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Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

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In collaboration with Rotators Collective, Bohemia Interactive is proud and excited to present the Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces.

If you have any questions or would like to share any suggestions and feedback regarding Reaction Forces, please feel welcome to use this thread.

You can find this CDLC on the Steam Store currently.

You'll find all the available information in the following links:
Website: https://reactionforces.rotators.net/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRotators

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RotatorsCollective


Find more information about Bohemia Interactive's Creator DLC project:

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Altyn helmet for CSAT?

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The Fire thing its nice and i whould wish in the Base-Game of Arma3. This its nice for all servers. Form Roleplay to Milsim. Ohhh and this says a Only Milsim player 😄 

This would allow you to be part of a firefighting effort, something that was missing from the start. Like the Navy section.

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the wildfire mechanic is in core game or only in CDLC?

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Everything shown is part of the CDLC.

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6 minutes ago, zukov said:

interesting shot from rotator X account 

This does not represent anything in Reaction Forces. This is just a community made screenshot.

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2 hours ago, unnamedsoldier said:

- and this is DLC?


Yes. If you aren't interested, don't buy it.

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2 hours ago, unnamedsoldier said:

and this is DLC?

For me personally, the main hope/value of this DLC -  is FIRE! 🔥


I've been using for a long time the WildFire Mod , which unfortunately is not ideal.

The fulfillment of fire in this mod does not look good, also the burned trees do not look ideal,  the my main pain is that the fire propagation module cannot be attached to destroyed vehicles (I would love to see how vehicles that are blown up/burned are capable of causing fires, especially in dense jungle). 

However, the mod is still excellent, and it copes with the main task - it proves that it is possible to implement it on the Arma3 engine!


If Creator DLC: Reaction Forces could provide new fire mechanics and high-quality fire

execution, then for me personally, this would already be enough for it to justify its cost.


I hope for a pleasant fire surprise...

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On 3/10/2024 at 9:48 PM, unnamedsoldier said:

They didn't really finish one DLC and started working on another.
Yeah... a pickup truck with a helicopter, a couple of helmets, a couple of rifles and a couple of pistols (which are in free Atlas) - and this is DLC? No new map, no attack AT drones, no heavy ATV with a mortar. No new map, no attack AT-drones or FPV-drones, no heavy ATV with a mortar. Nothing interesting. Even the name is not justified, because there is nothing for the Forces of Rapid Reaction. Where is the light technics (like buggy or light armor vehicle) for the three sides of the conflict? Global Mobilization and the Iron Curtain are crying with envy... they produced a ton of content, but it turns out you don’t have to bother. What's next? The next DLC will be from one rifle and one pistol with a retexture of a couple of uniforms?


Jesus, check your expectations. Western Sahara has a shitton of content for a pricetag that won't even get you a full meal in most parts of the western world anymore. I'm really sorry that we don't slave ourselves to death for your enjoyment and instead try to keep our company alive. That said, your request list is an almost hilarious fantasy. What exactly makes you the gatekeeper of what is required to be in a DLC?


We are not involved with the content of other CDLCs. They decide what they work on, and we decide on what we work on. That's it. Everyone has the same chances. If you want to keep crying, look at DLC and prices of other modern games, then come back to Arma 3 and rethink your life. All of the Arma 3 CDLCs are adding more content with high quality for a much lower price than pretty much anyone else on the market right now. Even without matching your requirement blessings.


@mickeymen Our file module depends a lot on the skill of the mission creator. To keep performance in check, it is a lot simpler than the mod you have linked. Still lots of stuff is possible if you know your way with triggers. There's bigger limitations though, since the current module version is really just a side element, complimenting the civilian side of the helicopter.

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This looks pretty f*cking awesome guys! I'm looking forward to seeing what you've done. The Open World campaign sounds cool! Shout out to the devs for all their work. Thanks for what you continue to do to keep this sim living and breathing - despite some corners of the fanbase not fully appreciating your time and efforts.

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Who said the patch is off the table? We are working on a new patch for WS. It is planned to release sometime after RF for logistical reasons. Could have just asked about its status instead of imagining things. That said, we consider WS finished. Everything added after its release is considered a free bonus by us and not something we owe someone to add to the game. Obviously we are still doing bugfixes. However, we can't release a new patch for just two or three changes, we have to collect them until it makes sense to release a new build.

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And unfortunate that there are those with such a narrow view of what Arma is and can be. 

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Could you explain in more detail how your fire will work? Could the fire source/fire module be attached to a vehicle and create a possibility for it to appear?

Will there be settings for duration, propagation range, strength of fire damage, etc.?


I also have questions about the mortar.

I see a new mortar in the screenshots, but will it have new mechanics?

I've always dreamed of deploy/fold animations, manual shooting. Are there any new features planned for new mortars?


It's good that there are people like you, who continue to do what they love.

That is why Arma3 has such a long life cycle, which I hope will not end for a long time. More content, more unique mechanics!

If it is interesting and especially unique, then personally I am always ready to support your work and I do not mind paying for next DLC for my favorite game!

May you be rewarded for your efforts!




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Unfortunately we cannot tell more details other than we disclosed already as of yet. You will find it once we release it, and it shouldn't take so long to get it on your hands.

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I can give a few more details on the fire module. It's not as complex as you probably wish it to be. It's main purpose is to create locations of fire with specific size and intensity, which you then can "destroy" with the new helibucket/water mechanic. A skilled mission creator will be able to do bigger and more dynamic setups with this, but out of the box it will not spread or behave like e.g. fire in FarCry 2 back in the days.

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Will the new helicopter have stretchers/medbeds inside, like the one we got with the helicopter dlc? 

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i hope in Rotator Collective, for  have a heavy bulletproof vest and holster for CSAT and Specnaz, BI never gives to us a decent OPFOR 

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On 3/13/2024 at 9:17 AM, lexx said:

I can give a few more details on the fire module. It's not as complex as you probably wish it to be.

Its still a base for expansion that, as all the games in this series have become, will no doubt be modded well beyond the original limits/expectations. Thanks for your hard work guys and gals.

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I immediately bought the DLC, fantastic product, the SUV/Truck is perfect for everything (especially for LIFE servers) nice addition of the Hellcat. I have yet to experience the missions and the blazing fire. But there is a prayer I make to you,
You gave us the Altyn helmet but no heavy Vest (a sort of 6B45) for the Specnaz. Please (even a Taiga version fo the Altyn)
Is there any order not to let us have fun with them?

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Good looking Helo, but sadly it almost always gets heavily damaged when entering or landing it (even at 1m/s sink rate) probably around 25-50% of the time.
Other than that, for the price you cannot really argue that much, as it brings some nice additions.

Lol at that 65 round full automatic 9mm Pistol.
The missions sound good so I'm happy to try them once the Helicopter is fixed.

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6 hours ago, nikilase said:

Good looking Helo, but sadly it almost always gets heavily damaged when entering or landing it (even at 1m/s sink rate) probably around 25-50% of the time.


Sadly this is currently an issue with the Advanced Flight Model. Of course had to slip into the build due to another fix just a few days before release. It's already fixed on my end, but not sure yet when we can release a hotfix. Hopefully it won't take too long.

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Gona buy this after work today im pumped. Ignore the critics giving you crap. Anymore content to the 2035 universe imo is worth the money.


sure i would have liked an East added bolt action for "balance" or some other word id try to use. But if i was really asking for stuff,i could go on and on. The fact we get anything is great and the guys did a great job with WS,and even in quantity is lower here,previous DLC doesnt mean next will match or exceed. I think the content here is very nice from videos and screens,and a few things i love, the Helo,always wanted more and this one is a beauty. The russian helmet which name iforgot will go great on my vanilla custom made russian army. And other content il defo find a use for.


Truthfully id pay double,because this is Arma, id support Creators and Devs anytime because they gave me years of content already,and clearly more to come.


Future DLCs,please stick to 2035 Armaverse,its great stuff.


oh and a reddit post mentioned a black retext of the SVU( AHEM...Rahim)   THANK YOU! Takes me back to Bad company 2 days i always wanted a non CSAT textured variant.

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I'd just like to thank you folks at Rotators for providing content to the base setting of the game.

I am a bit disappointed that the NATO Cougar doesn't come with a side door 20mm variant (as the Puma Pirate was one of my favourite OFrP piece of hardware - and frankly a gunship variant for the Tanoan Gendarmerie would be a great assets to fight against Syndikats boat runs) but we get what we get. If I had to list every small variants we could get some mileage off, it would never be ending (anyone mention Speedboats with different front configurations such as a front AA/AT/Canon ? No ? Anyone ? - or to keep in the DLC added vehicles just a HAT variant of the MOOSE, or OPFOR actually using a variant of the MMG MOOSE with the Navid rather than the SPMG, etc...) and well, yeah, gotta stay realistic.

Just one thing I would think I can actually realistically ask you to add is a toggle to make the floaters deployed by default in the mission editor. I assume there is a scripting command one could use to do that but a toggle either in the unit attributes or vehicle customization would honestly be cool for scrubs like me.

Frankly, keep up the good work. (And I hope to see more content before ArmA 4 is released)

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interesting mix, you can use even the CSAT red beret  for a Bfbc2's mood

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