a single shot? rock.gif

They are resistance units placed on east side as FDFMod units are already on Resistance side. They still shoot you back, but somehow OFP shows them as friendy kills in debriefing.

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ecky ecky zoom patanng! wow_o.gif

Nice one FDF team ! Txs a lot.

With all this X-mas addon madness im heading for my 3rd defrag this month biggrin_o.gif

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In the Nightwatch mission, I come under attack, radio in to HQ and an APC comes in with a patrol and the shooting starts.

1. the APC doesn't seem to do much after a short while.

2. I get assigned a private under my command. I order him to fall into formation but he doesn't follow. EDIT: I had to push him out of his position near the fire to get him to join me. Some invisible barrier kept him stuck until then.

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This swedish website called Fragzone seens to have a poll where you get to vote for the best MOD of the year. FDF is one of the nomineese.


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d7l´ing the update right now. i´d never expected another release from you this year .. you guys rule smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Downloading now, great work FDF team!


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@ Dec. 28 2003,13:03)]is Scout the final mission?

Unfortunately, this is a "feature" that is not supposed to be there. Campaign should not end to 14th mission.

We will fix this, but damn makes me angry that there is this kind of bug!

We tested (atleast I) campaign pretty hard, but somehow release version has this bug.

But as I said, campaign will be updated to fix this issue.

Sorry for trouble but it's gonna be another 11mb to download sad_o.gif

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The mission where you stand watch is realistic! Its making me sleapy IRL too biggrin_o.gif

So, is that negative or positive feedback? tounge_o.gif

Positive smile_o.gif I dont want to spoil the mission for others but when it does turn hot it takes you by surprise, which is fun smile_o.gif

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In the Nightwatch mission, I come under attack, radio in to HQ and an APC comes in with a patrol and the shooting starts.

1. the APC doesn't seem to do much after a short while.

Specifically, it tried climbing a broken wall on the main road and then flipped over on its side.

Wound up using the ENDMISSION cheat to move on. Couldn't find any more enemies, even after my AI and myself ran all over the place in 4x time accelleration.

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@ Dec. 28 2003,16:17)]Thank you!

YW! wink_o.gif

Did you see my post back on page 2 about MP missions with older dates than those previously available?

Also what's with all the other MP mission packs that were released before 1.2?

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Did you see my post back on page 2 about MP missions with older dates than those previously available?

Also what's with all the other MP mission packs that were released before 1.2?

Some of MP missions included with 1.2 full version probably are older than ones released after 1.1.

It shouldn't happen but sometimes it is hard to keep track of everything since mission makers release patches to their mission independently of mod team.

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It shouldn't happen but sometimes it is hard to keep track of everything since mission makers release patches to their mission independently of mod team.

All of the FDF MP missions I have are either from the mod or from the MP mission packs hosted at the FDF site.

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=) ha, finally a campaign for the mod. tounge_o.gif hope it is in english.

Great work !

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