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does the super mod option differ from a normal mod?

Only in forum-admin-right.

The super-mod account is one of BIS (used by Scream).

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If a pic's size is "Not Available" does it have to be linked or can it be posted as an image?

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What causes some images to be like that?  Is it the server they're hosted on, or what?(not planning on trying to disguise a 10 meg image or anything, just curious). And if moderators wanted to see what size it was, couldn't they just save the pic?

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If, for whatever reason, you cannot find a pic's size when posting it, safer to link, unless you know for sure that when you uploaded it, it was under 100k.

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Do PRs mean always at least one warning box more?

We use the warning-boxes in cases we deem necesarry.

Usually in "extreme-cases".

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We use the warning-boxes in cases we deem necesarry.

Usually in "extreme-cases".

Of course I was an extreme case...  rock.gif

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He didn't say ONLY in extreme cases, but:

Usually in "extreme-cases"

tounge_o.gif Good old wording.

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Harnu answered that.

And if you want your case re-opened, PM the moderator that dealt with you or placebo.

If the moderator is no longer a moderator, then PM placebo.

Simple as that. smile_o.gif

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Thats a nice smilie you got there meiso. Tis a shame there were no words to explain why you put it there. tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]§4)No Spam - We deem spam as making a thread or posting a reply that has no real worth, is irrelevant, useless and offers nothing to a discussion.

Pointless posts, nonsense posts, completely off-topic posts and posts made just to increase your post count will be considered as spam and lead to a severe post count reduction.

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It must have been the webmaster of this site cause I e-mailed him about not being able to post and so I assume he was testing things out.

Seems to be working now though cause I got an e-mail today saying my account had been authorized even though I activated it almost a week ago!

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Hey guy's....

I know you hate me all because a stupid thing happend between BAS and me....Well many mod teams forgived me because i changed in that year....But now some wise guy think's he can do it again and ruin evry thing again....

So now my question is:

may he post this?:



Group: Members

Posts: 37

Joined: Aug. 2003 Posted: Nov. 15 2003,01:18


(poor waffen dennis... the root of bad rumors)

anyways, i might be able to help you with textures if you can help me out with modelling some stuff for my vietnam island

im a graphic designer and if you have a ready made texture, thats fitted, then i can change it into a good looking texture, i dont know O2 tho, so i need the textures applied so i can retexture them, i cant make textures for a blank model yet.


The Unsung

It's all about the: (poor waffen dennis... the root of bad rumors)

part....He offends me badly with it and! he put's me on against BAS again because: This means BAS is till telling I did stupid things..

So is this legal....

And for the last time:

I am srry for what i did and damn i changed in the year's !!!!!


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1. You should have PM'd this to a mod, not made it public seeing as it "offends" you so much.

2. Have you not started a lot of rumour, misconception, flaming & flame baiting about BAS? That would make it fair comment, not really "illegal" IMO.

3. Nice to say you changed in the years but your infractions were very recent (weeks not years), as you have been told a number of times you must show good behaviour over a length of time (months not weeks) to make us see that you have seen the error of your ways and that you've matured and grown.

4. You're fully entitled to politely ask him to remove the comment, if he wishes not to then I do not currently see a need to enforce the removal by means of moderator powers.

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I noticed that, well done smile_o.gif

Edit: I've deleted the last few posts because they're irrelevant to this thread.

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Is a VIP 2003 election actually planned ? smile_o.gif

By searching , i found that the results of VIP 2002 were stated on january 2003, but i did not found the election thread and have no idea of at what date it occured.

So if a VIP 2003 election will take place , is there any approximative date already known ?

It should be one of the last greatest event in the world before OFP 2 (as the very last greatest event will be VIP 2004 , as OFP2 is planned for 2005 biggrin_o.gif )

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What kind of stuff do you mods talk about in your moderator only forum?

Do you talk about proper stuff or do you just bitch about forum members?

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I think they'd talk about the forum members; who's causing trouble, who's been a good little boy (or girl), etc.

[Gareth Gates must die]

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Does Ralph reduce Avon's postcount, then add the ones he removed to his own postcount?


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Watch it you douchebag tounge_o.gif , you might get a post count reduction now for that remark.

Dont you guys have a MOD's day or something here like when you give up moderationship and join us humble folks on the ground and let some other poor guy take up the responsibility for a day biggrin_o.gif

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