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Quote[/b] ]No it isn't, they can be separated by the different images. That way the avatars of people tell the boards history

They could always put "Former VIP" in their sig. Or maybe they could put it in their avatar. Personally, I think the right to have two avatars should be reserved for moderators, BI members, and VIPs. Besides, if someone won VIP status once, they should be able to win it again. Unless they're out of bribe money.

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Well, it's nothing that'll keep me up at night, just thought it would be a nice feature to show someone has been honoured for efforts made in the past. That way someone can show off here with a "VIP2002" avatar when OFP7 gets released in 2017 wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Ok i cant resist it to bitch around so:

2002 was 2 years ago last year it was 2003 So why isent the New avatars placed?

Stop bitching, placebo already answered your question.

Quote[/b] ]Yup I know, I've sent Bis the new avatar and I'm waiting for them to replace it

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A VIP is a VIP for one year only (well 15 months or so wink_o.gif) , after that they're a "normal" member, if they want to be remembered as a VIP then they are more than welcome to put the VIP avatar from the year they won it into their sig along with a line about their winning or whatever.

As the friendly Balschoiw pointed out I'd answered the question about avatars in the VIP thread smile_o.gif

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A VIP is a VIP for one year only (well 15 months or so wink_o.gif) , after that they're a "normal" member, if they want to be remembered as a VIP then they are more than welcome to put the VIP avatar from the year they won it into their sig along with a line about their winning or whatever.

As the friendly Balschoiw pointed out I'd answered the question about avatars in the VIP thread smile_o.gif

Srry...I havent seen the awnser sad_o.gif

But then again:

This question has never been awnserd:

Quote[/b] ]

No you can set the option for 1 topic: But the Topic needs to be sticky.

You can fo it in Topic options and then Select the topic and make it: Approve Posts


What happend?

Evry BIS site was DONW? :S

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No you can set the option for 1 topic: But the Topic needs to be sticky.

You can fo it in Topic options and then Select the topic and make it: Approve Posts


What happend?

Evry BIS site was DONW? :S

It might just be me, but the top half of that makes no sense. And as far as your edit goes, not all BIS sites are down.

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Ok, I'm back form this ridiculous PR and I want to get one thing straight, it seems to be falling on deaf ears through PM:

On page 108 of Mid East thread (actually it's the Israel/Palestine thread not ME) I made comparisons between Israli actions and Nazi actions. Okay, what I can't figure out is why I am not allowed to do this, especially since anyone who wants can disagree, and whoever supports similar actions can change their position. The comparison is not unfounded.

How is this breaching rules, as far as I know it is doing its job, it shows my disgust with actions of the Israeli government and IDF... I want people who support this action to realize I think it is very similar in methodology to what the Nazis did in Germany. Why is it that Israelites think they are still victims? When they are now opressing Palestinians.

I ask that it can be agreed upon that we can either discuss and state our opinions with regards to something that people can change, or that we can not discuss politics. This is differnt to bashing someones sexual preference or physical disability etc.

Grow up mods. blues.gif

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Quote[/b] ]§7)No public discussion on how the forum is moderated

If you have questions/complaints/comments that you wish to make about the board or moderators or anything like that please PM them to a moderator, we will do our utmost to reply to any that we receive, please remember we have lives outside of the forum so can't promise to reply immediately. If you have an issue that you feel cannot be solved by another moderator then please PM me and as head moderator I will be happy to look into the matter.

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Grow up mods.  blues.gif

Side comments like this are the best way to get another PR.

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It's the ask the moderator thread.

Look, I'm not going to bow down to anyone here, you are simply wrong to PR me in the first place. Your position on the whole issue seems to be from 50 years back when the holocaust occured. Times have changed.

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It's the ask the moderator thread.

That doesn't mean you can take potshots at people.

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Quote[/b] ]It's the ask the moderator thread.

So you can ask the moderators about the rules in case you don't understand something. Not so you can challenge the mods about something they decided.

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It's the ask the moderator thread.

That doesn't mean you can take potshots at people.

Was replying to m21man who seems to be a moderator. He wants to silence something he disagrees with.

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And I've already told you in PM that as far as I'm concerned equating Jewish/Israelis with Nazis is flame baiting, you disagree, that's fine but moderator's decisions are final, if you refuse to abide by a moderator's decision you get post restricted (hence your post restriction and warning level increase).

The question has been asked and answered, you will get no other answer, you either accept it and post without breaking forum rules or find another forum where you can post whatever you like, you're posting for one person, we moderate for 100s of people from all walks of life, all nationalities, all religions, all history, all backgrounds, we moderate to the best of our ability to suit all not one.

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Quote[/b] ]Was replying to m21man who seems to be a moderator.  He wants to silence something he disagrees with.

So you could have asked "Are comparisons between the Jews and the Nazis still taboo?" And don't try to imply that I'm supporting censorship of an idea that I don't like. I'm not exactly the world's biggest supporter of Israel's policies, but I do have the common sense not to post stuff that is still very powerful and an emotional issue with many people. As I recall, the whole Denoir thing had something to do with this very same thing.

Edit - I should stop posting, I'm saying the same things that Ex-Ronin and placebo are saying. rock.gif  blues.gif

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Replying to Placebo,

Okay then, I do disagree then because I was under the impression this was a normal type of comment on the forums. I don't know that only I disagree with not having a right to such comparisons. Anyway, people know where I stand so I'll try to refrain from making the same comparison again. It's hard to make a point sometimes without a direct comparison to a serious outcome.

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Quote[/b] ]Was replying to m21man who seems to be a moderator. He wants to silence something he disagrees with.

So you could have asked "Are comparisons between the Jews and the Nazis still taboo?" And don't try to imply that I'm supporting censorship of an idea that I don't like. I'm not exactly the world's biggest supporter of Israel's policies, but I do have the common sense not to post stuff that is still very powerful and an emotional issue with many people. As I recall, the whole Denoir thing had something to do with this very same thing.

Edit - I should stop posting, I'm saying the same things that Ex-Ronin and placebo are saying. rock.gifblues.gif

No you are not saying the same thing. I made the point because it is a strong comment. I wanted people to realize that.... anyway... I can see I can't get this warning level removed now as it should be.

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Join the club bn880 blues.gif

Its a very wierd forum rule , plz dont mind this placebo this doesnt concern mods only but the admin who have installed it in the first place , specific rules should have been laindown on such subjects IF they arent then we should be allowed to talk about it , IF theres no ONE standard here on which to base your own opininon then why is only one side has to suffer because of making a opinino that isnt popular?

I have seen lots of remarks which i consider 'flamebait' and unnecassary yet they havnt been removed? Why is that ? When you try to accomodate everyone in then why didnt you do it then?

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Guys, we do our best to walk the line between preventing flamebait and allowing you to speak freely.

Also, bear in mind, that besides the forum rules as spelled out in black and white, we have to make judgment calls. If we think something is going to be bad or disruptive for the forums, even if it's not specifically covered by the rules, then we have to act on it.

As always, if anyone feels comments are offensive or flamebait, you are free to PM a moderator.

We aren't pushing any kind of pro-Israeli agenda here, but comments comparing the actions of Israel to Nazi-Germany have proven in the past to upset a lot of our board members, and lead to a lot of complaints. If we received similar complaints about any other kind of comparison or comment, we would act on them also.

Like I said, we do our best to keep the forums running smoothly, and to reduce as much friction between board members as possible. We really aren't the uber censors that some of you might imagine wink_o.gif

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Is it not going a little too far to give in to a demand to censor people comparing any Israeli action to Nazi actions? That seems like very prefferential treatment to me, is someone being bribed here or what is this? Let people complain, it is not suppost to be easy to swallow when you act like that or support it, or wait, maybe on the forums that's OK to help people like that?


So you are saying, that if you get about 3 complaints about some resistance group being called Terrorists, you will force members not to use that term/label? I mean, I may find some of the terrorist labels put on people to be much less appropriate than comparisons between opressive operations. Why is it that the only such incident of choice I see has to do with the Israeli actions. Other PR's and censorship always had to do with what people could never change about themselves, like their IQ, sexuality, race. This time it's clearly infringing on the basic freedoms we have in offtopic isn't it. rock.gif

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*sheesh* I was just trying to clarify our position.

To suggest we are being bribed is a joke - speaking for myself, I certainly have no pro-Israel agenda behind any of my mod making decisions, and to the best of my knowledge, neither does any other moderator here.

To answer your question: if enough people complained about ANYTHING, we could choose to request people not post about it. Could being the operative term - my comments were not meant to indicate that we bow to pressure from complaints, but rather that we listen to those complaints and weight their merits. If enough people find something offensive, we look into it. At the end of the day, it's our judgement call.

I know this will make me sound like an @$$hole, but this forum is not a democracy. The judgements of the moderators are final. I like to think that the mods here are generally pretty reasonable - I know plenty of boards that are lot more "censored" than this board. But we are here to do a job - and that is try to make the forum an enjoyable place for everyone (or at least, as many people as possible). If being told you can't post a certain comparison is too big a thing for some people to deal with, their only option is to post elsewhere.

We have explained the decision to you, and the fact that it is final. We listened to your complaints, but we haven't reversed our position. You just have to accept that we have made a decision that comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is considered flamebaiting, and flamebaiting is clearly outlined in the forum rules.

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I know the forum is not a democracy, and the bribe was indeed a joke but hey... some jokes can hide interesting concepts. tounge_o.gif I'm sure one of these days some of you will see my point as to why it is sometimes better to get/keep some things out in the open, you will say "dog on it, than serial number dude was right" ghostface.gif

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Cool. No hard feelings. I hope you can see my point also that making judgement calls and moderating decisions can be difficult; and that in trying to keep the peace and/or maintain order, we might upset some people, or they might think we are being biased against their point of view. wink_o.gif

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plz dont mind this placebo this doesnt concern mods only but the admin who have installed it in the first place

Who is this admin that you're talking about? The forum rules are/were written by moderators, the original forum rules date back a couple of years to when I started moderating these forums, before that there were no rules, at all.

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