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Marine assault pack

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Merry Christmas guys! The Marine Assault Pack is ready to roll...grab it here:


At this time there are no known issues in the pack, but Im sure with an extended group an issue or 2 will pop up...if so, please use the forums at www.digitalgrenade.com for feedback.


This package contains all items that we feel are ready for distribution. Booster packs may be released at a later date.

There is no mission package yet, but the MTCO server is online and ready to accomidate any online play you may wish to partake in.

Additional missions will be available for download soon, but I wont have the opportunity to create a package for them for a bit, and I figured you guys would want to get your mits on these ASAP. I encourage any mission editors to both submit your mission to me at [email protected] as well as post links for download of the missions here.

Frequently asked questions, mission editors guide, class name structure, etc etc etc can all be found at the first link above.

Enjoy the package guys!

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Meeeerry Christmas and a Happy new Year to all you hard working addonmakers. Thanks a lot smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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yes. i said thanks at the other thread in addon discussion and I say thanks here. You guys deserve it. !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Im so exicted I almost spilt my beer! biggrin_o.gif

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Wow, downloading now! This is the best christmas present EVER biggrin_o.gif Thank you Suchey, Earl, Tactician and Jocko Flocko

for all your hard work! Merry Christmas to you smile_o.gif


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Thank you. A very merry xmas to you guys too, you'll deserve it after our nagging and your efforts. xmas_o.gif

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YES YES YES YES biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Merry Christmas guys!  The Marine Assault Pack is ready to roll...grab it here:  


At this time there are no known issues in the pack, but Im sure with an extended group an issue or 2 will pop up...if so, please use the forums at www.digitalgrenade.com for feedback.


This package contains all items that we feel are ready for distribution.  Booster packs may be released at a later date.

There is no mission package yet, but the MTCO server is online and ready to accomidate any online play you may wish to partake in.  

Additional missions will be available for download soon, but I wont have the opportunity to create a package for them for a bit, and I figured you guys would want to get your mits on these ASAP.  I encourage any mission editors to both submit your mission to me at [email protected] as well as post links for download of the missions here.

Frequently asked questions, mission editors guide, class name structure, etc etc etc can all  be found at the first link above.

Enjoy the package guys!


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wow_o.gif Im speechless...Thank you very much and a Happy New Year to all u cool people.

Im dloading the full MTCO server pack and hopefully my girlfriend wont notice my disapearance this weekend biggrin_o.gif

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omg  wow_o.gif   thank´s so very much ! you guys are just wonderful  smile_o.gif

i sense this will be a sleepless weekend   tounge_o.gif

btw: damn...i have to go to a birthdayparty right now

crazy_o.gif   ok i´m off now, cya later on the boneyard  wink_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

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I also posted in the other thread but you guys have worked so hard and produced the best goddamn troopers and weapons ever seen and heard in OFP... no wait, any game, that I had to post again.

Happy Christmas and I hope you enjoy a well earned break. smile_o.gif

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WOW! I leave for a family function and Suchey clause drops down the chimney with a bunch of presents for me and the rest of the OFP-children. Really quite a graduation gift, when I first opened up the forums I thought it was a joke of somesort. And as you might notice I am far too excited to be typing anything right now.

Thanks guys, and a merry christmas and a jolly good addon-making-free-holiday to the entire MarineAssaultpack team!

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Congratulations on the smooth release of a fine pack.

Hats off to you Suchey, Earl, Tact and Jocko. I know exactly what goes into making addons of this calibre, and I know its a labour of love.

May your "children" get played with plenty, and many a quality mission made for them.

Nice one mates  biggrin_o.gifxmas_o.gif

Edit: Damn Christmas smilie....

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I am having difficulty firing the Javelin.  It usually drops to the ground in front of me and explodes.  If I fire from the top of a hill or aim straight up it has enough clearance to start flying towards the target.  Is this by design?

Nevermind. I found your FAQ on your site.

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it's just wonderful!!!!

ok...then.....i found a bug.... rock.gif ......not a big problem......but just to let you know.

i tested the javelin in the editor. I put a BMP3 ERA from VITAPC pack. I shoot the bmp then i lay down to shoot the crew with my M16 and i have this message on my screen:


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