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If people are really interested in a VIP awards they would surely have voted in them, I've given them the quickest, simplest way to do it.

Well, that was the theory, but in practice there were too few votes. As WhoCares said, winning by a marginal of just few votes in a small group of voters is not a representative result. There is a big chance that somebody else would win if there was a larger poll. By having so few votes as there are today the statistical uncertainty is huge and there is a higher probability of a result that the majority does not agree with.

Quote[/b] ]It shouldn't be necessary to help them decide who to vote for by reducing it to a list of a few people, they should know who is deserving of a VIP award, otherwise why are they voting for someone? Because they like the sound of their name?

It's the principle of any normal voting system. When you go to the polls, you select from a list. You don't go to Blair's home and privately give him a list of your friends. It's an established system and so for good reason.

As for people voting random, it will be exactly like that - random. It will just be "noise". It won't affect the final results.

Also a big point with the polls are that it will make the people that got nominated happy, not just the winner.

And we'll get a nice little social event where people discuss the polls and say "I voted for placebo since he helped me hide Jimmy Hoffa's body" and stuff like that.

Quote[/b] ]I'll think about it but there's not much chance I'll change it this time.

There is not one single reason why you should not extend your PM model with a poll follow-up. You only get benefits. And everybody expressing their opinion so far have agreed. Why would it be so bad to do what the members want, when it is supposed to be an award where members give tributes to other fellow members? Why?

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Quote[/b] ]b) interrest groups (e.g. a squad with 10+ members)  can take too much influence


Yeah, but everyone in the squad can vote differently.

What have we come to? We're worrying about "special interests" in an internet poll tounge_o.gif .

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If any category is tied it will go to a poll, that is the only reason we'll be going to polls, people had their chance to complain about how it was going to be run a number of pages back, nobody did.

Obviously nobody anticipated the general apathy with regard to voting in the VIP awards, but such is life. Yes 65 votes could perhaps be considered lame, but if people can't be bothered to vote using such a simple, quick method then as far as I'm concerned that's that.

For those that feel so strongly about the VIP awards how about next year (should there be one) you do something constructive to improve the number of votes instead of saying you should do this, you should do that. Talk's cheap when people can't even be bothered to put it in their sigs to advertise.

I like the PM method of voting, unless someone else wants to take charge of everything next year there's a good chance that the same method will be used. But then I guess if there's this same level of interest next year there'll be no point having VIP awards.

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Quote[/b] ]nobody did


I did  wink_o.gif

Again you´re going pissed because your idea didn´t work the way it was supposed to work. I think that´s not right.

Most forum users want to have it plain and simple.

If a method doesn´t attract many people the method has to be improved, not the people  wink_o.gif

You sometimes take things too personal placebo.

You didn´t want to hear constructive criticism, it´s not that there had been none.

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Quote[/b] ]nobody did


I did  wink_o.gif


No you didn't wink_o.gif

You said "Let me guess why we do the election this way this year", and then you made some "humourous" guesses along the lines of we were incapable of coming up with suggestions of names ourselves.

I sometimes take things too personal? Only when people don't vote me best moderator tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]nobody did


I did  wink_o.gif


No you didn't  wink_o.gif

Comments Placebo as he deletes Balschoiws posts tounge_o.gif


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Deleting people's posts to prove a point is so last year wink_o.gif

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Dont know what this whole thread is about, but why not ask a mod like us if we need help and then help us muhahahahaha biggrin_o.gifmad_o.gif

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Dont know what this whole thread is about, but why not ask a mod like us if we need help and then help us muhahahahaha  biggrin_o.gif  mad_o.gif

If you dont got any thing usefull to post dont post here at all then.


I Think more people will Vote now wink_o.gif

Could you give the results of people that voted so far now?


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waffendennis I haven't added them up yet, as I said the other day I will try to do that whenever I get chance and hopefully it will be before Sunday, don't stop asking though as procrastination is my middle name wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Dont know what this whole thread is about, but why not ask a mod like us if we need help and then help us muhahahahaha

Paging Kaptain Klueless. This thread is for questions for moderators, not mod teams.

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Let's not stir up this thread anymore than it already is please guys, if you feel the urge to pick on someone I have a free slot later in the week wink_o.gif

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Let's not stir up this thread anymore than it already is please guys, if you feel the urge to pick on someone I have a free slot later in the week  wink_o.gif

Now OT:

What would it be if:

to ANTI-SPAM this topic and keep it clear:

All posts are sended to a MOD ( who is online ) and the mod needs to approve the post ( So if it's spam: its a NO NO if it's usefull: it's a YES YES YES ).

I know this system can take a little longer ( cause most off the mods are more offline then online )

But It will stop the spamming In this topic.

( You can even do it with more stuff )

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I may be wrong but I thought the option to approve posts could only be set for an individual forum, not for individual threads? And also the problem with that would be the accusation of only approving posts that we are ok with and deleting anything deemed too critical.

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No you can set the option for 1 topic: But the Topic needs to be sticky.

You can fo it in Topic options and then Select the topic and make it: Approve Posts


What happend?

Evry BIS site was DONW? :S

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Is it just me, or is there something goofy with bn880 sig? All the icons and stuff that are supposed to be under it are out of whack.

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Might just be something with my other computer. Right now I'm on my good comp and it looks fine, but if I use the old one in my room his sig looks goofy... rock.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Might just be something with my other computer. Right now I'm on my good comp and it looks fine, but if I use the old one in my room his sig looks goofy...

I can't see anything there rock.giftounge_o.gif .

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Don't know wether to put it here or in the VIP thread, but: why did the original 2002 VIP's loose their vip-batch, isn't it possible to keep the old vipcatagory alive while the new step in?

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Quote[/b] ]why did the original 2002 VIP's loose their vip-batch

They aren't VIP's anymore (Well, Avon still is). If they want their VIP status back, they'll have to earn it back. The new VIPs don't need any time to "step in", unless there are responsibilities associated with their position.

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Ok i cant resist it to bitch around so:

2002 was 2 years ago last year it was 2003 So why isent the New avatars placed?

And why dont you do it like this:

Old VIPS: 2002

New Vips:2003

That will keep them happy smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]And why dont you do it like this:

Old VIPS: 2002

New Vips:2003

Then you have too many VIPs, and the value of that hard-won position is lost.

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Quote[/b] ]And why dont you do it like this:

Old VIPS: 2002

New Vips:2003

Then you have too many VIPs, and the value of that hard-won position is lost.

No it isn't, they can be separated by the different images. That way the avatars of people tell the boards history smile_o.gif

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