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Temperature control,bugs and global warming

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I thought caffeine was a diuretic? So doesn't dehydrate if you can force your bladder closed ;)

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It got chilly here last night, I had to close my window biggrin_o.gif :P

In India this year, the temp went up to 49c (120f) wow_o.gif Over 1400 people died.

-=Die Alive=-

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A/C isn`t widely available  here because u dont need it and now with the sudden heat everyones probably bought all the destop style fans not that they were sold all over the place too.

Another t hing   about w hen the sun decides to show  over  here  is that everyone strips  off and decides to roam around making going  out annoying then they  get s unburned hahaha plus the old seem to a  cend from where ever they have been hiding  and  suddenly apear everywhere like a scene from night of the living dead also in a pair of pants and sandals   rock.gif

Oh and  heres a little  fun  link for u all  

"Bad Omen: The planet Venus has an atmosphere over 90 times thicker than Earth's. And it's bloody hot out there: about 750 degrees Celsius. Still, exactly the same could happen to our own planet if the Runaway Greenhouse Effect kicks in ghostface.gif


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Hehhe, sounds like someone is getting a taste of weather the way we Cannucks have it here in Ontario. -20 > -30 C in the winter and above 30 C in the summer (humidex is usually 32 to 40C). (not all the time obviously)

SUCKERS! wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Damn all of you and your celsius!  Now I have to go find my conversion equation to figure out what the crap you all mean!   crazy_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]"Bad Omen: The planet Venus has an atmosphere over 90 times thicker than Earth's. And it's bloody hot out there: about 750 degrees Celsius. Still, exactly the same could happen to our own planet if the Runaway Greenhouse Effect kicks in


eep  crazy_o.gif

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There should be some calculators for that online try looking on google.

To g ive u and idea 100degrees celcius is the temprature water boils at.

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There should be some calculators for that online try looking  on google.

To g ive u and  idea 100degrees celcius is the temprature water boils at.

Ya, 0 is freezing and 100 is boiling for you people.  I knew that much.  Be normal! Freezing is 32 and boiling is 212 dammit! biggrin_o.gif.  

I've got a whole slew of equations written down somewhere.  Conversions and, volume equations etc.

Ahh here we are.

C -> F   (n x 1.8) + 32

F -> C   (n - 32) x .555

30 C = 86 F   You wimps  tounge_o.gif   I ran my ass off in full pads for football practices (Gridiron or whatever you people call American Football) for two months in hotter than that heat!  biggrin_o.gif

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More freak weather for me! its 100F and all the sudden, LIGHTNING, so they cancel football practice. and now I am here downloading the BAS blackhawks. smile_o.gif

Maybe there really is a god..... smile_o.giftounge_o.gif

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30 C = 86 F You wimps tounge_o.gif I ran my ass off in full pads for football practices (Gridiron or whatever you people call American Football) for two months in hotter than that heat! biggrin_o.gif

And exactly how cold is it in the winter there? You have ot remember, it gets warmer than that, plus we have insane humidity. Nothing that beats Baltimore heat though, OMG!

The problem here is the range of temperatures, and we can see 25 C of change in one or two days! Totally screwed up.

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30 C = 86 F   You wimps  tounge_o.gif   I ran my ass off in full pads for football practices (Gridiron or whatever you people call American Football) for two months in hotter than that heat!  biggrin_o.gif

And exactly how cold is it in the winter there?  You have ot remember, it gets warmer than that, plus we have insane humidity.  Nothing that beats Baltimore heat though, OMG!

The problem here is the range of temperatures, and we can see 25 C of change in one or two days!  Totally screwed up.

Winter we get down to easily to 0 F, and below. Normally aorund 10-20F on the cold days. But then there is the wind chill, in some cases, that brings it down to -10/-20 in the wind. Brrrrr

And by me (since there is a lake nearby) humidity is ALWAYS high.

Summers get up to and over 90-100F. In 97 with that heatwave it was over 110 and a lot of people died. I think it was 1997?

And out temperature always varies. I think it was earlie this year it went from about 40F to 70F within a week. And then back down to 40F.

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smile_o.gif Yep, that's pretty hot, if it's really humid than it's bad stuff. Your winter is not too too bad compared to this stuff here. And although this winter here was the coldest in a while, I didn't seem to give a rats ass. crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

Anyway, point is what is really killer in Eu right now, we are used to here. Key is "used to". I'll bet if 35 C hits Denoir in Sweden he will die in minutes. tounge_o.gif

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100F!! Oh you poor babies! It's been hovering right around 100F in my town (see: Central California - San Joaquin Valley) for the last 40 days . It topped out at about 110 here about three weeks ago. Since then it's dropped down quite a bit - it's only supposed to be around 97 today. Of course Air Conditioning is a given around here. I can see how not having AC would be a tad bit uncomfortable. sad_o.gif

Go outside and spray yourself down with a hose. Thats what I did on those 100+ degree days back when my house only had a swamp cooler.

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smile_o.gif What's wrong with that, you get used to constant heat. biggrin_o.gif Like the Aussies.

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@ Toadlife

Well you're dumb enough to live in California in the first place. tounge_o.gif Well, atleast maybe your parents were biggrin_o.gif


It's harder to get used to the heat then you think. Especially when you spend time in AC. Makes it tougher going from one to the other.

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@ Toadlife

Well you're dumb enough to live in California in the first place. tounge_o.gif Well, atleast maybe your parents were biggrin_o.gif

hrmm. I rather like my location - 100 degree weather and all. I would never think of moving from California.

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It's harder to get used to the heat then you think. Especially when you spend time in AC. Makes it tougher going from one to the other.

Yeah I know, actually I nearly died in my car once from heatstroke... same with my friend. No AC etc. It's not good that it's warming up all over the world. Might really do some damage soon.

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Well it's just damaged my Chunky Monkey ice cream!! crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

Bastard heat! mad_o.gif

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The temperature range where I live:

Winter, nighttime - as low as -5C (23F)

Summer, daytime - as high as 45C (113F)

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Well it's just damaged my Chunky Monkey ice cream!! crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

Bastard heat! mad_o.gif

That's it! Global catastrophe. ghostface.gif


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The temperature range where I live:

Winter, nighttime - as low as -5C (23F)

Summer, daytime - as high as 45C (113F)

I bet the ppl in certain places are laughing at ur -5 when their living at -40 ,as for summer,i`d seriously consider being nocturnal tounge_o.gif

I think t he doommsday overheating scenerio could be averted by giant cooling towers to catch all the water vapour in the atmosphere and water tanks on a collosal scale.

Now does anyone now whats the most effecient propeller shape for a low speed cooling fan ??

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Well it's just damaged my Chunky Monkey ice cream!! crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

Bastard heat!  mad_o.gif

That's it! Global catastrophe.  ghostface.gif


Damn straight! crazy_o.gif

Especially seeing as that tub cost me 7E mad_o.gif


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Now does anyone now whats the most effecient propeller shape for a low speed cooling fan ??

I would guess the "blower" type is more effecient than the "propeller" type. The propeller has to spin at a higher RPM than the blower; you can put water near the blower type and make evaporative cooling and will cool much better than any fan type ;)


here is an article that explains how they work...

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