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Mister Frag

Lock on: modern air combat

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OMG, those were beautiful! wow_o.gif The kinda blur behind the engines looks really neat. I wonder what the system specs for the comptuer they took those on was?

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@ June 24 2003,03:28)]
Quote[/b] ]Summer 2003.

AAAAHHHHHHHHHH I need it noowwwww

thats about as vauge as a politician

it is summer 2003 crazy_o.gif

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Some of the coolest planes are unflyable sad_o.gif I'd rather fly the F-4 then the F-15 or the miG-23 or 27 then the Su-25. Oh well smile_o.gif

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*edit* Goddamn ignorant Previewer!  mad_o.gif My heart just about skipped a beat when I read Su-35 under flyables. Then I read "Frogfoot"  mad_o.gif

Down boy! tounge_o.gif

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Does anyone know if you can put 2 people in the same plane in MP?

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Does anyone know if you can put 2 people in the same plane in MP?

None of the flyable planes in LOMAC are two-seaters, so no.

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*edit* Oh and A Preview

That's a pretty lame preview- the guy obviously doesn't know diddly about the planes or the game- check out the part where he lists and describes the flyable aircraft, and then go to the LOMAC site and check out the flyable aircraft section. Aside from that, the guy is about as noncommittal as possible- uhhh, looks good... guess this is fine... shows promise... add a clicheed paragraph about an argument that ended in the flight sim community several years ago... and boom! I could've written that in half an hour lol.

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@ June 23 2003,23:34)]
Does anyone know if you can put 2 people in the same plane in MP?

None of the flyable planes in LOMAC are two-seaters, so no.

Ah, I should have looked before I posted ;) Thanks

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@ June 23 2003,00:56)]I could've written that in half an hour lol.

Well perhaps you have found your calling wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]LOMAC. There are a number of issues we need to discuss here. First and foremost, this is a very early BETA. These benchmarks are an absolute worse case scenario. Optimizing for speed is the last thing that will be done to LOMAC but there will be some optimizing done to the code.

With that said, LOMAC needs more than 512MB of RAM. Based on my limited testing so far, this game is primarily dependant on RAM. Less than 512MB and you are going to be in SERIOUS trouble. It is also very CPU limited. Video is important but there is room to increase the FSAA and AF without much frame rate loss.

Also, my benchmark was run over land with quite a bit of scenery going on. It’s pretty intensive on the system. As the weeks go by, we will be looking at what will make LOMAC faster. More RAM, faster video, 256MB cards… whatever. We will also be testing more settings. Here are the settings for the tests I ran below:

As for the LOMAC scores, it’s clear to see that the two systems are fairly evenly matched. I really expected the Intel system to wipeout the AMD system as it has on quite a few of our benchmarks but not this one. The scores are very close.

For those that have the same version of LOMAC I do 04.06.03, you can grab the .TRK benchmark file I created right here for the entire benchmark playback.

The benchmark should be kept in cockpit view as I dogfight an Su-33 Flanker in my F-15C Eagle. The dogfight lasts about 2:10 and then I spend 2 minutes or so flying along the coast. All the panning I did in the cockpit was not recorded for some reason so as I do strange things, keep in mind that most of the time; I was not looking straight and center!

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Some More Screenshots

*edit* Jeezus! Do they purposefully get people who know nothing about flight simms to play the beta? There's a screenshot titled "The Apache" which shows a Cobra! crazy_o.gifmad_o.gif

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Looks very nice! smile_o.gif For a year prior to its possible release, the pics from July, 2002, don't look that much different from the ones now.

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Not gonna buy it until they put in Gripen.

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I really hope LOMAC is as open and easily accessible for addons as OFP is.

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I really hope LOMAC is as open and easily accessible for addons as OFP is.

Just not as accessible as CFS2, where people would take a jet FM and skin it as a bomber, and of course there's the folks who show up in F14s in dogfights lol.

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I really hope LOMAC is as open and easily accessible for addons as OFP is.

I highly doubt it. The developers have made it clear that unless a paid expansion is made, the list of flyable planes is frozen. You have to keep in mind that it isn't just a matter of getting the flight models right, but also all the avionics.

*edit* for those of you who'd like to know what to expect from older versions, here's a Windows help file that came with the original Flanker. It's a veritable encyclopedia - A history of the Su-27, Air combat theory, explanations of the avionics modes, a crash course in the cyrillic alphabet, and more. Since Flanker versions below 2.00 are no longer supported, I don't believe there's a problem with posting this:


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Quote[/b] ]The developers have made it clear that unless a paid expansion is made, the list of flyable planes is frozen.

That sucks. mad_o.gifsad_o.gif

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Hey, people want a realistic flight simulation but then they want to be able to add well modelled flyable aircraft every other week? it dosen't work that way biggrin_o.gif. Consider yourselves lucky that the Su-27 and MiG-29 are no longer the only flyable planes.

Quote[/b] ]Just not as accessible as CFS2, where people would take a jet FM and skin it as a bomber, and of course there's the folks who show up in F14s in dogfights lol.

Lol that reminds me of Novalogic's F-16/MiG-29/F-22. Among the many hacks, there was a way to replace your aircraft model with any other vehicle in the game. I remember on occasion dogfighting a T-80 or an aircraft carrier  tounge_o.gif.

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All I'm asking for, is atleast the possibility to add aircraft, since they only have 2 flyable US ones.  Even if the cockpit's just reskinned, I'd be pretty happy.  With as long as they've made us wait, that's the least they can do.

OFP is a pretty realistic game(in ground comabat), and we get new addons almost every day.

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All I'm asking for, is atleast the possibility to add aircraft, since they only have 2 flyable US ones.  

Yes, that seems to be the argument that a lot of Americans are making right now, but remember that Eagle Dynamics is based in Moscow, Russia, and who else has realisticly portrayed the Su-27 or Mig-29 in a flight simm save for them in their Flanker series? No one. For me that's the draw, the Russian planes with honest to goodness Russian avionics and weapon systems. Now compare that with the number of F-15 and A-10 (not so recently for the A-10, but that was the reason that Western planes were even added) which have been made.

Now, there IS a possibility for more aircraft, but only in expansion form. The developers have hinted this would happen if Lo-Mac sold well enough. A likely candidate would be the F-18 - a single seat carrier fighter to counter the Su-33.

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