KJAM 0 Posted December 11, 2003 NAME: Kevin 18 Live in Northwest england UK right now im studying a BTEC in ICT at college, but in 2 years Joining the British Armed Forces (well hey, i need time to train myself up) im also (as my hobbies) a 3d CGI artist, amateur photographer, Poet, village idiot (only when we are missing our other one :P) and somehow always seem to be a counsellor / peacekeeper between my friends. me likes Rock music (some pop, but VERY limited), Mechwarrior series of games (possibly more than OFP, i want my own Mech!) and streetfighting with my friends (basically win by any means necesary, but know when to stop, and also the fight goes no further after it finishes, good way to get rid of stress and anger ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NJN 0 Posted December 22, 2003 Name: Nick Age: 18 Info below... I drive trucks harvesters and tractors at the moment which is paying towards my commerical helicopter licence. I'm going to America in April 2004 for 8 months then Canada for 2-4 months. After that to England in April 2005 to cut hay. I will apply for the RAF while I'm over there. Pic of me! Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Balschoiw 0 Posted December 22, 2003 32 years OLD, not married but permanent GF, UN trooper, just returned from Congo. Still waiting for Us Liberia initiative. Amused by the US motivations in Iraq and in general a nice person. Sometimes. Well not much left to say, but I really do think my job makes sense. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hellfish6 7 Posted December 22, 2003 I think you should post some pics from Africa, Bals. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nagual 0 Posted December 22, 2003 Nice thread, its always interesting to see things like this. Here's my piece, to add to the variety here. Im mid twenties, in australia, and basically just an uneducated biker. My main aim in life is to ride, rain hail or shine. Im only really happy and thinking clear when about to ride, riding or just finished riding. I usually work odd jobs which i tend to hate, and always seem to be on the verge of studying further but never quite get there. A long streak of amazing bad luck, road rage, speeding and cops left me one day without a bike but with a modern computer, which led to flashpoint one day a few years ago. One of my favourite things in the world is to head out on the road with my wife on the back early on a sunny day (before the idiotic car drivers wake up) with no destination in mind, and just ride all day. Even if we were millionaires, my girl and i would just ride all day, around the world if we could, staying at a new town each night. "...no name, no honor, no family, no country, only life to be lived..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NJN 0 Posted December 22, 2003 Forgot to add I'm a Kiwi (New Zealander) myself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gollum1 0 Posted December 22, 2003 17yrs old male high school student from Finland.And no way i am going to post a pic of me here. Same here. I do...like to think of myself as a handsome devil and snappy dresser, though. Â Â I just don't have a digi camera right now and I'm too damn shy. Eizei, you're in grade 2? Please post your own pics, half the ones in the old thread don't work. Don't be the coward that I am. My real name is Ville...Ville K. EDIT: I don't have anything better to do so I'll tell you a bit more...I am interested in military history and equipment, international relations and history, games (duh), my friends, DVDs, metal music, going to the gym once a week, jogging about once a day, occasionally swimming, girls...OFP! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hovmand 0 Posted December 22, 2003 Male 19 Denmark Currently serving in the Danish Army as a combat medic and loving (almost) every minute of it And still plotting to take back Skĺne from the swedes.....i´ve finally come up with a decent plan that might just work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EiZei 0 Posted December 22, 2003 Eizei, you're in grade 2? Yes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apollo 0 Posted December 22, 2003 I'm 23 ,Belgian ,and i work in the In Flanders Fields museum in Ypres.I mostly do media stuff on the computer for the museum ,apart from more simple work like moving some exposition panels.Don't have any high dregree's apart from my normal school degree and a few own-paid education courses on Pc network support and media. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cozza 24 Posted December 28, 2003 Heres me. Name= Samuel Jack Corris Age=15. YAAAAY. Schooling= Going to catholic school and getting exspelled. FUN!!!!! Now goin to the public school across the road so i can launch firecrakers in it. Live= Denver , Victoria, Australia. In the bush with 28.8 internet speed. DARE TO LOOK AT MY PIC and capitano winters (Its me HA HA HA) hook me up with you daugter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_shadow 0 Posted December 28, 2003 ok, here we go.. age: 20 (in 21 days) home: Sweden (next to the 3rd largest lake of europe) doing: Military service as a battery emplacement soldier in the swedish artillery. name?: well, just call me the shadow ;) pic?: ok, this is me ;) and in OFP im making missions (atleast im trying to) for SFP (Swedish forces pack) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hellfish6 7 Posted December 28, 2003 Swedish uniforms look comfortable and warm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cpt. FrostBite 0 Posted December 28, 2003 Nice thread, here you go; Dutch, 20 year old college student (third year) Mechanical Engineering. Will apply for a job as a Marine in june/july 2005 in the Royal Netherlands' Marine Corps. In feb 2004 I will join the Royal Netherlands' Navy. As part of my studie I have a trainee post there Becides learning and playing OFP I don't do much (nothing actually). I have very little time left for other things but who gives a shit when you have such a wonderfull community to spend these few hours with almost forgot; rela name: Ivo Jacobs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kevbaz 0 Posted December 28, 2003 i turn 22 in feb and im a computer techy work at my old school, and i get the same holiday as the kids ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harnu 0 Posted December 29, 2003 Hellfish made me do it!  PS. That is not the way I decorate  That's all my mom's country stuff she puts on the walls. Edit: As it's been brought to my attention, I already know I need a haircut, shave, and smile Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hellfish6 7 Posted December 29, 2003 Hellfish made me do it! Â Personally, I'm disgusted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cozza 24 Posted December 29, 2003 http://www.tacticalblunder.com/~uploads/Harnu/IM000422.JPGEdit: As it's been brought to my attention, I already know I need a haircut, shave, and smile  Better than me. I got an bloody monobrow just sitting there on my head. I need to buy a shaver. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Doc. Zaius 0 Posted December 29, 2003 Cripes, Harnu... You're the spitting image of Jack White, of The White Stripes. (For the stupid-tough and crazy-brave amongst you, my picture is in my profile.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SGTKOPP 0 Posted January 6, 2004 i just wanted to say later all im leaving for kuwait tonight then to iraq hope to see you all again but in the ofp2 forums when i get back Ill post some good pics of my experiences from time to time in the realk world thread later all Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted January 6, 2004 i wish you good luck and a safe stay over there Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpeedyDonkey 0 Posted January 6, 2004 Yeah good luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
svendejong 0 Posted January 6, 2004 gl SGTKOPP, make sure you stay in one piece so you can enjoy ofp2 with the rest of us!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hellfish6 7 Posted January 6, 2004 Take care, Kopp. PM me your APO addy and I'll send a care package or two. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites