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Antonov 124 updated

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I'm finally hooked up to the internet again and am able to host this version that I did soon after finishing the first version.  It's still not as fancy as many addons now being released, but when I did this version, there were only one or two finished addons with animations.   Sorry it took so long to get it out there, but here it is, as is:

Link to Zip file: 6.7 mb

Some pics:

Sunset Flight

Truck loading into front

New for this release:

1. Fully working and animated landing gear.

2. Openable rear cargo doors on flyable version.

3. Openable cargo doors, front and rear, extendable ramps on static version.

4. Shadow now works.

5. Additional detail added to front cargo area.

I'll admit that my heart has wandered far and wide since I released my first, and so far, only Addonov, as I like to call it.  But not so long ago, I turned on OFP again, and the magic was still there.   I´m quite amazed how much activity is still going on around this game after all this time, and all the familiar faces still here.  Glad to say  biggrin_o.gif  

I really hope you bother to download this version and enjoy it as it should have been almost a year ago.  



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I was wondering what had happened to you! Any plans for smaller cargo planes?

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It's a real good add-on Konyak , I'm having lots of fun keeping this thing in the air. But it still is a great add-on. Like he said , it was worth the wait. Hope you continue making add-ons! biggrin_o.gif

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Blackdog: No special plans. I was messing with some other models before I did the Antonov, and I think I'd like to finish them. This was one of them:

Unimog convoy

Unimog convoy2

I had done a Pilatus Turbo Porter which I am most excited to get ingame, but I don't have as much time to "play" as I used to, so I can't make any dates.


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I LOVE YOU ! biggrin_o.gif

this has been my most favorite addon in ofp smile_o.gif

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AAAAMMAAAAAAAZIIIINGGGG!! <- *screamingthisveryloud*


I allways loved the first one, but this is much better!

Are you planning functional vehicle transport in a future version?

Maybe with some help from BAS Team.

Thx, fantastic work!

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Lee, whats with that MT-LB - it looks taller?

Good work Konyak, nice Unimog as well. It would be nice if you made a russian prop plane aircraft too..

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Its very brilliant Konyak i just tried it smile_o.gif

And best of doesnt drain performance like the C-130 addon by HAWK wink_o.gif

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Yay, at last! It's always bugged me that there was never a 'corrected' version with working landing gear etc, and now that particular bug has been squashed. Many thanks Konyak, and welcome back. Hope you stick around. smile_o.gif

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Wow! This is one cool addon,txs

Looking forward to those Unimogs...my country still uses them a lot in the military,and they were widely used in colonial wars in Africa

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It just so big that even when we zoom out on comander view it still takes alot of monitor space biggrin_o.gif , i dont like to point out the obvious and it must have been very hard to chalenge OPFs limitations with this beauty but i like it so much that i cant avoid to do so. I apologise in advance if my coments towards your amazing plane ofend you in any way.

I would like to see another version of the addonov where we could board it has pilot, gunner, comander and in cargo (yes, i read the read me file wink_o.gif ), also if possible there are some missing cockpit floor textures and when we get in and sit on the back there is a missing texture too, i dont know if it would be possible to fix it due to the huge size of the plane rock.gif but i think the addonov deserves this.

Also would it be possible to walk on the back of the plane when it is not on the move? like on BAS MH-47, that would be great smile_o.gif .

And ofcourse a big thank you for giving us this great plane, would like to see some missions with it.

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I had thought you had abandonded this addon. I am SOOOO glad that you haven't and decided to finish it. It has been my favorite cargo plane addon in OFP so far as it flew very well (by AI pilots or human pilots) and it had an excellent model and textures.

I agree with others that it would be great to see if any other addon makers (like the BAS guys) want to make a script in the addon itself to load vehicles into the aircraft to give it true cargo capability.... maybe even perhaps the ability to parachute vehicles. I have a mission that I'm working on where I use your original AN-124 to parachute a BMD-3 (using a script) and a Russian squad of Spetsnaz over an airfield.

Since you were last around here, there have been some FANTASTIC Russian addons made including a whole bunch of nice Russian addons made such as the new Russian Special Forces/Naval infantry pack, and very nice Russian APC pack with a perfect BTR-80, as well as BMD-3 and BMP-3 IFV's.

All of these go perfectly with your plane. Now that the bugs are fixed it only insures the AN-124's standing as a standard addon to have in any OFP mission using Russian airborne forces. But like others, I'd love to see you do some more Russian transport aircraft. Or you could always team up with someone like Footmunch and really do some incredible aircraft. But anyways I'm glad to see ya back in the swing of things. You are absolutely correct. The OFP community is still VERY VERY much alive and well.

Welcome back!!!!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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@Frenchman, there is no error at all ! It's not a zip file, but a WinRAR file. In order to open this kind of file, you need the WinRAR program. Just do a search on Google for it...


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Nice to know is been updated, I love this plane.

I'll download this right now.

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Wow, I'm glad to see it's so well received, and must say it motivates me greatly!  

Miles T. Gotta say you were a good 50% of the reason I carried on with this plane, since you supported it so well on all levels, with the missions and all.   Don't know of any other mission makers that used it, but if anyone does, I'd love to hear about it.

Frenchman: If Chipmunk is right, and it's rar file, sorry, but I used the zip option when I compressed it!  crazy_o.gif

Lee Harvey: Feel free to make more snapshots and post them!  I love the clarity of your settings.  

As for the bugs posted:  Missing textures, I'll definately have to fix that.

As far as teaming up and making it more functional and "complete" (I only just get by configging these things), that is probably a great idea.  If anyone feels up to it, please let me know, as I am more than willing to do one more release of this baby with all the bells and whistles: Sounds for ramp animations, cargo scripting and walkable interior and so forth.

I'm all stoked for it, but I need a capable partner on that one.  If that happens, it deserves a few missions to go with it.  Miles?  unclesam.gif   biggrin_o.gif

Anyway, good to be back!


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