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Half-life 2 is out (and CS:Source)

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AI buddies are pretty useless, actually it´s better to tell them to run towards enemy fire and let them be killed so you don´t have to worry about them anymore.

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@ Nov. 23 2004,22:04)]AI buddies are pretty useless, actually it´s better to tell them to run towards enemy fire and let them be killed so you don´t have to worry about them anymore.

I thought that was the point.

Just like the OFP AI, just less accurate.

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Well that was...abrupt. Just finished it and I feel kind of unsatisfied. A lot to like, a lot to really admire but in the end some sections dragged on too long while ironically the game was too short. Is that wanting to have my cake and eat it?

Having played the big 3 of next gen FPS, Far Cry, Doom 3 and H2 I'd have to put Far Cry as my favourite. It might not have been perfect, far from it in places, but as the least linear of the games it is the one that has given me most reason to come back. Even Tribes Vengeance has to get a special mention for its role-switching time-jumping narrative.

Mind you, I'm sure HL2 will spawn plenty of mods and addons in the months and years to come but after all the time Valve spent couldn't they have given us a bit more?

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Well that was...abrupt. Just finished it and I feel kind of unsatisfied. A lot to like, a lot to really admire but in the end some sections dragged on too long while ironically the game was too short. Is that wanting to have my cake and eat it?

Having played the big 3 of next gen FPS, Far Cry, Doom 3 and H2 I'd have to put Far Cry as my favourite. It might not have been perfect, far from it in places, but as the least linear of the games it is the one that has given me most reason to come back. Even Tribes Vengeance has to get a special mention for its role-switching time-jumping narrative.

Mind you, I'm sure HL2 will spawn plenty of mods and addons in the months and years to come but after all the time Valve spent couldn't they have given us a bit more?

[rant] Exactly, Far Cry is far more innovative yet HL2 has to be the best reviewed game ever by now. rock.gif I just don't see what the fuss is about, HL2 combines all kinds of stuff that everyone has seen before, I mean city fighting, Call of Duty did it better, wild vehicle chases, Far Cry did it better and a lot more free, physics, well I commend them on integrating it into the gameplay but I've already played with physics in Max Payne 2, Far Cry, etc. Just my opinion, I'm sure the experience might be different for someone else.

The design of the game is very nice, but looks won't get you far, or at least...they shouldn't. Nice one-time scripted events and eye candy aren't the hallmarks of a classic. It's a good game, but I always feel tempted to play the devil's advocate when someone calls it the best game ev4r (like the whole world is doing), which it most certainly isn't, IMO. The game is probably the best rounded and designed HL1-style FPS ever, but that kind of linear, done-before gameplay can only get you so far. [/rant]

Will HL2 prove to be ground-breaking in any aspect? I don't see how.

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I REALLY want this but I don't wanna buy it because I don't want to support 'em greedy bastards at Valve. WTF am I spozed to do? sad_o.gif

Borrow it from a friend who has finished it? tounge_o.gif

Well, I am purchasing this game as soon as my new DVD burner arrives in my mailbox. Which hopefully, will be soon! sad_o.gif

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meh...finished it today...definitively one of the best games ive ever played...ill go replay it on a harder setting after mid-terms tounge_o.gif

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I'd rather play as one of the resistance soldiers, being one of those under dog grunts that takes a bullet and bounces down the street.

Hey, Shepard could even be a leader of the Resistance or something.

Meh, I love this game. It's been quite a long time since I've had this much fun.

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How about grey shift where you get to beat innocent bystanders with electric batons and tell them to pick up soda cans? tounge_o.gif

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And white shift where you get to be a scientist...

And reddish-whitish-greenish shift where you can be a headcrab zombie.

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I guess its because the development team got to play it first rock.gif?

Aaah....yes...just like those greedy bastards at BAS. If I ever see one of them in a dark alley....

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HL2 is not a FPS, it's the first MWY (Movie With You), it's strange after finish it my thinkings are like after a movie. More I have the same bad impression: wait for the III... I want next not for playing, for the story and be one more time mr Freeman. Strange and amazing...

To be or not to be, it's now a producer question biggrin_o.gif

Why HL2 and not DoomIII? Faces expressions I think, mother language. So now creators have to learn bots theatre. In HL2 a robot is a robot and a human is human.

Coherence of the world is other factor, rooms are poor but elements are correct (water, air and ground)

CS : no change. MP with shoot them up no evolution, FPS MP STU evolution is finish.

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Sorry couldn't help myself.

FPS and STU rock.gif

No good at those "shortcuts" words crazy_o.gif

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First Person Shooter

Shoot Them Up

Multi Player


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Got HLË› today...

Well installing was easy and after starting I was really surprised HLË› is running very smooth on full details (without AA and AF).

I've played it now for around 3 hours and its really amazing. Nice effects, sounds and a good story. Nice to see some real friends like SPAS-12 or USP Match smile_o.gif or just something looking like it ;).

Only 2 negative things: It takes me hours to load the next level.

I can have a beer while waiting, the other thing HLË› MP is not included in the normal game package but CS:S is. sad_o.gif

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I don't really like this standard FPS very much, where you can run and gun without problems and can carry around 10 weapons with you. rock.gif But i enjoyed HL2, even if i was bothered by those things. It was a very fun game to play. The gravity gun really made this game so good. I would't have enjoyed it so much if it wasn't for the gravity gun.

The last few stages of the game stand out. The design of those maps is superb.

I was a little disappointed with the ending. I was left searching for more. It was kinda sad ending really, but i won't really get into that to avoid spoilers.

As for FarCry: The game was pretty good at the beginning, but when those damn monkeys started to show up i got bored of it.

I finished it, but i have to say that i was kinda glad it was over. biggrin_o.gif

The game really didn't bring anything new other than amazing graphic. It was just a standard FPS. Half-life 2 is not. Mainly because of that gravity gun and because it's half-life. wink_o.gif

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i should have gotten the silver edition, it comes with all half-life engine related games for free, plus a revamped half-life running on half-life2 engine...crap..only 10 euros difference in price.

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The gravity gun really made this game so good.

what i found great was the physics brought out new gameplay, eg. when you had to open the gate using batteries some never bothered and just made a ramp using the grav gun.

excellent game i say and i can't wait for the mods, i'm even enjoying CS:S atm crazy_o.gif

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excellent game i say and i can't wait for the mods, i'm even enjoying CS:S atm  crazy_o.gif

I enjoy CS too, and I never thought that I would crazy_o.gif

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The gravity gun really made this game so good.

what i found great was the physics brought out new gameplay, eg. when you had to open the gate using batteries some never bothered and just made a ramp using the grav gun.

Even better, use it to barricade yourself into a house. I went into a house once and the Combine wanted in. I blocked one door with a couch and a cabinet with a table supporting it while blocking off the back door with a large metal shel and a few furnaces I ripped off the wall(and a broken door to see if I could wedge it shut)

The combien guys tried all doors, firing in the windows as one or two tried to enter one way or another. Eventually they got through the couch door, pushing it out of the way. I killed the first guy to enter as the other ducked out the door, whome tossed a grenade inside. I went upstairs into the attic and waited. I heard the thumping of bootsteps and crackling of their voices, and then I dropped all five of my grenades into the first floor.

After a series of thumps, whumps, bangs, and what sounded like a curse, I looked downstairs. I saw one poor combine guy pinned against the wall by the couch, another crushed under the metal shelf, the others scattered around the room. Two more were outside, who I finished off with my shotgun.

Then, the second time(I died shortly after), I just waited at the front door and launched a furnace at the first guy to enter. They killed me though, but I took a few down.

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