NeZz_DK 1 Posted April 23, 2003 I took out the shot of the man with the M60 from the flash file Hope you like what you see looks like vietnam! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Milkman 1 Posted April 23, 2003 I wonder why hes firing it standing up, he propably won't hit anything standing up like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TaNK_Em 0 Posted April 23, 2003 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sgt. Milkman @ April 23 2003,18:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wonder why hes firing it standing up, he propably won't hit anything standing up like that.<span id='postcolor'> It looks like the bipod is on the ground? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jinef 2 Posted April 23, 2003 He's crouching behind a low wall, and he has a bottle of mossie rep in his helmet, not a radio. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joe_1911 0 Posted April 23, 2003 Not to sound dumb, but is that an ingame screenshot or a real life photo? I can't tell its to blurry..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeZz_DK 1 Posted April 23, 2003 Think its ingame because af the low poly m60 and the mussle flash!! I got it from the flash file.. couldn't do it any sharper because of the blur and the old picture effect BIS put on to it.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hovmand 0 Posted April 23, 2003 Yep look at the wall, the edges dont look natural. Looks like they have done alot with the playermodels Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted April 24, 2003 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sgt. Milkman @ April 23 2003,23:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wonder why hes firing it standing up, he propably won't hit anything standing up like that.<span id='postcolor'> Welcome to the wonderful world of Operation Flashpoint! Here you can hit targets from a standing position with standard iron sights at distances up to 600m; Here you can knock out a tank with infantry AT weapons at distances way over 400m; Here you can throw a grenade and have it magically detonate on impact; Here.... Mhh, you got the idea. Increased realism in weapon handling is a must for OFP2 on my personal checklist. Weapons should behave in a realistic way and offer some new functionality like (working) bipods, maybe even tripods, malfunctions due to outer influence (water, mud), overheating barrels (maybe option to barrel change then, as well), options to not max out magazines in order to have the weapon jam less, and also the option that if you reload a non empty weapon, you will get the new mag's ammo count and in addition the one bullet still chambered. There is so much that hopefully will be included in terms of weaponry. I really really hope they try to make it as believable as possible this time. No more reloading LAWs, and no more weapons that in the way BIS simulated them, simply do not exist (carl gustav is not guideable and even worse, only used by specops from 1990 onwards, not regulars.) Well, with all those military connections through VBS1, I guess they might indeed manage to things simulated in a more realistic way this time. I have a lot of faith in BIS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Little Blue Assassin 0 Posted April 24, 2003 I have three words for you. Dream on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ex-RoNiN 0 Posted April 24, 2003 Moving to the shiny, new OFP 2 forum A reminder for the future - can you please keep all OFP 2 related threads in the OFP 2 forum please That is what it is there for, after all Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coporal_punishment 0 Posted April 24, 2003 So where do you think flashpoint 2 will be set judging by that picture it looks like Vietnam. I hope it won't be and hope BIS come up with an original storyline they have in the past and it has been quite good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MP Studio 0 Posted April 24, 2003 The picture is ingame. Look at the muzzle flash </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Here you can hit targets from a standing position with standard iron sights at distances up to 600m; Here you can knock out a tank with infantry AT weapons at distances way over 400m<span id='postcolor'> In reality, you could hit a target on 500 m with a AK74. With AKM or AK47 on 300m. But with a M16 on 650 m. You only have to have good eyes and the target must wear a yellowblue striped uniform 400 m ok, but you should can shoot a not moving target with AT4 on 300 m... Well, i will buy OFP2 and if the world is in nuclear war Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpecOp9 1 Posted April 24, 2003 Now that I look at it more carefully, It does look ingame! Take a look at the wall he is hiding against, and also the ground.. It looks like polygons if I ever saw it... Hmmm... It could also be a CG animation also, so dont get too exited with graphics, tho it would be awsome if they used something compared to the new Doom graphics! It could also be a cut-out... a pic of a soldier pasted on the ingame map... I suppose E3 will provide us with Pictures! I need to make a screenshot vault r something, thanks forpointing his out guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZIKAN 0 Posted April 24, 2003 I dont believe that picture is an in game shot, if it was, I would be very happy. But I think its just an edited picture, the guy is from an actual photograph, perhaps reversed, but the background is from OFP/2, and so is the muzzle flash. I really would like BIS to prove me wrong though, and that its an actual screen shot from OFP2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Antichrist 0 Posted April 24, 2003 Graphics in the screenshot look not that impressive. Actually they don't look any better than in OFP! Hope its not an actual screenshot from OFP2 or I will be really dissapointed! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted April 24, 2003 I agree that it looks like this game will be based on the Vietnam War. Personally I think that's great. However it will need to be substantially better then the SEB NAM pack 2 in order to sell well. Also you have to remember that they're trying to make it where the old addons are all compatible, so if they can provide things like the ability to join MP matches "in-game", and if they provide tons of period vehicles and weapons, along with other new novel ideas not seen before and new technical advances over OFP2, then I think that indeed the game will sell well. As for realism, I like realism, but remember it's a game. If it was ultra realistic, alot of people would not play the game much because it would be too frustrating. If they do include things like random weapon jams, they should have settings for turning the levels of realism on or off. I also hope they'll have an aircraft carrier with most of the U.S. Navy aircraft used from that time period. To be honest, I think the SEB NAM pack is the funnest MOD I've played with compared to all of the mods out. So if BIS can make an even better MOD with lots of new stuff, then I'd definitely buy it. Plus always remember if it can use the old addons, then you can still play in whatever historical period you want. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShadowY 0 Posted April 24, 2003 Just look at the hand pulling the trigger It looks like a real hand to me *says NO to NAM* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted April 24, 2003 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Little Blue Assassin @ April 24 2003,12:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have three words for you. Â Dream on.<span id='postcolor'> lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coporal_punishment 0 Posted April 24, 2003 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ShadowY @ April 24 2003,14:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Just look at the hand pulling the trigger It looks like a real hand to me  *says NO to NAM*  <span id='postcolor'> Yeah the pic does look relistic just by the creasts seen on the troopers sleeve and the hand. it has been edited into OFP because of muzzel flash and I hope it isn't a vietnam I would rather prefer a fictional modern European campagin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX 0 Posted April 24, 2003 You cannot hit a man size target over about 300m from standing with any military rifle. You'd sway too much. From prone, sure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpeedyDonkey 0 Posted April 24, 2003 I made a brighter version of NeZz_DK´s screenshot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-CCCP-Stalker 0 Posted April 24, 2003 NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM We alrady have SEBNAM pack and that's enough. And there won't be any Soviets if it will be NAM game. I think the game SHOULD be based aroud fiction events that took place nowadays or at least it the same 80s-90s Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-SZ-Vladimir 0 Posted April 24, 2003 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([CCCP]Stalker @ April 24 2003,18:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM NO TO NAM We alrady have SEBNAM pack and that's enough. And there won't be any Soviets if it will be NAM game. I think the game SHOULD be based aroud fiction events that took place nowadays or at least it the same 80s-90s<span id='postcolor'> I agree you Stalker... Vladimir Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tamme 0 Posted April 24, 2003 Looking at the brighter picture, the wall and all the other surroundings look like ingame but the soldier looks too good to be ingame. Or could it be... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-SZ-Vladimir 0 Posted April 24, 2003 I see that too first "in-game" screen Vladimir Share this post Link to post Share on other sites