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seriously though its too long and cumbersome for MOUT and CQB as well as carrying in a helicopter or APC

get a FAMAS ;)

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Or an L85? (SA80). Ive got to admit the FAMAS is a sexy weapon though and it has the bipod as well which seems a good idea

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from my personnal experience , the FAMAS is a fantastic weapon for mech-infantry

the FAMAS has been designed as an assault rifle but also as a SAW/LSW (hence the bipod and the high rate of fire)

it can use rifle grenades without any modification

latest versions of the G2 can be fitted with different optical sights and even a M203 grenade launcher

GIAT as made some experiments for a DMS version which didn't interest the french army

the latest FELIN modifications adapted on the FAMAS offer a wide range of electronic devices (the team leader can check his men's ammo load via his command interface from the squad data-link for exemple and modern aiming system linke angular , IR sights , laser range finder , red-dot instictive aiming device for close ranges and also a combat identification device

)Giat Industries FAMAS-FELIN description .PDF file

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