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Please please please bohemia you need to sort out being able to ban xbox players.


It is sullying the experience for many people. Allowing the, although few, players who keep on trolling by Shooting out tires on supply trucks/destroying vehicles at spawn hindering match progress, and now, with free building, using up supply's at the start of the match too stop progress. Also using grenades to TK at spawn and then themselves respawning to avoid negative ranking to avoid a temp ban. Spamming proximity and radio with nonsense and racist comments, spaming text chat with racist comments.


Please do something or at least update us on some progress to fix this issue. You will lose players otherwise and with the limited amount of people playing I don't think you can afford to lose many.


Today I hopped on, as soon as I joined I noticed a players name and knew the match and matches thereafter would be filled with trolling and greifing. I knew that once that player would be temp banned eventually he would just return with on of his many alt accounts, of which I have captured video evidence of from a previous match. The guy then when on an alt and did the same stuff to the opposing side. The same game there were at least three people actively tolling and greifing make gameplay pretty much impossible. 


Fix it it.

  • Thanks 1

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You can ban all players regardless of the platform however perma bans are as of yet not existing. All bans are unmade by a server restart.

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NO you CAN NOT ban all players ive recently ran into a game of two players doing the grenade glitch where they throw the grenade and respawn to not be auto banned for TKing their teammates and there fore allows them to continue to shoot out tires blow up trucks and cars and delete the stations of the bases THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM THAT NEEDS TO RESOLVE QUICKLY OR I AND MANY OTHERS WILL NOT BE SUPPORTING THE ARMA FRANCHISE.

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According to the Server config page taken from here  https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Server_Config


    "bindAddress": "",
    "bindPort": 2001,
    "publicAddress": "",
    "publicPort": 2001,
    "a2s": {
        "address": "",
        "port": 17777
    "game": {
        "name": "Server Name - Mission Name",
        "password": "",
        "passwordAdmin": "changeme",
        "scenarioId": "{ECC61978EDCC2B5A}Missions/23_Campaign.conf",
        "maxPlayers": 32,
        "visible": true,
        "crossPlatform": true,
        "supportedPlatforms": [
        "gameProperties": {
            "serverMaxViewDistance": 2500,
            "serverMinGrassDistance": 50,
            "networkViewDistance": 1000,
            "disableThirdPerson": true,
            "fastValidation": true,
            "battlEye": true,
            "VONDisableUI": true,
            "VONDisableDirectSpeechUI": true,
            "missionHeader": {
                "m_iPlayerCount": 40,
                "m_eEditableGameFlags": 6,
                "m_eDefaultGameFlags": 6,
                "other": "values"
        "mods": [
                "modId": "59727DAE364DEADB",
                "name": "WeaponSwitching",
                "version": "1.0.1"
                "modId": "59727DAE32981C7D",
                "name": "Explosive Goats beta",
                "version": "0.5.42"
    "operating": {
        "lobbyPlayerSynchronise": true


You should be able to restrict what platforms can connect on the server with

"supportedPlatforms": [

Haven't tried it though.

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On 7/13/2023 at 5:48 PM, Beerkan said:

You should be able to restrict what platforms can connect on the server with

"supportedPlatforms": [

Haven't tried it though.

I think that should work, but Ive only had PC players come onto my server but need to find a console to attempt to connect to it to verify.   Is there any reason that would not work?

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