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Gah, I'm seeing a reccuring theme around here...


Honestly guys, don't take games/movies too seriously. I enjoy lots of films, games and anime... and more than 50% of which can't really be considered 'realistic'.

Anyway, I'm going to go see this. Would rather watch something like this than something as boring looking as Matrix Revolutions.

I disagree completely. I think you can make the best movies and games by sticking to a level of reality, and just writing good plots/dialogue. then when there is any action, it actually means something.

In my opinion it is extremely poor taste to like a movie like this, all I have to do is look at the cover to say; yeah whatever. Trying to turn a "job" where teamwork, cooperation, and emotional stability is key into some sort of hero freak show. No thanks tounge_o.gif

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i wonder how the movies will be like in 20 years.

Will they be virtual reality? Will you be able to take part in them and dynamically affect the plot by your actions and words?

In other words, will movies go MP coop? biggrin_o.gif

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btw whats the deal with all the love stories in movies toda? they are completely useless imo rock.gifcrazy_o.gif

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I just saw the trailer AGAIN.

Samuel L. Jackson, I think, says:

"you're either S.W.A.T., or you're not"

..so stupid, probably like the rest of the film. I mean, if you aren't Swat, what the hell else can you be, other than NOT SWAT?! It's like saying "you're either a cheese sandwhich, or you're something else." crazy_o.gif

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I just saw the trailer AGAIN.

Samuel L. Jackson, I think, says:

"you're either S.W.A.T., or you're not"

..so stupid, probably like the rest of the film.

Much worse tagline is "MI5 not 9 to 5" *shudder* Anyone with access to BBC1 will probably know that one crazy_o.gif

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SWAT seems to be gettign flamed to obilvion.

I think i will wait for the DVD then give it a viewing

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At first I thought it was based on the game SWAT. The first two were pap, so lets refer to SWAT 3.

Now thats a good game. It even tells you how SWAT handle situations, and don't play them out in a stupid or cool fashion seen in hollywood movies today.

(Swordfish comes to mind...that scene where the SWAT drag that woman away with claymore strapped on her...)

Anyway, ain't seen the film but I bet its cack anyway.

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Rent Die Hard instead. Better plot, action and...more realistic! crazy_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif


The SWAT in that film were pretty dumb too.

A lone police officer has to kill all the badguys, don't anyone (including me) understand?!


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Quote[/b] ]Your either S.W.A.T or you're not

Well DUH, if your swat your swat and if your not, then you something else, how stupid is that line

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The SWAT in that film were pretty dumb too.

A lone police officer has to kill all the badguys, don't anyone (including me) understand?!


That´s what I meant, I was saying more about SWAT than of Die Hard. wink_o.gif

And SWAT 3 is a pretty good game, but it does have some flaws: All people are too slow and clumsy (you can´t even storm rooms properly), and the terrorists/criminals and hostages often just wander around the sites aimlessly without any organisation...Raven Shield is a LOT better, but you don´t use non-lethal force at all. ghostface.gif

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Well I think Bad boys II wasnt so bad! I think it was pretty reasonable in action and humour

And the ladies!   smile_o.gif

Ugh. I could go on for that one about hours. Over-long, unrealistic (ok ok nobody cares tounge_o.gif ),dumb and racist.

Every black person, even the cops are "yo yo yo kiss my black ass DAMN I´m BLACK! And I have a BLACK ASS! HIP HOP! More gold chains over here, dawg!" tounge_o.gif Nice action, though. Nice to watch if you´re not taking it too seriously... maybe I should try that sometime. wink_o.gif

The ladies were pretty nice... tounge_o.gif

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Saw a BB2 and Swat double feature at the Brew and View here in Chicago. BB2 started the night. Fun and dumb, better when half loaded, but not horrible. I wasn't expecting much, but in that regard I was pleasantly surprised. I sometimes like big loud dumb action movies and thats what this was. Well done fluff. Then Swat came on. What a load of crap. Made BB2 look like a documentary. I went to see that movie and was horribly let down. Even after a few pitchers of beer it was still bad. By the the end of the movie, a co-worker and I were yelling out loud at the screen and bitching and moaning about how bad it all was. No one cared as we were the only ones who were left in the whole bar/theater. I really wanted it to be a good movie. The only Colin Farrel movie I've seen was Tigerland, which I really liked, and c'mon Sam Jackson? Badass mutha? I could have been really well done.

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I just saw the trailer AGAIN.

Samuel L. Jackson, I think, says:

"you're either S.W.A.T., or you're not"

..so stupid, probably like the rest of the film.

Much worse tagline is "MI5 not 9 to 5" *shudder* Anyone with access to BBC1 will probably know that one  crazy_o.gif

The cringe-worthyness of that entire program was astounding. I hope to god they have arrested the makers for crimes against humanity.

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i finally got around watching it on VHS today, and i say i'm glad i did not goto a movie theater and waste my money.

it was not bad, until the scene where the prisoner escapes to subway, and that's where i started getting picky and upset. the station they jumped in was Metro Red Line station located on Wilshire/Western, and that was shown on the wall of the station, but the script yaks about some other station located in other part of the subway line.

furthermore, when they decied to take down at next exit, they end up at Wilshire/Vermont, but outside shows Wilshire/Western(with Wiltern Theater), and the two subway stations are not next to each other. there is Wilshire/Normandy between the two...

ok that was useless trivia. tounge_o.gif  but as a proud Angelino, i'm shaking my heads on this mistake. probably those moronic writers/producers never bothered to take a subway ride. sad_o.gif


and not to mention that a .50BMG round produces no recoil(Hollywood).... ghostface.gif

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usually writers and directors get to fly in their helicopters or learjets from place to place :P

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I had this movie on DVD on 1 december 2003 tounge_o.gif

If you say it is impossible to have it on that date on DVD well I just have my connections biggrin_o.gif

Man I loved that movie I suggest everyone to watch S.W.A.T it is nice wink_o.gif

btw The movie Underworld with that vampires and werewolves get that movie on DVD today tounge_o.gif

It is good to have connections biggrin_o.gif

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btw I live in holland and S.W.A.T comes on 15-01-2004 in the cinema in netherlands biggrin_o.gif

Edit I see now my guy has the movie

Once Upon A Time In Mexico with Antonio Banderas it comes on 04-02-2004 in the netharlands cinema I call my budy now to tell him that he bring me that movie too I am a damn lucky man tounge_o.gif

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ok that was useless trivia. tounge_o.gif  but as a proud Angelino, i'm shaking my heads on this mistake. probably those moronic writers/producers never bothered to take a subway ride. sad_o.gif

I saw more barbed and concertina wire in Los Angeles than I did in six years in the Army. I don't think I'll be going back there...

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it's called movie, man!

another thing i'm fretting about:

can't a damn 'action' movie start without that 'bank robbery' scene? mad_o.gif

'Heat' already reached apex, and after North Hollywood, seems like every damn police action movie MUST have some sort of scene like that. sad_o.gif

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