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But general concerns, complaints, suggestions for OFP2's small arms and crew-served weapons.

What I hope for in OFP2 are:

1) Separate keys for those weapons that are attached to each other, e.g. the ubiquitous M16/m203 or AK74/BG15.

2) Selective fire (semi, burst/full, etc.) using another key.

3) Fragmentation grenades that have a timed delay, and "bounce" when thrown. (Throw in a desire for different throw "styles", depending how long you hold the "fire" button/key)

Am I missing anything?

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alot of poeple might not like this but it would make it more realilistic and i would like it is that the weapons if fired to quickly, the enviroment, or conditions could jam the guns.

It would also be very nice if the bullets riqoche off certian objects. like if a bullet hits a tank at the right angle it bounces off.

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Tracer mags for assault rifles.

Let players decide for themselves if they want to have tracers flying out of their assault rifle. Field commanders can use them if they want, and everyone else can leave them in the bottom of the ammo crate.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (GuyKorn @ April 25 2003,05:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">alot of poeple might not like this but it would make it more realilistic and i would like it is that the weapons if fired to quickly, the enviroment, or conditions could jam the guns.

It would also be very nice if the bullets riqoche off certian objects. like if a bullet hits a tank at the right angle it bounces off.<span id='postcolor'>

Ho should then decide when they should jam. And if you decide to make some situations where the gun would jam players would quickly learn them and then avoide them.

and if you set the gu nto jam after a surten amount of fire it would be unrealistisc. You would also have to clean your gun and sins this is Vietnam very frew had cleaning kits fore there M16 in the start so what should you do when your gun jamed just run like hell or wait fore the Vietcong to kill you. i know it would be more realistic but it would be hard to decide when the gun should jam.


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I hope bis will not include weird weapons like Uzi, ingram or hunting rifle nor ubber scoped assault/snipe weapons like the G36 mad.gif , i would like to see realistic developded rifles regarding rate of fire, sound, looks... smile.gif .

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how about if you lie in some mud, don't clean your rifle back at base camp and fire 300 rds full auto, you gotta have a jam, it could be very awkward in a firefight, that's what makes it fun.

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I believe it was the game Team Factor that had among its attributes for each of the difficulty ("realism") settings was use of the iron sight (in "real" mode) or some cursor/aiming graphic (in novice mode). Perhaps OFP2 would have something similar with regard to jamming:


Aiming Cue

No-Fail Weapons

Unlimited Frags

No magazine limit

...whatever. The last two seem too much "Counter Stike-ish" and therefore not very "palatable."

Real Mode

Iron sights/optics

Weapons failure


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jinef @ April 25 2003,11:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">how about if you lie in some mud, don't clean your rifle back at base camp and fire 300 rds full auto, you gotta have a jam, it could be very awkward in a firefight, that's what makes it fun.<span id='postcolor'>

How many idiots would do that? And just because you lay in some mud(I dont think you dig your rifle down in it) and don't clean your rifle dosen't mean that it wount fire after 15(20r.) mags but your rifle would problery be cooked off. biggrin.gif


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It would be good to have weapons overheating and cooking off if sustaining a high rate of fire for too long. If the guns could be jammed, it would be great to be able to unjamm it too.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">How many idiots would do that? And just because you lay in some mud(I dont think you dig your rifle down in it) and don't clean your rifle dosen't mean that it wount fire after 15(20r.) mags but your rifle would problery be cooked off.

STGN <span id='postcolor'>would´nt the best way be making it random, as seen in Americas army: operations

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Yeah, something like an additional general purpose key for weapons would be great. Depending on the situation, it would be used for something different. For example, if your weapon malfunctions, you could hit the key, and the player would start fixing it. While there is no malfunction, the key could be used for something else or just be of no-use. On a machinegun, the very same key, could fix malfunctions if there is a jam, and while there is none, if could be used to exchange barrels, if they overheat. There is lot's of potential in this. smile.gif

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minimum quality level of AAO for this (americas army operations)...

OFP2 must be better than AAO smile.gif

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Ability to fire shoulder-launched weapons such as the AT4, and Stinger from the standing and prone positions.

Now before the flaming begins, let me clarify that there should be consequences for firing weapons such as the Stinger prone, and for firing any shoulder-launched weapon incorrectly: backblast means at the best burned legs or worse, death.

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Firing a stinger prone? Maybe of an edge of a cliff, so yeah, I agree.

Weapon jams are really a must, and are fairly easy to implement AFAIK. They could also depend on the condition of the weapon, so if weapon dammage was implemented, bingo. smile.gif

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Don't forget the danger of backblast inside buildings.

And if we do have weapon jams in OFP2, I'd like to have the option to turn the feature on and off. Sometimes it can be really irritation, but sometimes you really want realism.

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Knife would be a nice addon for weapon too!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DAWG @ 13 May 2003,22:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Knife would be a nice addon for weapon too!<span id='postcolor'>

No we wouldn't be able to use those! Stick with rifles wink.gif

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I think that jamming weapons should be an option in the dificulty settings, and diffrent weapons should not have equal chanse of jamming, what I have heard, you can dig an AK47 in mud and probbibly still fire it when you take it up, but for example with an M16 that's impossible, it will jam direktly that should be in too...

And lieing down and fiering AT's and similar is something that is done IRL, so that should be in, that kind of weapon should also burn people who are sitting behind it... smile.gif

And if you fire one of those things with your back against a stone or similar, you will get pretty burnt your self, that is also one thing that should be implented...

I also think that bullets should riqoche against hard objekts... and hurt if they hit anything, but ofcoarse not as hard as if they were fired directly... tounge.gif

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Bayonets. When the enemy is about to over run you and you have just fired off your last round in the mag, just get him with the pig sticker.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dubble0zero @ 13 May 2003,23:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think that jamming weapons should be an option in the dificulty settings, and diffrent weapons should not have equal chanse of jamming, what I have heard, you can dig an AK47 in mud and probbibly still fire it when you take it up, but for example with an M16 that's impossible, it will jam direktly that should be in too...<span id='postcolor'>

That would depend on many things...ie where you put the mud, if you put mud into the magazine, into the working parts, then both rifles would probably jam...jamming also depends heavily on how clean a weapon is, what ammo is being used, and whether or not the magazine either had a defect or has a weak spring(and therefore cant push the next round up), and unless you tracked every magazine, and when a player cleaned a weapon then setting one weapon as less likely to jam than another is wrong, what they should do is just have one figure for rifles, one for pistols, one for submachineguns and one for machineguns...

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I dunno like, some rifles really are more reliable than others.

The AK47 is incredibly reliable because its made with such low tolerances theres still enough room for the bolt to move in the body of the rifle if theres some mud in it -but this means that its not very accurate.

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Of cousre it all depnds on where the mud is, and alot of other diffrent things, but that's not the point, the point is that in general the AK47 is well known for being able to fire during alot of difrent circumstances that other weapons don't... and a thing like that should be implented in the game... wink.gif

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I would like to be able to assign I key to each weapon (1 for rifle, 2 for pistol, 3 for AT launcher etc.) so I can quickly select them without having to scroll through the action menu.

I would also like a drop key to quickly drop whatever item is in your hands.

Also, a better sight for grenade lanchers (to gauge distances better). Like the one on BAS grenade launchers.

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I have to agree with the jams on weapons. I think it will make things alot more interesting.

How about making us clean our rifles after every mission lol biggrin.giftounge.gif

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