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Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

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You can user shots previously posted, yes?

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Man i am confused on which one to submit crazy_o.gif

What was the last date ... again?

Some pics by me:







OUCH! tounge_o.gif

Heres a little signature thing i did , feel free to use it wink_o.gif


*From winters new mission.

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You can user shots previously posted, yes?

Yes, pic the pic(s) you want to submit and read the directions in the linked thread.

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[ full rez ]

Note: Picture has been EDITED for your viewing pleasure and does not 100% look like OFP in-game. So please no questions about what GFX card I am using to get such splendid graphics!   wink_o.gif

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Good boy, Denoir, good boy... - but I've heard they've captured Father Christmas in Iraq a few days ago. wink_o.gif Or was it Dan Kelly? rock.gif



*) Keep It On Topic Edit

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pics are from Winter´s Mission: Bridge Fight


This is the east end of the Bridge, made the shot just after my squad cleared the area


the west end ... i placed 9+ mines and just wanted to get some more mines from a crate when i saw the first wave of the rebels´ counter attack rolling in   crazy_o.gif

luckily i managed to take 1 truck out with M136AT4 .. i didn´t look back then, i just headed to the uaz that was parked behind the defense positions and raced back to the east end where my fellas were already involved in a heavy firefight...

last image unavailable because the camera (me) got shot sad_o.gifmoon.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Looks like one i made a few months ago (think i posted it) http://supah.chaotic.nl/images/ofp_screens/ofptime.jpg

Oh I hadn't seen yours before. I hope you don't think I copied you or anything sad_o.gif

I was just thinking of something to do with the picture, and I have a few issues of TIME lying around, so I decided to make a TIME cover smile_o.gif

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Heres a couple of piccies of 3 Argentine A4's trying to attack a number of British Frigates.

In this first pic you can see one of the A4's and a fired Sea Cat Missile, which is heading for one of the other A4's


The First A4 made it through and dropped a few bombs which landed close to one of the frigates, the other 2 A4's however..


The A4 on the left has been blown in two, and the other one has been completly blown to bits.


But there are always casualties in war, the fuselage of the A4 carried on with alot of momentum and it actually arced straight into one of the frigates...


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I've finally decided to start posting pics here, my pics will 0wn most of the pics here. wink_o.gif

Nah, just kidding, but I do have a problem first.

PM me if you can help.

I'm having difficulty uploading any files over HTTP or FTP, for example I can't attach attachments at all in services like hotmail, I can't send files over MSN messenger, but I can by POP3 server in Outlook express. This started about two weeks ago, can't imagine what triggered it.

And of course I can't upload pics to hosting services (I've tried three!) I've tried it with two browsers, same thing, there's just no activity 2 seconds after I click the attach/upload button, then after about a minute of no activity it says 404. I've turned off all of my firewalls and such and fiddled with my DSL router (no firewall there). My downloads and regular web browsing work fine.

So if you think you can help, please PM me.

Back to posting, now, and sorry for the OT. sad_o.gif I do have loads of thought-out, nice pics just waiting to be set loose. smile_o.gif

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Mwuahaha...Look at those fruity shades  biggrin_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

Nice pair of M-Frames there.

Oh, and just to clarify:

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>They will </span><span style='font-size:27pt;line-height:100%'>NOT</span><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'> be available in a BAS addon.</span>

They are simply something I knocked up so as I can take kewl screenshots, mmmkay  wink_o.gif

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