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I.E.  Is my sig 139 pixels tall, or 114 pixels tall?

According to MS Paint your sig is 114 pixels high (although the validity of measuring with MS Paint has been questioned and I'm looking into it, I used to use PSP).

I have always measured from the top of your first signature element to the bottom of your last.

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what is the forums poilicy on leeching images?

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linking an image that is viewable (not a link) without the permission of the one who hosts the image.

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Bah, the net is free. If someone posts an image, then that image should be able to be freely used if it is not used for profitable activities. Thats the risk one takes when posting an image on the free web.

edit: but of course a host or webmaster has the right to prevent any leaching activities.

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Bah, the net is free. If someone posts an image, then that image should be able to be freely used if it is not used for profitable activities. Thats the risk one takes when posting an image on the free web.

edit: but of course a host or webmaster has the right to prevent any leaching activities.

Well, my line goes at setting up permanent web pages, forum posts are ok but setting up a complete website with leeched images is a definitive no-no.

Just my personal opinion. wink_o.gif

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Bah, the net is free. If someone posts an image, then that image should be able to be freely used if it is not used for profitable activities. Thats the risk one takes when posting an image on the free web.

edit: but of course a host or webmaster has the right to prevent any leaching activities.

Well, my line goes at setting up permanent web pages, forum posts are ok but setting up a complete website with leeched images is a definitive no-no.

Just my personal opinion. wink_o.gif

Agreed, to set up a website and leech images is definantly wrong. I was only thinking about forum posts.


But all this talk about pictures brings me to my personal dillemma: quoting images.

Now imagine this image is from another post.



Now is this tolerable?

Quote[/b] ]pic84.jpg

There is a likeness there, isn't there?

Or is this expected

Quote[/b] ][imghttp://www.bushorchimp.com/images/pic84.jpg/IMG]

There is a likeness there, isn't there?

Or is quoting and/or commenting on an image not acceptable at all?

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Bah, the net is free.

not for those hosting it aint im not really asking for a debate just a clear cut line from the moderators.

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Or is this expected
Quote[/b] ][imghttp://www.bushorchimp.com/images/pic84.jpg/IMG]

There is a likeness there, isn't there?

This is the way we like it here smile_o.gif

No need to wear out peoples mousewheels by posting the whole image over and over in a thread wink_o.gif

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Well, my personal opinoin (not necessarily the opinion of this board) regarding leeched images is that if a site doesn't want to allow posting of pics from their domain, they will put something there to stop it from working, like the wonderful "Image hosted by Geocities" logo.

Naturally, though, if a webmaster contacts us and asks that we not hotlink to his pictures, we would respect their wishes.

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My opinion is exactly the same as the Fubarnator's, most sites that don't want images hotlinking will use simple and easily available scripts to stop it, if they choose not to then I see no reason why they shouldn't be hotlinked from unless they decide to specifically request that people don't hotlink from them (as has happened here once in the past).

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Rather than breaking the img tags I suggest replacing them with [url ] ones. wink_o.gif

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What about when people use the anonymizer thing that you put in front of an address? The only reason you would need to use that is if your host doesn't want, and tries to keep you, from hotlinking.

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Again I see no issue, 99% of the time it's someone using it because their webhost doesn't support hotlinking, what one person does with their webhost is between them and their webhost, if they breach the rules the webhost will take action, same as if someone breaches our rules we take action smile_o.gif

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Last year I think they began on the 9th of January.

That could have been the day the awards were given out, though...

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Once I am back from holiday, we will have them smile_o.gif

So when are you returning from your vacation?

And who makes change on the VIP of the year status?


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So when are you returning from your vacation?

And who makes change on the VIP of the year status?

He is back and on top of it smile_o.gif

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bah who needs prices when he gets the chance to make friends all over the world here. OFP forum is part of my freetime since a few years and I really missed it during my last mission.

Rock on dudes !

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Hey I like to ask for a request:

A Report option to make it easyer to Report people who are being Abusive to other forum members or who are braking ther rules.

The system is easy:

It sends the report to a online MOD or if there are no mod's online the message will be sended to the HEAD mod.

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Yeah that's one of the features we've looked at a number of times but not utilised for one reason or another, I definitely plan for us to start using it at some point in the future though smile_o.gif

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Thats nice to hear because now: you need to shearch if a mod is online and then PM him and that takes longer then simply push a button named: Report this Post ( or topic ) to a moderator.

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Thats nice to hear because now: you need to shearch if a mod is online

Are all of the mod's profiles set to show their online status?

I seem to recall times where the mod's name didn't appear in the list of online members.

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